Full guide to Warsaw and its surroundings

Moskvin, Konstantin Ilyich
Full guide to Warsaw and its surroundings: Sq. theaters, alphabetical indexes: governments., societies., Torg.-prom. and a factory. institutions and adj. pl. Warsaw and its environs / K. Moskvin. - 1st ed. -Warsaw: Type. Varsh. training. okr., 1902. - [2], X, VI, 247, XI-XVI p., 1 l. pl. : ill., Table. ; 17 cm. -
Bibliography. in the text and a substring. Notes. - Ex: from the rukop. litter.
1. Territory (collection). 2. Warsaw.
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: RGO
Publisher тип. Варш. учеб. окр.

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