Sustainable development of specially protected natural territories

Sustainable development of specially protected natural territories: materials ... All-Russian scientific and practical conference.- Sochi: Natural Ornithological Park in Imeretinsky Lowland, 2014. -In the appropriate data: the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory, the State Budgetary Institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Natural Ornithological Park in Imeretin Lowland"..I. "Natural Ornithological Park in Imeretin Lowland", State Budgetary Institution of the Krasnodar Territory.1.Territory (collection).2. Natural wealth of Russia (collection).3. Natural environment of Russia (collection).4. Natural territories specially protected - Russian Federation - congresses, meetings, etc.BBK 20.18Я43.Electronic source: Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar TerritoryOriginal Storage Place: Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory
Publisher Природный орнитологический парк в Имеретинской низменности
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