The historical readings of the Church-Slavic and Russian language.T. 1. From the beginning of the Slavic-Russian writing to Pete...

Galakhov, Alexey Dmitrievich (1807-1892).The historical readings of the Church-Slavic and Russian language / Sost.A. Galakhov.- Moscow: Univ.Type., 1848. - 23 cm. -.1. Russian language (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: UrFUT. 1: From the beginning of the Slavic-Russian writing to Peter I. (IX-XVIII century).- 1848. - [2], II, VI, LXI, 591 s .. - -Part of the text on Church the text.- Ex.: No oblast, with a manus.litter..1. Russian language (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: UrFU
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