
Burevoy, Konstantin Stepanovich
Kolchakivschina / K. Burevoy. - M.: Gos. publishing house, 1919. -40 s .. -
Contents: Foreword. Struggle against the Bolsheviks. Samara and Siberia. Second Provisional Government (Directory). Officers are walking, [and others]. - Bibliograf. in the text. - Ex .: without obl., With rukop. litter.
1. Territory (collection). 2. The USSR, ser. 1918-1920 Civil War and foreign intervention - Civil War Periods - The second period of intervention and civil war. The decisive victories of the Red Army (March 1919 - February 1920) - Combat operations on the Eastern Front (late 1918 - early 1919). The first united campaign of the Entente and its defeat (March-July 1919). The defeat of Kolchak's campaign - General work.
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original storage: Chelyabinsk OUNB
Publisher Гос. изд-во

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