Universal narration of travel, or a new meeting of all the news, about the waters of the water and the Materia of the Earth, pub...

Universal travel narration, or a new meeting of all news, about the waters and mothers of the earth, published until now in different languages ​​of the peoples we know,: containing the worthless notes, useful and clearly proven in their authenticity, about the edges, toKoih reached travelers: with Meaning: Mravov, faith, customs, arts, sciences, trade, needlework, residents: to draw up the full historical and geographical newest times of the system, the present state of all nations and with the inclusion of drawings of geographical and drawings.- Moscow: B., and., [1777] -1781.-.1. Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: VmaT. 3: T. 3: On the Russian language on the highest perfect per capita in Tver 1779 / Printed in Paris from the will and approval of the Royal 1749. - Type.Imp.Mosk.University, 1779. -233, [3] p.: Tab .. -Ex.: No oblast, with a manus.litter..1. Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: Vma
Publisher тип. Имп. Моск. ун-та

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