The main directions of activity of state Nikita Khrushchev (1953 - 1964 gg.): A historical study

Eseshkin, Mikhail MikhailovichThe main directions of activity of state Nikita Khrushchev (1953 - 1964 gg.): A historical study: Abstract.Dis.on specialty 07.00.02 / Eseshkin Mikhail;[Ros.state.soc.Univ].- Moscow, 2007. -24 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliogr .: p.24 (3 titles.) And in footnotes.Note..-100 copies..1. Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich (1894 - 1971).2. Russia in the people of (the collection).3. Power (collection).4. National History.BBK 63.3 (2) 6-8ya031BBK 63.3 (2) 6-33ya031electronic copy Source: Russian State Social University.Site
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