Practical architecture of urban, suburban and rural buildings, adapted to a simple study of all kinds of structures in modern ta...

Zheltukhin, N.
Practical architecture of urban, suburban and rural buildings, adapted to a simple study of all kinds of structures in modern taste, giving the opportunity for a diverse choice of intricate, simple facades and plans, serve as satisfactory samples for architects, engineers and contractors, and for everyone who wants to build a building durable, beautiful and profitable: With app. calculation of the number of materials and workers, the need. for each building ...: Lithographer. and chromolithogren. ed. on 44 liters. with 200 pics. / Comp. N. Zheltukhin, with the participation of engineer-architect. V.G. Zalessky. - Moscow: Type. F. Ioganson, 1876. - [2], 95 p. : tab. ; 34 cm. -
Ex: without a domain.
I. Zalessky, V.G. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original storage: СПАСК
Publisher Тип. Ф. Иогансон

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