The results of a one-day statistical census made by order of the Pskov Provincial Statistical Committee on December 12, 1870 in ...

Vasilev, Iv.Iv.The results of a one-day statistical census made by order of the Pskov provincial Statistical Committee on December 12, 1870 in cities and piscuances of the Pskov province / learned Pskov: B., 1871. -.I. Pskov Province Statistical Committee.1.People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGOPart 1: Provincial City of Pskov.- Type of.lips.Board, 1871. -204, 31 s.: Tab .. -Ex.Def.: with.27-30 second PAg.No absence..1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGO
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