Landing operation

Gervais, B.B.
Landing operation: (Operative-cycle essay) / Prof. B.B. Gervais; Department of Strategy and Oper. art of war-morn. acad. Red Army them. Comrade. Voroshilov. - Leningrad: Izd. Military-naval. acad. Red Army them. Comrade. Voroshilov, 1931. -231, [1] pp., 4 liters. yl. : tab., il .. -
Bibliogr. in the text and a substring. Notes. - Ex: from the rukop. litter.
I. Department of Strategy and Oper. art of war-morn. acad. Red Army them. Comrade. Voroshilov.1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: ВМА
Publisher Изд. Воен.-мор. акад. РККА им. тов. Ворошилова

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