The voice last.1915 № 4. April

The voice of the past: the magazine of the history and history of literature, published in constant participation in the editorial office of A. K. Dzhivelegov, S. P. Melgunova, P. N. Sakulina and V. I. Sevvsky.- Moscow: Editor-publisher S. P. Melgunov, 1913-1923.-Subtitle 1914-1923: Journal of History and History of Literature.Editors and compilers: 1914-1916 Edited by S. P. Melgunova and V. I. Semevsky;1916-1917compiler V. E. Syroychkovsky;1913-1922 Editor S. P. Melgunov;1923 Editor M. A. Tshekovsky.From 1925 merged with the publication "on someone else's side" and goes under the title "Voice of the last one in someone else's side.".I. Jivelegov, A. KI .. ​​II.Melgunov, Sergey Petrovich (1879-1956).III.Sakulin, Pavel Nikitich (1868-1930).IV.Semevsky, Vasily Ivanovich (1848-1916) .1Domestic serial and continuing editions (collection).2. People (collection).3. Russia - History - 19 - NCH.20 centuries.-- Periodicals.4. Russia - Culture - 19-20 centuries.-- Periodicals.5. Historical magazines - Russia - 19-20 centuries .. 6. Literary magazines - Russia.BBK 63.3 (2) -7Y54BBK 83.3 (2) y541915 No. 4. April: (Year of publication 3) / Ed.S.P.Melgunova and V.I.Semevsky.- [A type.T-va Ryabushinsky], 1915. -384 p.: Il .. a substrateNote.and in the text..I. Semevsky, V.I. II.Melgunov, SP ..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher [Тип. Т-ва Рябушинских]

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