Systematic description of the Slavic-Russian manuscripts of Collections of Count A.S.Uvarova.Part 3

Leonid (Cavelin, Lev Alexandrovich; 1822-1891).Systematic description of the Slavic-Russian manuscripts of Collections of Count A.S.Uvarova: at 4:8d: with 13 pictures: (with the inclusion of 750 №№ SATR. I.N. Tsarsky, description. P.M. Zaravov in Alf. Order) / Sost.Archim.Leonid.- Moscow: T-in type.A.I.Mamontov, 1893-1894.-4 t .;28 cm. -.I. Stroyev, Pavel Mikhailovich (1796-1876).II.Uvarov, Alexey Sergeevich (1825-1884 / 85).III.Tsarsky, I.N .. IV.Kavelin, Lev Alexandrovich (1822-1891) .1People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: UrFUPart 3. - 1894. - [4], 364 p., 2 liters.fax machine.. -On add.Tit.l.Titled: Description of the manuscripts of Count the text.- Ex.: No oblast..1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: UrFU
Publisher т-во тип. А.И. Мамонтова

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