Collection of historical materials on the history of the Kuban Cossack troops.T. 3. The army of the faithful Black Sea Cossacks

Dmitrenko, Ivan IvanovichCollection of historical materials on the history of the Kuban Cossack troops / collected and published I.I.Dmitrenko.- St. Petersburg., 1896-1898.-.Electronic Source: PBT. 3: The army of the faithful Black Sea Cossacks: 1787-1795: Documents Extract.From the Kuban.military archive.- A type.HeadquartersCorp.Zhand., 1896. -XL, 799 p.: Tab .. -.1. Russia, XIX century.- Classes, estates, social groups - Cossacks.Electronic Source: PB
Publisher типография Штаба Отдельного Корпуса Жандармов
Catalogue object