Red archive. 1926. T. 1 (14)

Red archive
1926. T. 1 (14) / Ed. V.V. Adoratsky, V.V. Maksakova, M.N. Pokrovsky and others - 1926. - [8], 292, [4] p. 1 liter. To.: tab. -
On the region: Tsentrrkhriv.
On the region: T. 14.
Contents: Boxer uprising. Bakunin in the 40s. Chernyshevsky in the reports of agents of the 3rd branch. The article of Shelgunov forbidden by censorship. New about Nechaev, [and others]. - Bibliograf. in a substring. Notes. - Ex: from the rukop. litter.
. -3000 copies. .
I. Pokrovsky, M.N. .. II. Maksakov, V.V. .. III. Adoratsky, V.V. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
Publisher Центр. архив РСФСР

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