Historical Journal. G. 9. 1939. № 12. December

Historical Journal: Еемесес. Pop. yl. journal. on questions. c. stories. - Moscow: True, 1931-1945. -
Subtrack: 1931 Mass monthly. journal. The islands of Marxist historians; 1932 No. 1 - 9/10 East. mass monthly. journal. The islands of Marxist historians under Com. acad. Central Executive Committee of the USSR; 1932 No. 11/12 - 1936 East. mass monthly. magazine; 1937-1975. Pop. yl. journal. on questions. c. history.
Publishing House: 1931 No. 1-4 "Sparkle"; 1931 № 5-9 Zhurnal-gaz. ob-tion; 1932-1945 "Truth."
By: 1931-1936 The struggle of classes; 1937-1945 Historical Journal.
In 1941, the journal joined. "The historian is a Marxist" (Sh: P22 / 33).
Since 1945 the journal has been issued. "Questions of history." (ш .: П22 / 1427).
1. Power (collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
G. 9. 9. 1939. № 12. December. - Publishing House of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "Pravda", 1939. -160 p. : ill., portraits .. -
On the region .: 12.
Библиогр. in a substring. Notes. - Ex: from the rukop. litter.
. -50000 copies. .
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
Publisher Изд-во ЦК ВКП(б) "Правда"

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