Bibliographic materials collected by Andrei Popov.21. "Word briefly" in defense of monastic assets

Popov, Andrei Nikolaevich (1841-1881).Bibliographic materials collected by Andrei Popov: 1-.- Moscow: O-in history and antiquities grew.With mosk.Un-Those, 1879-1901 (region 1902) -1901.- 26 cm. -Text to rus.and glory.Yaz.In vol.15-19 Society.Stall: Bibliographic materials collected by A.N.Popov, the former secretary of the Society and Antiquities of Russian at Moscow University, published by Mikhail Speransky..I. Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839) .1People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of storage of the original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen21: "Word briefly" in defense of monastic assets / with preface.HELL.Grigorieva.- ed.Imp.About the history and antiquities of Russian with Mosk.Un-Those, 1901 (region 1902).-XXX, 68 s .. -Part of the text on Church Slavs.Yaz.Bibliogr.In the text and substitution.Note .. - Ex.: With the donating inscription A.A.Shakmarov..I. Shakmarov, Alexey Alexandrovich.II.Grigoriev, A.D..1.People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: UrFU
Publisher Изд. Имп. О-ва истории и древностей российских при Моск. ун-те

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