Description Zhongangaria and Eastern Turkistan in ancient and current state.Part 1-2

Description of Zhongangaria and Eastern Turkistan in ancient and current state / per.with whale.Monk Iacinth.- St. Petersburg: Type.Karl Kraiya, 1829. - 20 cm. -.I. Ioakinf (Bichurin, Nikita Yakovlevich; 1777-1853).II.Bichurin, Nikita Yakovlevich (1777-1853) .1Territory (collection).2. Jungaria.3. Turkestan.Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: TiampPart 1-2.- 1829. -xlvi, 90, [2], 91-270, [1] p., 4 l.Il.: Tab .. a substrateNote .. - Ex.: no oblast, with a manus.litter., Def.: s.85-86 absence., P.221-222 are drowned..1. Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Tiamp
Publisher в типографии Карла Крайя
Catalogue object