The case of admission to educational institutions of relatives of officers affected by the protection of Sevastopol: A. Tokareva...

Identifier 020064FEED
Title The case of admission to educational institutions of relatives of officers affected by the protection of Sevastopol: A. Tokareva to Kharkov University, P. Ratsula in Richelievsky Lyceum in Odessa, Grabovskaya in Kiev Exemplary Pension.A list of officers, wounded when protecting Sevastoplasters 2-4.July 25, 1855 - July 7, 1857.
Dates 1855

Рукописный текст. Чернила

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 733 / 88 / 113
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series General Affairs of the 1st Department of the Department of Public Education for the years 1842-1863.
Extent 45 листов
Fonds Department of Education of the Ministry of Education
Contents В деле также: Список офицеров, раненых при защите Севастополя (лл. 2-4)
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