News of the St. Petersburg Slavic Charitable Society. 1906. № 4. July

News of the St. Petersburg Slavic Charitable Society
1906. № 4. July. - Ed. St. Petersburg Slavic philanthropy. society, 1906. - [2], 213-298 p. : tab. -
Part of the text on the floor. lang
.: The Slavophilism and its literary representatives:. Diamonds and Edelson / LP Lobov. Vatslav Seroshevsky: Literary Characteristics / A.I. Yatsimirsky. The Polabski Slavs: Essays. II / E.Yu. Flour. From the Croatian poets / Trans. N.N. Novich. From the history of cultural and literary relations of Romanians with Serbs. I / A.I. Yatsimirsky, [and others]. - Bibliograf. in the text and a substring. note
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
Publisher Изд. С.-Петербургского славянского благотворит. общества