People's Encyclopedia of Scientific and Applied Knowledge. T. 8. Historical

People's Encyclopedia of Scientific and Applied Knowledge
T. 8: Historical / In sost. Art. took part: prof. DI. Bagaly, N.D. Bagaly, O.D. Bagal and others. 2, Russian history. - A type. T.-W. ID Sytin, 1912. - [4], II, 412 pp., 5 liters. kart. : ill., tab. -
On the add. tit. l. encl: Encyclopedia (circle of knowledge).
On the region. encyclopedia: People's Encyclopedia.
Bibliography: p. 392-393.
I. Bagaly, D.I. II. Bagaly, ND. III. Bagaly, OD.1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original storage: СПАСК
Publisher Тип. Т-ва И.Д. Сытина