Memorial book of Moscow province .... for 1912

Memorial book of Moscow province ... - Moscow: Mosk.Capital and, 1899-1913.- 26 cm. -Publishing house 1899-1900 is not specified.Ed.1899-1900: A.V.Aurrine;1904, 1908-1909, 1912, 1914: B.N.Penkin..I. Aurorin, A.V. II.Penkin, Boris Nikolaevich.III.Moscow metropolitan and lips.Statistical Committee.1.Territory (collection).2. Moscow lips ..Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage location: GPIB.Center for socio-political historyFor 1912.- ed.Mosk.Capital and, [1911].- [1126] p.section.Pag.: Tab .. -Ex.: No oblast.1. Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage location: GPIB.Center for socio-political history
Publisher Изд. Моск. столичного и губ. стат. ком.

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