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Orthodox interlocutor, published at the Kazan Theological Academy. - Kazan, 1855-1917. - [Index of articles placed in the Orthodox interlocutor from 1892 to 1904. Kazan, 1906]. 3-16 with. (Attachments to the journal ... 1906 Jan Ex character: missing tit.L and ending.) Закл: 1855-1873 Orthodox interlocutor, published at the Kazan Theological Academy; 1874-1917 Orthodox interlocutor. Subtitle: 1874-1917 Ed. Kazan spiritual academy Index of articles placed in the magazine "Orthodox interlocutor" for the first 10 years of its publication. From 1855 to 1864. Kazan, 1865 (code 741 / 7-1). Index to the "Orthodox interlocutor" for 20 [!] [22] years of its publication (from 1855 to 1875 [!] [1876]) / V. F. Lustritsky. - Kazan, 1876 (Attachments to the journal ... 1876, December, also on the ciphers 741Pr / 7-2 and Zhc29 / P-68). Index of articles of the Orthodox interlocutor of 1877-1891. / Comp. SEE Kazan, 1892 (Applied to the journal ... 1893 Jan.-Feb.-Mar, 1895 Aug.)
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1. The people (the collection). |
Source of electronic copy: PB Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen |
1890. Part 3. September. - A type. imp. University, 1890.-159, [1], 209-240 p. : tab. - Part of the text on it. and neo-pred. foreign. Contents: Reading the Greek text of the Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle / A. Nekrasov. Moiseevo legislation on the teaching of the Bible and on the teachings of the Koran: (The experience of explaining one of the most obvious contradictions in the Koran) / E. Malov. Lutheran dogma of justification by faith: (Historical Critical Essay) / F. Stukov. Circumcision among Jews / V. Sokolov. The development of the influence of the Pope's throne on the affairs of Western churches until the end of the IX century / S. Predtechensky, [and others]. - Bibliograf. in the text and a substring. note
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1. The people (the collection). |
Source of electronic copy: PB Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen |