Birds Gansuy Travel G.N.Potanina 1884-1887

Berezovsky, Mikhail MikhailovichBirds Gansuy Travel G.N.Potanina 1884-1887: Materials on the Ornithology of China, mainly southern.Parts of the province of Gan-Su / [cit.] M. Berezovsky, ChL.employee.Imp.Rus.geogr.O-VA and V. Bianki, scientist.Guardian Zool.Museum IMP.Acad.Science and an assist.Imp.Military-honey.Acad.- St. Petersburg: Type.Imp.Acad.Sciences, 1891. - [2], XL, 155, [7] p., 3 l.colorIl.: Il., Table.;29. -Autoand rus.And Latin.Yaz.Alpha.Declaration: with.146-155..I. Bianki, Valentin Lvovich (1857-1921).II.Potanin, Grigory Nikolaevich (1835-1920).Electronic Source: PB
Publisher тип. Имп. Акад. наук

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