The course of Russian history (elementary)

Bellyarminov, Ivan Ivanovich (1837-).
The course of Russian history (elementary): With Fig. and maps. in the text / Comp. I. Bellyarminov. - 13 th ed. -Saint Petersburg: Type. M.A. Aleksandrova, 1909.-146, III-IV p. : genealog. table, ill., maps. ; 23 cm. -
12 th ed. admitted by the Scientist. com. M-va people enlightenment as a manual for men. training. institutions and as a guide for those tutorials. institutions, in which the elementary course of Rus is taught. history.
Ex: without a domain.
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Gd Franco
Publisher типография М. А. Александрова
Catalogue object