On the establishment of a new procedure for the establishment of societies for physical development and sport

Identifier 60779633-1f32-49e2-ad7d-c040c95aa8aa
Title On the establishment of a new procedure for the establishment of societies for physical development and sport
Dates 1915

Лист 40 - конверт с вложением; листы 41-46 - вложения

Часть документов рукописная, часть - машинописная, часть напечатана типографским способом

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number ГА РФ. 102 / 73 / 10 ч. 46 а
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Series 2nd office work.1915
Extent 47 листов
Fonds Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Display format