Textbook of pandemic law. T. 1. The general part

Windsheed, Bernard (1817-1892).
Textbook of pandemic law / essay by Professor of Heidelberg University of Windsheed. - St. Petersburg: the edition of A. Hieroglifov and I. Nikiforov, 1874. - 21 cm. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. Russia-Germany: from the history of relationships (collection). 4. Law - History - Germany - 16-19 centuries.
ББК 67.3 (4Гем) 5
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Донская ГПБ
T. 1: General part / translation from German, edited [and preface]. V. Pakhman, an ordinary professor at the St. Petersburg University. - 1874.-XIV, 358 s .. - .
1. Power (collection). 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. Russia-Germany: from the history of relationships (collection). 4. Law - History - Germany - 16-19 centuries.
ББК 67.3 (4Гем) 5
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Донская ГПБ
Publisher издание А. Гиероглифова и И. Никифорова
Catalogue object