Key solutions and materials on the development of agriculture in the Republic of Karelia in 1934

Key solutions and materials on the development of agriculture in the Republic of Karelia in 1934 (for rural party, government and land workers).- Petrozavodsk: State Publishing House Kiryan: Carus edition.obkom WCP (b) and SNK, 1934 -64, [2], p.;20 cm. -3000 copies..I. CPSU (b).Karelian Regional komitet.1.The area (collection).2. The Republic of Karelia: the pages of history (the collection).3. The territory of Russia: Karelia, Republic of (collection).4. Agriculture - Karelian ASSR.BBK 63.3 (2Ros.Kar) 61electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: NBR Karelia
Publisher Государственное издательство Кирья издание Кар. обкома ВКП(б) и СНК
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