How the Tula peasant learned the mind

Karpinsky, Vyacheslav Alekseevich (1880-1965).
How the Tula peasant has learned the mind-mind: a simple explanation about the war and revolution / V. Karpinsky. - Moscow: Publishing House of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets. to. with and c., 1918. -31, [1] p. ; 22 cm. - .
1. The people (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Territory of Russia: Tula region (collection). 5. Tula region: pages of history (collection). 6. World War I (collection). 7. The First World War - Russia - 1914 - 1918. 8. The Great October Socialist Revolution - 1917. 9. The February bourgeois-democratic revolution - 1917.
BBK 63.3 (2) 535-68
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: GPIB
Publisher Издательство ВЦИК Советов р. к., с. и к. д.
Catalogue object