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Veselovsky, Boris Borisovich (1880-1954).Calendar-Directory of the Zemsky Worker ... / Sost.B.B.Veselovsky.- St. Petersburg: Zhurn."Earth business" and "Mountains.", [1911] - [1916].-6 t .;sixteen. -On the regionAutonot specified.In the calendar-directory ... In 1913, departments: clarification of the Ave.Senate;New laws and land;for 1914-1915 and 1917Departments: Clarification rules.Senate and new laws and in 1916 Departments: Clarifications rules.Senate;Code of laws and new laws of Cost.V.P.Ivanov.Calendar-Directory ... For 1911 (1st year ed.) It was overlapped: Calendar-Directory of the City and Zemsky Worker..I. Ivanov, VP ..Electronic Source: PB... for 1916: (6th year ed.).- GH.: A type.B. Brukler, [1915].-Xviii, 416 p.: Tab .. -.Electronic Source: PB
Publisher | Тип. Б. Брукера |