Geographical, sacred-church-historical atlas

Geographical, sacred-church-historical atlas: Adapted to the best sacred and church-historical guides adopted in the educational institutions of the Russian Empire and to the home reading of Holy Scripture and sacred-church history / Comp. VPP - 2 nd ed., Rev. and multiply. -Saint Petersburg: Type. K. Zhernakov, 1849. - [4] pp., 13 liters. To .. -
On the region: Adapted to the best sacred-historical guides adopted in the educational institutions of the Russian Empire, and to the readers of the Holy Scripture.
On the region. zagl .: Sacred historical and geographical atlas.
With the permission of the Military Topographic Depot.
I. VPP. Territory (collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: TIAMZ
Publisher издание книгопродавца В. П. Полякова
Catalogue object