To the history of the Slavic fortune-telling books

Sobolevsky, A.I.
To the history of the Slavic fortune-telling books: [Rec. on the book. V.N. Peretz "Materials on the history of the apocrypha and the legend." I. To the history of Gromnik. St. Petersburg, 1899. II. To the history of the Lunnik. St. Petersburg, 1901] acad. A.I. Sobolevsky / [Soch.] A.I. Sobolevsky. - St. Petersburg: Type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1905. - [2], 9 pp. -
Bibliography. in the text and a substring. note
1. Russian language (collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Samara OUNB
Publisher тип. Имп. Акад. наук

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