Description |
Thirty days: Soviet and foreign novella, poems, journalism, feuilleton: Organ of the Union of Soviet Writers of the USSR. - Moscow: Goslitizdat, 1925-1941. - Publishing house: 1925 "Whistle"; 1926-1930 No. 9 "ZIF"; 1930 № 10/11 - 1941 Goslitizdat. Subzag: 1925-1931, 1932 № 4 - 1933 № 12 Illustrated monthly; 1932 № 1-3 The monthly artist. lit.-societies. and nauch.-popul. yl. journal. (Region: Illustrated monthly); 1936 No. 2 - 1941 Soviet and foreign novellas, verses, journalism, feuilleton (in 1940-1941 Novel soviet and foreign, poems, journalism, feuilleton, organ of the Union of Soviet Writers). By: 1925-1933 30 days; 1934-1941 Thirty days (1925-1933, 1935-1941 (region) 30 days).
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1. The people (the collection). |
Source of electronic copy: PB Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen |
1937. 4: The Year of the ed. 13: Soviet and foreign novella, poems, journalism, literary feuilleton. - Gos. Izd-vo "Fiction", 1937. -96 p. : ill., portraits .. - On the region. Publishers: Goslitizdat. On the region: № 4. . -30000 copies.
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1. The people (the collection). |
Source of electronic copy: PB Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen |