Education Olonets province.1919, № 1/2 (January / February)

Education Olonets province: monthly educational magazine.- 1918, № 1/2 (May) - 1919, № 7/12 (July / December).-Petrozavodsk: the publication of the Department of Public Education at to the Soviets., p.and cr.Deputies, 1918-1919.-Heading: 1918, № 1 / 2-3 Izvestiya Olonetsky provincial Commissariat education;1918, № 4 / 5-9 / 10 Division Proceedings National Education at Olonetsky provincial and [spolnitelnom] to [omite] to those boards. P.and cr.d.Published since May 1918.I. Olonets provincial executive committee of the Soviets.Department of National obrazovaniya.1.Russian serial and continuing publications (collection).2. The people (set).3. The area (collection).4. The territory of Russia: Karelia, Republic of (collection).5. Education - Olonets province - 1st floor.20.-- Periodicals.BBK 74.03 (2) 6ya52BBK 63.3 (28-8Olo) 612-7ya52electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: NBR Karelia1919, № 1/2 (January / February).- 1919. -106 with .. -Bibliography: p.90-92..1. Domestic serials and serials (collection).2. The people (set).3. The area (collection).4. The territory of Russia: Karelia, Republic of (collection).5. The Republic of Karelia: the pages of history (collection).6. Education - Olonets province - 1st floor.20.-- Periodicals.BBK 74.03 (2) 6ya52BBK 63.3 (28-8Olo) 612-7ya52electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: NBR Karelia
Publisher издание Отдела народного образования при Олон. губ. испол. к-те Советов к., р. и кр. депутатов
Catalogue object