Etymology of the Russian language in tables

Volpier, Mikhail Akimovich (1851-).Etymology of the Russian language in tables: (for use predominantly in ak. Local areas, where conversation. Yaz. Not rus.): A necessary addition to Russian textbooks.Grammar: spelling on the 6th ed."Rus spelling" Acad.Ya.K.Grott: At the end, a dictionary attached to an explanation of the more difficult words encountered in this book / Sost.Teacher M.I.Volper.- 2nd verses.and add.ed.-Vilna: type.A.G.Syrkina, 1889. - [2], 66 p.: Tab.;23. -.1. Russian spelling.Grotto, Yakov Karlovich (1812-1893).Electronic Source: PB
Publisher Тип. А.Г. Сыркина

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