Cases of Alexander Nevsky Lavra for 1904

Identifier f770d747-4b63-4e06-9414-fcae063f534c
Title Cases of Alexander Nevsky Lavra for 1904
Dates 1904
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 815 / 11
Cataloguing source РГИА
Extent 71 ед.хр.
Fonds Alexander Nevskaya Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 1. The case on the budget for the maintenance of employees in the Alexander Nevsky Laurel for 1904
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 10. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 182 on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 11. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 1-3 on Shlisselburg Prospect St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 12. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 14 on the Kalashnikovskaya embankment in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 13. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 12 on Ambarnaya Street in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 14. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 163 on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 15. Case on the hospital of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 19. The case of repair work on the houses of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and the purchase of materials
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 2. The case of the arrival, expenditure and the balance of the nominal amount for the bishop's house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 21. Vedomosti about the arrival, expenditure and balance of the amount of cemeteries of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 22. The case of receiving rental money for an apartment in the houses of Alexander Nevsky Lavra, Bars, Storerooms and other land
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 23. Case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra about the singers of St. Petersburg Archorial Choir
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 28. The case of arrears on tenants of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 29. The case of donation from Alexander Nevsky Lavra in different places with money and things
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 3. The case of the arrival, expenditure and the balance of the nominal amount for the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 31. Case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra about obtaining from the Commission on the Head of Bread Pier Two-Footage
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 32. Case of Alexander Nevsky Lavra about the section of monthly fraternal income
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 34. The case of the adoption of various individuals in the brotherhood of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 35. Vedomosti about the arrival, expenditure and the balance of the monetary sums of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 36. Vedomosti about the arrival, expenditure and the balance of monetary sums on the cinematography of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 37. Vedomosti Alexander Nevsky Lavra about the arrival, consumption and resistance to the provision of rye flour and different supplies on a fraternal meal
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 38. Vedomosti about the insurance of the property of the Alexander-Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 39. Vedomosti Alexander Nevsky Lavra about paying to the St. Petersburg City Council of interest assessment fee for 1904
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 4. Case of Alexander Nevsky Lavra about parish, church summary
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 40. The case of repair work on the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and the purchase of various materials
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of the burial in cinemas of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of various persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Laurel of different Persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Laurel of different Persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 42. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the receipt of interest from the commission for the repayment of debts and other places
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 45. The case of the production of repair work in the film of Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 46. Case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra about the conditions for renting barn and storerooms
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 47. The case of bringing to the St. Petersburg Spiritual Consistory information about the number of monastic novices in the churches in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and its cinematography in 1903
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 48. The Case of the Appointment of Hieromonks of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for Service to the Navy and Other Places
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 49. Case of Alexander Nevsky Lavra on fraternal meal
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 5. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 4 on the Shlisselburg Prospect of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 50. Case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra about paying to the St. Petersburg City Council of State Tax Oblast for 1904
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 55. The case is on the rental of apartments in the profitable house of Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 153 on Nevsky Prospect G. St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 58. Case on the estate of the Alexander-Nevsky Lavra Locking
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 6. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 151 on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 64. Case of Alexander Nevsky Lavra about the appointment of cash awards to various persons for the Holy Easter and Christmas Holidays of Christ
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 66. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the monastic vows
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 67. The case of donation to Alexander Nevsky Lavra of money and things by various persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 68. The case of donation from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for the needs of the Russian army in effect in the Far East against the Japanese and on the premises of the wounded warriors in the Lavrian hospital
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 69. The case on Zhadimerovsky's request for the warming of the lamp before the introduction of the spiritual church of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra into the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 7. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 173 on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 70. The case of relocation of different persons from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to other monasteries
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 71. The case of renting Khrustalev a plot of land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra along Obvodnoy Canal No. 5 in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 73. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the awarding of Ivan Zakharov with the title of personally honorary citizen and three watchmen by silver medals of Yakimov, Frolov and Rodionov
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 75. The case on the rental of the land plot of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in Alexander Nevsky Street of St. Petersburg Ivanov
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 76. The case of the return of Bazilevsky to the disposal of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra 100 grave sites
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 77. The case of giving a lease to Makadov a plot of land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra with a wooden barrack on Shlisselburgsky Avenue No. 34 in St. Petersburg for 5 years
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 79. The case of the contribution of the zemstvo tax on immovable property of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for 1903 and 1904
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 8. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 22 on the Kalashnikovskaya embankment in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 80. The case of the construction of the building of the new county of Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 81. The case of appointing an attorney to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra attorney V.V. Sokolov
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 82. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra against the St. Petersburg Spiritual Consistory with a copy of the precautionary rule when dying dead bodies for burial them elsewhere
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 84. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the order on the occasion of the feast of the Holy Great Prince Alexander Nevsky on August 30, 1904
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 85. The Metric Book of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra about the deceased in 1904
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 87. The case of giving in rent VM. Sofronovu plot of land Alexandra Nevskaya laurel No. 16 on the Kalashnikovskaya embankment of St. Petersburg for three years from January 1, 1905
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 88. The case of lease I.I.Aleceev’s plot of land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on Ambar Street No. 10 of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 9. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 180 on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg
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