Collected Works GSFrying pan.Materials for the history and study of Russian sectarianism and old goods.T. 1.

Skovorod, G.S.Collected Works GSFrying pan.- St. Petersburg: B., 1912. - (Materials for the history and study of Russian sectarianism and old goods, ed. Vladimir Bonch Burevich).1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: TiampT. 1: Port.and fax.Author / with biography G.S.Frying pans M.I.Kowalinsky;With notes and approx.Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich.- A type.B.M.Wolf, 1912. -XV, 544 p., 1 l.Portrait., 1 l.Il.: Tab., Il .. - (materials for the history and study of the Russian sectarianism and old goods, ed. Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich; Vol. 5).-Stall.series paral.On Fr.Yaz.Bibliogr.In the text and substitution.Note .. - Ex.: no oblast.I. Kovalinsky, M.I .. II.Bonch-Broyevich, Vladimir.1.People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Tiamp
Publisher тип. Б.М. Вольфа

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