Cases of the category of higher educational institutions of the Department of Education for 1886-1898.

Identifier 72e5b07f-5533-4156-8670-50a03868b2f1
Title Cases of the category of higher educational institutions of the Department of Education for 1886-1898.
Dates 1886
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number 150
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 1578 storage units
Fonds Department of Education of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1. The case of the petitions of students dismissed on the basis of §126 of the Charter of Russian Universities to leave them at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 10. The case with the reports of persons sent abroad for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 100. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures of the law faculty of the University of St. Vladimir at the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1000. Дело с обозрением преподавания в Университете Святого Владимира
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1001. The case of the prize at the Moscow University named after LI. Polivanova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1002. The case on the approval of the charter of the savings and loan office at the University of Yuryev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1003. The case of permission for various persons to be examined at universities for obtaining the title of higher academic degrees
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1004. The case on approval of the charter of the savings and loan office at the Kazan Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1005. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1006. The case of recommending medicine for the medical faculties of universities of the medicine man Kuzmich (ephedra vilgaris)
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1007. The case of a scholarship at the St. Vladimir University named after Prince AM. Dondukova-Korsakova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1008. The case of scholarships at the Tomsk University in memory of the visit of Siberia by the Tsar to the heir Nikolai Alexandrovich
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1009. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after Prince VA. Dolgorukov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 101. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures of the medical faculty of the University of St. Vladimir at the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1010. The case of a scholarship at the St. Vladimir University named after A.K. Leonova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1011. The case of permission to the professor of Moscow University Tikhomirov to arrange with the chair entrusted to him in the zoological garden of the Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants in the Garden of Medical Plants
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1012. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after the actual State Councilor SM. Tretyakov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1013. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after student S.Ya. Sychev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1014. The matter of permission to purchase a lifting machine for the therapeutic faculty clinic of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1015. The case of scholarships at the Yuryevsky and Kiev universities named after N.I. Kozlova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1016. The case of the procedure for dismissal on vacation for vacation time in the Kingdom of Polish university students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1017. The case of a scholarship at the Novorossiysk University named after G.E. Ashkenazi
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1018. Correspondence on the Demidov Legal Lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1019. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after TN. Granovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 102. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Vladimir of St. Vladimir at the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1020. The case of changing the regulations on the competitive medal named after SI. Kreslavsky for pharmacists at the University of Yuryev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1021. The case of a donation by an honorary citizen PA. Pavlov Moscow University of Capital at 239,000 rubles
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1022. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg University of a fund named after Professor Yu.E. Janson
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1023. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkov University named after V.P. Savitsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1024. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after P.M. Milyutin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1025. Дело о постановке преподавания местного Остзейского гражданского права в университетах
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1026. CaseWaxing seal
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1027. The case of professors and privat-docent of the University of Yuryev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1028. The case of professors and privat-documents of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1029. Дело о денежных пособиях и других выдачах разным лицам при университетах
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 103. The curriculum of the Physics and Mathematics Department of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1030. The case of a scholarship at Tomsk University named after II. Nekrasov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1031. The case of professors and privat-documents of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1032. The case of students of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1033. The case of students of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1034. The case of issuing the maintenance of those sent abroad and left at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1035. The case of issuing the maintenance of those sent abroad and left at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1036. The case of professors and privat-documents of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1037. The case of professors and privat-documents of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1038. Дело о вознаграждении профессоров и приват-доцентов университетов за чтение лекций
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1039. Дело о профессорах и приват-доцентах Харьковского университета
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 104. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the historical and philological faculty of the University of St. Vladimir at the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1040. The case of professors and privat-documents of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1041. The case of concluding contracts for the production of various works on universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1042. The case of the arrest of students of higher educational institutions of politically unreliable
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1043. Дело о разрешении учёных командировок профессорам и приват-доцентам университетов
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1044. Дело о допущении к экзаменам в государственных комиссиях разных лиц
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1045. The case of admission to exams in state commissions of different persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1046. The case of admission to examinations in government commissions of different persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1047. Case of students' offenses of permission to marry
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1048. Correspondence on the St. Petersburg Historical and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1049. The case of a postponement of military service to students of higher educational institutions.Immediately and on other issues regarding military service
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 105. The curriculum of the historical and philological faculty of the University of St. Vladimir for eight semesters
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1050. The case of postponement of military service to students of higher educational institutions. There and then on other issues relating to military service
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1051. Дело по прошениям студентов Казанского университета
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1052. The case of the petitions of students of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1053. Дело по прошениям студентов Варшавского университета
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1054. Case of students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1055. Case of students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1056. The case of students' petitions on the appointment of scholarships and on exemption from a fee for listening to lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1057. The case of professors and privat-reports of the University of Novorossiysk
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1058. The case of professors and privat-documents of the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1059. Case of Sports of Students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 106. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the historical and philological faculty of Novorossiysk University for the spring half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1060. The case of students of the University of Yuryev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1061. The case of the petitions of students of the Demidov Law Lyceum and veterinary institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1062. The case on the petitions of students of the Demidov Law Lyceum and Veterinary Institutions.Part 2
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1063. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1064. The case on the distribution of the earlier course in historical and philological institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1065. The case of the L.V. Poslov at the Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1066. The case of leaving at universities and coming abroad of young people to prepare for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1067. The case of leaving at universities and coming abroad of young people to prepare for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1068. The case of the teachings of the Jews on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1069. The case of the teachings of the Jews on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 107. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Faculty of Law of Novorossiysk University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1070. The case of the Prize at the St. Vladimir University named after V.O. Podvysotsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1071. The case of an increase in the content of free-writing scribes of the Moscow University Chancellery
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1072. The case of the desire of the students of St. Petersburg University to file a solemn petition on the 75th anniversary of the university on reducing the fee for listening to lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1073. The case of exemption from the obligatory service for the Ministry of People's Enlightenment of University Students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1074. The case of the scholarship of the actual state counselor Ustinov at the Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1075. The case on the appointment of chairmen and members to the Test Commission at Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1076. Case for students of the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1077. The case of a donation to the Kazan University Library by Professor Bulich and about his portrait
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1078. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the Medical Faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1079. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the Medical Faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 108. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Novorossiysk University for the spring half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1080. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the Medical Faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1081. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the Medical Faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1082. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the Medical Faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1083. The case of buying a piece of land from Ms. Funkendorf for building an observatory at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1084. Case on the revision of the Charter of the School of Law
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1085. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after the actual State Councilor PA. Siewers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1086. The case of a scholarship at one of the higher educational institutions named after IL. Shraga
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1087. The case of approving a special badge of distinction for persons awarded by universities of academic degrees
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1088. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after V.K. Plehve
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1089. The case of acquiring for the library of St. Petersburg University from Mr. Gomboyev an old manuscript Mongolian Ganzhur
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 109. Curriculum in the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1090. The case of a scholarship at the Novorossiysk University named after M.F. Agarkova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1091. The case of a scholarship at the Kazan University named after the actual State Councilor of Sivers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1092. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after N.F. Kelch
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1093. The Case of the Savings and Savings Bank under the Imperial Lyceum of Tsarevich Nicholas
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1094. Business Overview of Teaching in Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1095. The case of the construction of the library at the St. George's University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1096. The case on the petitions of students of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1097. The case of approval of the draft pension rules for the lower clerks of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1098. The case with the review of teaching at the Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1099. The case of the donation of E. Berens Library for Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 11. The case of approval of the estimates of the arrival and consumption of special amounts of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 110. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the historical and philological faculty of Kharkov University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1100. The case of permission to establish "evening talks" at the St. Petersburg University on the history and philology
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1101. The case of expressing the most loyal feelings from higher education institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1102. The case with the search for teaching at the University of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1103. Case of arrival and expenses on the Test Commissions of Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1104. The case of permission to take to Kazan University a plot of land bequeathed to him by Colonel Morozov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1105. Terrification of teaching in Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1106. The case of the prize at the Novorossiysk University named after IG. Vučina
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1107. The case of scholarship at St. Petersburg University named after Ya.F.Barabash
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1108. The case of the recognition of the mandatory for students seventh and eighth semesters of the Medical Faculty of St. Vladimir University practical classes on hygiene
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1109. The case of revising the rules and programs of university tests
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 111. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the medical faculty of Kharkov University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1110. The case of the donation of the State Councilor Gladyshev to the Kazan University 1500 rubles
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1111. The case with the search for teaching in Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1112. The case of scholarships at the Tomsk University named after P.A. Siewers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1113. Terrification of teaching at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1114. The case of the prize at the Kharkov University named after V.M. Chernyaeva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1115. Case on the device at St. Petersburg University Seminaries for the preparation of teachers in ancient languages
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1116. The case with the search for teaching at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1117. The case of Grigory and Ivan Vasilenko's scholarship at Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1118. The case of a one-time grant named after Pavel Golovin at the Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1119. The case of a scholarship named after M.I. Golovin at the Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 112. Curric Plan for the medical faculty of the Imperial Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1120. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after P.I. Vuchihovskoy
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1121. The case of the donation of P.V. Stronsky Capital to St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1122. The case of a scholarship named after M.F. Deeva at St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1123. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after the secret counselor A.V. Zimsen
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1124. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after N.S. Rozanova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1125. The case of the adoption of students of universities of foreign confession to the citizenship of Russia
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1126. The case of a donation by State Councilor Paberin 60000 rubles to the University of Tomsk
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1127. The case of appointing students to universities a scholarship named after his Imperial Majesty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1128. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after the actual State Councilor V.I. Turbine
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1129. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after the actual state councilor AI. Merzlyakova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 113. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kharkov University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1130. The case of protecting by various persons of dissertation for scientific degrees
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1131. The case of a scholarship at the St. Vladimir University. Bobaka
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1132. Case on draft regulations on the production of research on rinderpest in veterinary institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1133. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after P.B. Klinkerfus
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1134. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after A.D. Topleninov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1135. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkov A. Bogdanova University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1136. The case of the sale of medical library Ivanova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1137. The case of the device at the History and Philology Faculty of Novorossiysk University "The Cabinet of Experimental Psychology"
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1138. The case of a scholarship for the Moscow University of the State Councilor of State Pavlo Savostyanov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1139. The case of the closure or transfer of the existing in the town of St. George's Reichenberg-Mellinsky hospital
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 114. Curriculum in the Physics and Mathematics Department of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1140. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after A.M. Kozhevnikov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1141. The case of the acceptance by the Kazan University of a gift from the librarian Gottwald collection of eastern manuscripts
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1142. The case of the repair of the building of the Astronomical Observatory at Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1143. Case of the Department of Department at Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1144. The case of transferring amounts from one article to another §§ of the University estimates
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1145. The case of leaving at universities and coming abroad to prepare for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1146. The case of the issuance of the content prepared for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1147. The case of the issuance of the content prepared for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1148. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1149. The case of remuneration of professors and privat-associate professors for lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 115. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Faculty of Law of Kharkov University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1150. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of the University of Kharkov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1151. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1152. Case for pedestrers of students of veterinary institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1153. The case of the teachings of the Jews on adoption in higher education institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1154. Case of posts of orders and assistants
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1155. The case on the appointment of chairmen and members to the Test Commission at Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1156. The case on the appointment of chairmen and members to the Test Commission at Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1157. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of St. Vladimir University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1158. The case of a scholarship at the University of St. Vladimir from the capital collected by university professors and students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1159. The case of students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 116. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the historical and philological faculty of Moscow University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1160. Case on the Persecution of Students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1161. Case on the Persecution of Students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1162. Case with estimates of income and expenses of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1163. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1164. Case for students of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1165. The case of the repair of the buildings of the Astronomical Observatory at Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1166. Case on the petitions of students of the University of Kharkov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1167. Case on the powers of students of the Demidov legal lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1168. The case of politically unrealized students of higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1169. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 117. The curriculum of the Historical and Philology Faculty of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1170. Business to the Personal Students of the University of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1171. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1172. The case of issuing certificates of reliability to university students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1173. Business on the Persecution of Students of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1174. Case on the petitions of pharmaceutical assistants about adoption at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1175. Case on the petitions of pharmaceutical assistants about adoption at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1176. Case on the Persecution of Students of Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1177. The case of a loan of 5000 rubles for the purchase of microscopes for the Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1178. Case with reports of professorial scholarships on their scientists
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1179. Case on the assumption of different persons to tests in government commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 118. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the medical faculty of Moscow University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1180. The case of supplementing § 33 of the Company's Charter with the needy students of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1181. The case of the liberation of students from the mandatory service
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1182. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1183. Case on the Persecution of Students of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1184. The case with the view of lectures in Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1185. The case of traveling with a scholars of the border and in Russia of professors and other university teachers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1186. The case on the distribution of teachers in the gymnasium of persons who graduated in the St. Petersburg Historical and Philological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1187. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1188. The case of a scholarship at the Novorossiysk University named after K.D. Kokolana
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1189. The case of staging portraits and busts of different persons in buildings of higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 119. Curriculum of the medical faculty of the Imperial Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1190. The case of the establishment of the Department of Church History at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1191. The case of the transfer of St. Petersburg University to the disposal of military authorities for several days in the case of the mobilization of troops
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1192. The case of a fire in the clinic of obstetrics, women's and children's diseases at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1193. Case for students of the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1194. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow and Tomsk University named after M.A. Khaminova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1195. The case of student evenings, concerts and other events
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1196. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after K.A. Fish
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1197. The matter of amending the wording of §7 of the Regulations on the Doctoral Scholarship of Dr. Rosenberger at the University of Yuryev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1198. The case of a scholarship at the Novorossiysk University named after N.A. Novoselskogo
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1199. The matter of granting the master of veterinary sciences the right to wear breastplates
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 12. The case of approval and dismissal of university professors in the new university charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 120. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1200. Case on the establishment of a special badge for persons who graduated in the course of the Imperial Russian Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1201. The case of granting the master of veterinary sciences the right to wear breastplates. Immediately on the establishment of a special badge for people who graduated from the course at the Imperial Russian Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1202. Dealing with lists of university students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1203. The Case of the Unseemly Behavior of Students at the Demidov Legal Lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1204. The case of student unrest
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1205. The case of student unrest
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1206. The case of student unrest
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1207. The case of a scholarship at St. Volodymyr University named after F.O. Bobrovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1208. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after I.P. Khondajevsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1209. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkov University named after A.G. Belokopytova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 121. Training plan of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1210. The case of a fellowship named for the secret adviser Trapp for persons studying pharmacy
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1211. Case on the use of a method in the treatment of patients with antidifterite serum and the establishment of a bacteriological institution under Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1212. The case of the use of the method in the treatment of patients with antidiphtheritic serum and the establishment of a bacteriological institute at the Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1213. Business Overview of Teaching in Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1214. The case of reviewing the rules and programs for the Master of Physical Geography
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1215. The case on revising the rules of tests on the veterinarian in veterinary institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1216. Case about the organization of hostels for students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1217. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after A.E. Vladimirova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1218. The case of replenishing some §§ rules for university students.Immediately about university universities unimportant clothes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1219. The case of the donations of RF. Babiansky St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 122. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures of the law faculty of Moscow University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1220. The case of an audience at the Astronomical Observatory of Moscow University for lecturing
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1221. The case of the donation of PL. Sokolov 20,000 rubles to St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1222. Дело об увеличении помещения Астрономической обсерватории в Санкт-Петербургском университете
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1223. The case of a scholarship at Yuryev University named after G.F. von Dreyer
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1224. The case of the construction of a new clinic at the Yuryevsky Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1225. The case of the donation of SM. Kovalevskaya library of her late husband her Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1226. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after IN. Askarhanova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1227. The case with the search for teaching at the University of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1228. The case with the review of teaching at the Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1229. The case of the establishment by the Kirghiz of the Inner Horde at the Kazan University of scholarships to commemorate the event of the marriage of their imperial majesties
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 123. Review of the teaching and distribution of lectures of the law faculty of St. Petersburg University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1230. The case of the donation of the St. Petersburg University of the Three Chandeliers to the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Butkovo
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1231. Terrification of teaching in Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1232. The case on the petitions of different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1233. The case of transforming the existing drawing-room under the Kazan University into a geometric cabinet
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1234. Correspondence on various issues in the Department of Folk Enlightenment
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1235. The case of the establishment of new rules of admission to universities of young people in the species of a more uniform distribution of students at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1236. The case of the establishment of a scholarship at the Novorossiysk University named after retired captain Petr Stepanovich Rally
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1237. The case with the search for teaching in Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1238. The case of the establishment at the University of Tomsk University of Physics and Mathematics and Legal Faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1239. The case of a scholarship named after the secret adviser MN. Akhmatova and the statement of his portrait in the premises of the library of the Law Faculty of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 124. Review of the teaching and distribution of lectures of the Historical and Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg University for the spring half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1240. The case with information about individuals who held tests in the test commissions at universities in 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894 and 1895
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1241. The case with the search for teaching at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1242. Terrification of teaching at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1243. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkov University named after the State Councilor Ivan Ivanovich Fedorenko
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1244. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after Lieutenant-General Vasily Alexandrovich Kalmykov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1245. The case of a widow's donation of the outward counselor A.N. Smirnova and her son M.F. Smirnov Capital in the 2500 rubles in the allowance of poor students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1246. The case of a scholarship at the Novorossiysk University named after nobleman Ivan Markovich Gaios
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1247. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after the widow of Major-General Augusta Nikolaevna Bekmann
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1248. The case of scholarships at the St. Petersburg University named after the late collegiate secretary Alexander Romanovich von Essen
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1249. The case of eight scholarships at the Moscow University named after Varvara Andreevna and Andrei Alekseevich Alekseev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 125. Curriculum in the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1250. The case of donating to the Moscow University the deceased midwife Elizaveta Vasilievna Solovyova 11000 rubles
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1251. The case of donating to the Moscow University the deceased midwife Elizaveta Vasilievna Solovyova 11000 rubles and the sale of a house donated by PG. Shelaputin Clinical Charitable Society
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1252. The case of changing the seventh and eighth points of the Rules of Scholarship at the Kazan University named after MV Lomonosov. Lomonosov, founded on November 23, 1868
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1253. The case of the donation of the honored professor Nikolai Nikitich Bulich to the Kazan University 2000 rubles for the granting of the benefits of the above capital to the poor students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1254. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after the late collegiate counselor Alexander Nikolaevich Grachevsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1255. The case of the donation to the St. Vladimir University of the library of the actual secret adviser Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1256. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after the widow of the provincial secretary Agripina Alekseevna Gizhitskaya
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1257. The case of the establishment at the Kharkov University of a savings and loan office
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1258. Case for benefits to veterinarians for equipment
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1259. The case of leaving at universities and coming abroad of young people to prepare for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 126. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1260. Case on the petitions of students of the University of Kharkov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1261. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1262. The case of professors and privat-documents of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1263. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of the University of Kharkov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1264. Military service case
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1265. The case of a scholarship at the Kazan University named after the doctor of collegiate assessor Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogolyubov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1266. Дело о профессорах и приват-доцентах Казанского университета
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1267. Statement of the retired Professor A.N.Croata about the desire to occupy the Department of Physiology in the University of Odessa, with the application of copies of documents about his service in Kazan University, abnormal relationships with other professors and various accusations and
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1268. The case of the issuance of the content prepared for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1269. The case of the issuance of the content prepared for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 127. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the faculty of oriental languages ​​of St. Petersburg University for the spring of 1887 and the curriculum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1270. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1271. The case of monetary benefits and other issues to various persons at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1272. Case for students of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1274. Case on the petitions of students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1275. Case on the petitions of students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1276. Case on the petitions of students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1277. Case for pedestrers of students of veterinary institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1278. Case on the petitions of pharmaceutical assistants about adoption at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1279. Case on the Persecution of Students of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 128. CDs Faculty of Law of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1280. The case on the petitions of students to marry
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1281. The case on the petitions of students to marry
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1282. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of St. Vladimir University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1283. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1284. Case on the assumption of different persons to tests in government commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1285. Case on the assumption of different persons to tests in government commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1286. The case of remuneration of professors and privat-associate professors for lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1287. Case on the Persecution of Students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1288. Case for students of the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1289. Case on the Persecution of Students of Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 129. The curriculum of the Historical and Philology Faculty of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1290. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1291. Case of the Department of Department at Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1292. Case for students of students on the appointment of scholarships and the liberation of lectures for the hearing
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1293. The case for student applications for the appointment of scholarships and for exemption from fees for listening to lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1294. The case of traveling with a scholars of the border and in Russia of professors, privat-associated professors and other university teachers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1295. Case of posts of orders and assistants
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1296. Business on the Persecution of Students of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1297. The case on the petitions of different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1298. The case on the petitions of different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1299. The case of the petitions of different persons about their adoption in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 13. The case of approval and dismissal of university professors in the new university charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 130. Curriculum in the Physics and Mathematics Department of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1300. Case with reports of professorial scholarships on their scientists
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1301. Correspondence on various subjects by the Department of Folk Enlightenment
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1302. Correspondence in various subjects on the Department of Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1303. The case on the distribution of teachers in the gymnasium of persons who graduated in historical and philological institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1304. The case of exemption from the obligatory service of students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1305. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1306. The case is the question of students of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1307. The case of a scholarship at St. Petersburg University named after the noblewoman Pelageya Ivanovna Sakhaneva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1308. The case of a donation to the St. Petersburg University Library of the late Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1309. The case of a donation to the St. Petersburg University Library of the late Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 131. Curric Plan for the medical faculty of the Imperial Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1310. Case on the powers of students of the Demidov legal lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1311. The case of the teachings of the Jews on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1312. The case of the supply of firewood and other materials for higher education institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1313. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after Colonel Emelyan Ivanovich Yurkevich
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1314. The case of scholarships at the Moscow University named after the sworn attorney F.N.Pooleco
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1315. The case of permission to hunt birds and animals in state forests to different persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1316. The case of a donation to the actual statistical adviser to Alafuzov 200,000 rubles for the device of the clinic, hospitals and churches in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1317. The case of a scholarship named after Lieutenant-General Mikhail Andreevich Saranchov at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1318. The case of concluding contracts for the production of various works on universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1319. The case of the establishment at the University of St. Vladimir lump-sum benefits named Fedor Tikhonovich Smirnov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 132. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Faculty of Law of Kazan University at the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1320. The case of the prize at the Moscow University named after Pavel Vasilyevich Parnachov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1321. Business Overview of Teaching in Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1322. The case of a scholarship at the Tomsk University named after merchant Ivan Stefanovich Kolmogorov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1323. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after collegiate assessor Feofil Grigoryevich Shklyarevich
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1324. The case of increasing the number of ranks of Moscow University of Inspectorate
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1325. The case of a scholarship at one of the higher educational institutions named after Captain Yakov Ivanovich Dunin-Barkovsky. Immediately on the SS scholarship. Savina
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1326. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkov University named after the merchant Timofei Petrovich Kuksa
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1327. The case of establishing under the Moscow University three scholarships named after the collegiate adviser Mikhail Ivanovich Ivanov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1328. The case with the review of teaching at the Tomsk University for 1896-1897
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1329. The case of the establishment of the St. Vladimir University allowances for undergraduates and the award of the name of the real secret adviser N.Kh. Bunge
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 133. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kazan University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1330. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after Professor A.B. Focht. There and then about the award of his name
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1331. Terrification of teaching in Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1332. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University, named the scholarship of the second Zemsky district of the Meshchov Uyezd in memory of the Sacred Crowning of their Imperial Majesties
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1333. The case with the review of teaching at the St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1334. The case of the return of the widow of the doctor of medicine Seraphim Maziah and her daughter Julia of 5000 rubles, donated by the dead father-in-law to her Ilya Mazi for a scholarship at the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1335. The case of measures to prevent the student organizations of the Union Farms in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1336. The case with the search for teaching at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1337. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkov University named after an honorary citizen Adolf Romanovich Rubinstein
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1338. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after the former Estland governor Prince Sergei Vladimirovich Shakhovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1339. The case with the search for teaching in Kazan University for 1896-1897
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 134. Review of the teaching and distribution of lectures on the historical and philological faculty of Kazan University for the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1340. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after Professor Alexander Ivanovich Chuprov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1341. The case of scholarships at the Moscow University named after Lydia Nikolaevna and Mikhail Nikolayevich Grodetsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1342. The case of two scholarships at Yuryev University named after the collegiate adviser of Kreslavsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1343. Terrification of teaching at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1344. The case of the establishment of the scholarship named after Vasily Ivanovich Shpadier at the Novorossiysk and Warsaw universities and the name of Nina Erastovna Andreevskaya at Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1345. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after Lieutenant-General Feodor Agafonikovich Preobrazhensky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1346. The case of a scholarship at the St. Vladimir University named after Evgeni Ivanovich Afanasiev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1347. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of a scholarship named after the collegiate adviser Mikhail Ivanovich Ivanov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1348. The case of the establishment of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after the actual secret adviser Ubri
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1349. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of the award of the late Professor A.Yu. Davidov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 135. Review of the teaching and distribution of lectures at the medical faculty of Kazan University at the spring of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1350. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of scholarships for capital, bequeathed by the hereditary honorary citizen A.S. Foreman
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1351. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after Esper Nikolaevich Sumbul
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1352. The case of a scholarship at Yuryev University named after the secret adviser Joseph Vasilyevich Bertenson
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1353. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after M.M. Kuvshinova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1354. Circularlas for 1896-1898 by the Department of Folk Enlightenment
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1355. Business (secret) about the unrest of students of Moscow and St. Petersburg universities and measures to combat them
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1356. Review lectures and list of employees and students at the University of Derpt.With the rules on the Host Host and Policurux Tests at all faculties
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1357. The case of the issuance of the content of persons prepared for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1358. Business for students to resolve marriage
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1359. Case on the assumption of different persons to tests in government commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 136. The case of the distribution of lectures, the review of teaching subjects, curriculum and offset of half a year at the Eastern Faculty of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1360. The case of the assumption of different persons to trials in government commissions.Part 2
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1361. Case on the assumption of different persons to tests in government commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1362. Case on the Persecution of Students of Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1363. The case of professors Privat-Doves of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1364. Case on the petitions of students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1365. Case on the petitions of students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1366. Business on the Persecution of Students of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1367. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1368. Case on the petitions of seminarists on making them to university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1369. Case on the petitions of seminarists on making them to university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 137. The case of the approval of privat-documents and the assignment of lectures at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1370. Case on the petitions of seminarists on making them to universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1371. Report on pedagogical courses at higher elementary schools of the Novgorod province for 1916
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1372. Case on the Persecution of Students of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1373. Case on the Persecution of Students of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1374. Case on the petitions of students of the University of Kharkov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1375. The case on the petitions of different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1376. The case on the petitions of different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1377. Case of the Department of Department at Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1378. The case of monetary benefits and other issues to different persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1379. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 138. The case of the reward of privat-documents for lecturing
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1380. The case of leaving at universities and travel abroad of young people to prepare for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1381. The case of remuneration of professors and privat-associate professors for lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1382. The case of a board for the hearing of lectures, about professorial content and fee
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1383. The case of a board for the hearing of lectures, about professorial content and fee
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1384. Correspondence on various subjects by the Department of Folk Enlightenment
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1385. Correspondence in different subjects on the Department of Public Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1386. The case of the anniversary of the Corporation "Fraternitas Rigensis"
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1387. The case on the distribution of teachers in the gymnasium of persons who graduated in historical and philological institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1388. The case of the replacement of two tutors of boarders in the Tobolsk gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1389. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of the University of Kharkov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 139. The case of the issuance of the content to persons sent abroad with a scientific purpose
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1390. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1391. Case of posts of orders and assistants
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1392. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1393. Case for students of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1394. Business to the Personal Students of the University of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1395. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of the University of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1396. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1397. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1398. Correspondence on the Historical and Philological Institute of Prince Bezborodko in the city of Uzhin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1399. Correspondence on the historical and philological institute of Prince Bezborodko in the town of Nezhin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 14. The case of resolving a special magazine with a vacation of 1000 rubles from the amounts of the state treasury at the Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg University of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 140. The case of a college assessor N.V.Sokolovsky about providing him with an assistant inspector at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1400. Military service case
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1401. Case on the Persecution of Students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1402. Case on the Persecution of Students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1403. The case of traveling with a sategorically of the abroad and in Russia professors, private associate professor and other university teachers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1404. Case on the number of missed lectures by university teachers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1405. Case for pedestrers of students of veterinary institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1406. Case with reports of professorial scholars about their scientists
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1407. The case of students on the appointment of scholarships and the release of them from the fee of lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1408. The case of concluding contracts for the production of various works on universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1409. The case of the donation of commerce adviser LI. Brodsky 10000 rubles for an extension to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic of St. Vladimir University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 141. The case of the establishment at the Siberian University of the Scholarships named after a hereditary honorary citizen Lev Petrovich Kuznetsov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1410. Case on the petitions of pharmaceutical assistants to adopt them into universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1411. Case on the petitions of pharmaceutical assistants to adopt them into universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1412. Case for students of the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1413. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of a scholarship named after the doctor A.I. Dmitrova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1414. The case of arrest and expulsion under the supervision of the police of students accused of state crime and other riots
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1415. Case on the powers of students of the Demidov legal lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1416. The case of the establishment of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1417. The case on the appointment of chairmen and members of the test commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1418. The case of the teachings of the Jews on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1419. The case of the teachings of the Jews on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 142. The case of traveling abroad and leaving candidates at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1420. The case of the celebration of Jubilees in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1421. Дело о праздновании юбилеев в высших учебных заведениях
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1422. The case of the opening of a privatista at the Department of Theology at Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1423. The case of organizing free public readings on agronomy at the Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1424. The case of the construction of a stationary clinic for childhood illnesses at the Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1425. Case about changing the conditions of the spiritual will A.P.Kiza concerning the appointment of premiums of his name at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1426. The case of the establishment of four new full-time professorships at the Physics and Mathematics Department of Moscow University and the appointment of an independent salary for the Department of Physical Geography
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1428. The case of the establishment of a Moscow University scholarship named after the chairman of the Moscow Commercial Court, AI. Vitsyna
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1429. The case with the search for teaching in Novorossiysk University for 1897-1898 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 143. The case in relation to the medical department of the Ministry of the Interior about every insane, given by relatives to the Derptic psychiatric clinic, came the Dorpat city doctor
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1430. The case of the device at the University of Tomsk bacteriological station
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1431. The case of a vacation of 1500 rubles for the purchase of microscopes for the Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1432. The case of the establishment at Yuryev University of scholarships named after the collegiate adviser von Zeczen
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1433. The case of assignment to the property of the Kharkov Public Library for building a house, a plot of land owned by Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1434. The case with the review of teaching at the Tomsk University for the 1897-1898 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1435. The case with the search for teaching at St. Petersburg University for 1897-1898 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1436. The case of the establishment of the St. Vladimir University Kiev scholarship named after the actual State Counselor Victor Levitsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1437. Business with reports of test commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1438. Business with reports of test commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1439. The case of the establishment of the V.I. Kovalevsky at the Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 144. The case of the businessization of professors and teachers of higher educational institutions with a scientific purpose abroad and in the internal province of Russia
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1440. The case of the establishment at the Tomsk university of a scholarship named after the doctor Yu.F. Yalovetsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1441. The case of the approval of the rules on the benefits of the name of Ivan Kostemerevsky at the Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1442. The case with the search for teaching in Kazan University for 1897-1898 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1443. The matter of the establishment of the post of an observer astronomer at the astronomical observatory of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1444. The case with the search for teaching at the University of St. Vladimir for 1897-1898 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1445. The case of a vacation of 5000 rubles for the acquisition of the mineralogical collection of Dr. Halubinsky for the mineralogical study of the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1446. The case of the establishment of the S.Teplow Scholarship at the Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1447. The case of the establishment of a scholarship named after the general from the artillery of Glinka first at the Demidov Lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1448. The case of the establishment of the Ostrovidov scholarship at the Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1449. Дело с обозрением преподавания в Харьковском университете на 1897-1898 учебный год
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 145. The case of the petitions of universities on the appointment of scholarships
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1450. The case of the establishment of the P.Kolenius Scholarship at the Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1451. Case about changing the charter of the loan-savings box office at Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1452. The case of the establishment of a St. Petersburg University scholarship named after Prince Nikolai Zurabovich Chavchavadze
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1453. The case of the establishment of the St. Petersburg University scholarship named after the late General from the artillery of Vasily Ivanovich Shpadier
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1454. The case of the establishment of a scholarship at the Kharkov University named after Lieutenant-General O. Preobrazhensky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1455. The case with the search for teaching at Moscow University for 1897-1898 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1456. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of scholarships in memory of the late secret adviser Sergei Zagoskin on the account of the treasury
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1457. The case of the establishment of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after the real state councilor Lazar Solomonovich Polyakov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1458. The case of changing the regulations on the I.S. Aksakov at the Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1459. The case of the establishment of one bed in the psychiatric clinic of Moscow University for the capital donated by S. Stolbova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 146. Correspondence on various issues on the Department of Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1460. The case of the establishment of two scholarships at the Moscow University for the donated by the actual State Councilor I.N. Tairov the capital in 16000 rubles
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1461. The case of unrest among students of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1462. The case of the admission of the capital of the Kharkov University 1000 rubles, bequeathed by the actual State Councilor E.S. Gordeenko in favor of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1463. The case of replacing the three scholarships of the Vilna Evangelical-Reformed Synod at Yuryev University with two scholarships for students of the theological faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1464. The case of the establishment of a scholarship at the Novorossiysk University named after I.D. Loginova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1465. The case on the petition of the Kharkov Society of Agriculture about the device at veterinary institutes of higher schools of animal industries with schools of dairy farming
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1466. Correspondence on Demidov legal liceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1467. The case of changing the exam for the title of Lekary in connection with the necessary changes in teaching and testing at the medical faculties
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1468. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of a scholarship named after the widow AG. Leonova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1469. The case of the approval of the draft provisions on lump sum at the Moscow University on capital donated by physicians of the 1872 edition
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 147. The case of establishing a special testing on psychiatry and nervous diseases for examiners for medical scientists
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1470. The case of the arrangement of hostels for students of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1471. The case for the sale of a piece of land belonging to the Kharkov Veterinary Institute, with the circulation of the proceeds from the sale for the construction of new clinics for large animals
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1472. The case of leaving at universities and travel abroad of different persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1473. The case of leaving at universities and travel abroad of different persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1474. The case of leaving at universities and travel abroad of different persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1475. The case of remuneration of professors and privat-associate professors of universities for lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1476. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1477. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1478. The case of the manufacture of repairs and the supply of various materials and supplies for universities by economic means and on contracts
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1479. The case of approval of the estimation of special means of higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 148. Permission to defend dissertations at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1480. Case on the petitions of students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1481. The case of acquiring for the surgical clinic of the University of Yuryev dynamos and apparatus for the application of the X-ray method
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1482. The case on students' petitions about the appointment of scholarships or benefits and benefits from lectures for hearing
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1483. Дело о профессорах и приват-доцентах Санкт-Петербургского университета
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1484. The case of cash benefits and issuers to various persons in the Department of Folk Enlightenment
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1485. Case of monetary benefits and issues to different persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1486. The case of the issuance of the content of persons prepared for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1487. The case of the issuance of the content of persons prepared for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1488. Case on the petitions of former students and different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1489. Case on the petitions of former students and different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 149. The case of permission to charge students studying at the Derpt University Obstetroly Clinic of obstetric art, a fee of 250 rubles with each
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1490. Case on the petitions of former students and different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1491. Case on the petitions of former students and different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1492. Дело по прошениям бывших студентов и разных лиц о принятии их в высшие учебные заведения
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1493. Case on the petitions of former students and different persons on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1494. Business on the Persecution of Students of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1495. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1496. Case for pedestrers of students of veterinary institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1497. Educational and auxiliary settings.Immediately correspondence on university clinics
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1498. Educational and auxiliary settings.Immediately correspondence on university clinics
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1499. Educational and auxiliary settings.Immediately correspondence on university clinics
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 15. The case of the petition of Pentkovsky and other students about the release of their lectures and testing in additional subjects
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 150. The request of the former assistant vice -rector of St. Vladimir Konstantin Bozhovsky on the issuance of an additional salary for the inspector’s position
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1500. Educational and auxiliary settings.Immediately correspondence on university clinics
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1501. The Case of the Construction Needs of the Imperial Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1502. Business to the Personal Students of the University of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1503. The case of remuneration for the construction work of architects of Universities Pavlova and Yablonsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1504. Case of honorary members of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1505. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1506. The case of professors and privat-documents of Kyiv University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1507. The case of the admission of different persons to exams in government commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1508. The case of the admission of different persons to exams in government commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1509. The case of the admission of different persons to exams in government commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 151. The case of students' petitions for the issuance of certificates of maturity and allow them to keep an exam for receiving this diploma
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1510. The case of the admission of different persons to exams in government commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1511. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1512. Case on the establishment of scholarships with higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1513. Case with reports of professorship scholars about their scientists
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1514. Case on the petitions of seminarists on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1515. Case on the petitions of seminarists on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1516. Case on the petitions of seminarists on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1517. The case of the resumption of the law on the extradition of medical students to self-reliant is not set off against the annual salary and the medicinal set of surgical instruments
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1518. Case for students of students from Kiev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1519. Different correspondence on the Department of Folk Enlightenment
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 152. The case of the celebration of the anniversary of the fifty-year service of the professor of St. Petersburg University Vasiliev and another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1520. Different correspondence on the Department of Folk Enlightenment
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1521. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of the University of Kharkov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1522. The case of the state of departments in universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1522. Case of the Department of Department at Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1522. The case of the state of departments in universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1522. The case of the state of departments in universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1523. Correspondence in the St. Petersburg Historical and Philological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1524. The case of the provision of vacant teacher places to students who graduated from the course in historical and philological institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1525. Case of internators and assistants
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1526. The case on the appointment of scholarships of the Warsaw and Vilensky educational districts to students of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1527. The case on the petitions of students of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1528. The case on the appointment of chairmen and members of the test commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1529. Case on the Persecution of Students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 153. The case of the test to the inspector of the medical department of the Kherson provincial rule to Roman Sotnichevsky foreign business trip to the actual service
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1530. Case of rebeling institutes at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1531. The case of protecting with various persons of dissertation for scientific degrees
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1532. The case of protecting with various persons of dissertation for scientific degrees
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1533. The case of the protection of dissertations by different persons for academic degrees
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1534. The case of protecting with various persons of dissertation for scientific degrees
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1535. The case for the applications of students of the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1536. The case of the Pharmaceutical Assistants to accept them to universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1537. Case of vacation from the treasury 24146 rubles 31 kopecks for building buildings of the University of Kazan Astronomical Observatory
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1538. The case of a leave from the treasury 24,146 rubles 31 kopecks for the construction of buildings of the department of the Astronomical Observatory of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1539. Case for students of the Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 154. The case of approval of university professors in the new university charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1540. Case of professors and privat-associate professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1541. The case of building an outpatient clinic at the clinics of Tomsk University for special funds of this university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1542. Case on the petitions of various persons on the provision of professorial departments in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1543. Case on the petitions of various persons on the provision of professorial departments in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1544. Case on the petitions of various persons on the provision of professorial departments in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1545. Case on the petitions of various persons on the provision of professorial departments in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1546. Case on the Persecution of Students of Yuryev University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1547. Dental doctors
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1548. Case on various issues relating to the university charter of 1884
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1549. The case on the approval of the draft gold medal for awarding the reviewers of the works submitted for the prize in memory of Emperor Alexander II at the Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 155. The case of the remuneration of professors who served the 30-year service life for lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1550. The case of unrest among university students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1551. Case of correspondence on the lyceum of Cesarevich Nicholas in Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1552. Case of correspondence on the Demidov Legal Lying
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1553. The case of adoption in the citizenship of Russia students of higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1554. The case on the question of replenishing the personnel of Novorossiysk University with worthy candidates and the need for practical classes for students of this university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1555. Дело по прошениям евреев о принятии их в высшие учебные заведения
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1556. The case of the teachings of the Jews on making them to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1557. The case on the revision of the rules and test programs in the physico-mathematical test commission
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1558. The case of the production of semi-russian and final tests at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1559. The case with the search for teaching in Novgorod University for 1898-1899 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 156. The case with the information about the state of the departments at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1560. Case on the project of changes in the system of higher, secondary and lower education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1561. Case with the search for teaching at St. Petersburg University for 1898-1899 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1562. The case with the review of teaching at the Tomsk University for the 1898-1899 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1563. Case with reports of test commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1564. Case on the transfer of veterinary institutions from the department of the Ministry of National Education to the Ministry of Agriculture and Public Protection
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1565. The matter of increasing the credit for the preparation of professors for higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1566. The case with the search for teaching in Kiev University for 1898-1899 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1567. The case with the search for teaching in Kazan University for 1898-1899 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1568. The case of professors and privat-associate professors of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1569. The case with the search for teaching in Kharkov University for 1898-1899 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 157. The case of hiring to help Professor Morozov an assistant to put the library of Kharkov University in order
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1570. The case of changing some of the § rules on scholarships named after Nicolaus Copernicus at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1571. The case with the search for teaching at Moscow University for 1898-1899 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1572. The case of suicides and other accidents with students of higher education institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1573. The case of delivered by trustees of educational districts of information about privat-associate professors at the requests of the remuneration of them for lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1574. The case of admission to St. Petersburg University of persons with a certificate of maturity from the gymnasiums of other educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1575. The case of increasing the content assigned to the post of librarian of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1576. The case of the establishment of posts of lecturers of the New Greek language at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 1577. Leaflet on the tragic death of the student of the higher women's courses M.F. Vetrovoy, imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress on charges of storing revolutionary publications
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 158. The case of exemption from the obligatory service of the Ministry of Education for the scholarships received from the treasury
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 159. The case of the petitions of former students about permission to go to the university again to graduate and move from one university to another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 16. The case of the supply of firewood, lighting and other materials for universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 160. The case of the petitions of former students about permission to go to the university again to graduate and move from one university to another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 161. The case of the petitions of former students about permission to go to the university again to graduate and move from one university to another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 162. The case of establishing a position of a super -standard resident at the Department of Obstetrics and Female Diseases at Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 163. The case of resolving classes of students of Kharkov University in the hospital of Dr. Platonov and the establishment for a psychiatric clinic position of the resident with a fee of 600 rubles a year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 164. The case of the distribution of teachers who graduated from teachers in St. Petersburg and Nezhinsky historical and philological institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 165. The case of the petitions of former students of veterinary institutes and other persons about permission to go to institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 166. The question of the petition of the St. Petersburg Nadezhdinsky family institution of Dibailova about permission to go to Kazan obstetric courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 167. The case of the restoration of the position of the native at the Department of Operational Surgery University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 168. The case at the request of the authorities of educational districts of permission to be subjected to tests to test half a year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 169. The case of the establishment of a Former Chairman of the Board of the Nakhichevan Society of mutual credit of the actual state adviser to Parfenia Ilyich Basakov at Kharkov University of Kharkov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 17. The case of leaving at universities and sending young people abroad for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 170. Correspondence on the Demidov Legal Lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 171. Review of lectures and a list of employees and students at the University of Derpt
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 172. Review of lectures and a list of employees and students at the University of Derpt.With the rules on the test of half a year and on a half -curric tests at all faculties of the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 173. Review of lectures and a list of employees and students at the University of Derpt
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 174. Review of lectures and a list of employees and students at the University of Derpt.Immediately and other correspondence at the University of Yuryev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 175. Different correspondence at the University of Yuryev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 176. The case of the release of amounts for educational and auxiliary establishments in 1887 at imperial Russian universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 177. Correspondence at the Derpt Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 178. The case of paying money to the St. Petersburg Mint for the manufacture of four medals for Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 179. The case of the establishment at the Kharkov University of the Scholarships named after the widow of Major A.F.Minchenkova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 18. The case of leaving at universities and sending young people abroad for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 180. The case of the establishment at the Siberian University of the School of the Commerce of Advisor Alexander Konstantinovich Trapeznikov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 181. The case of the arrest of university students and the conduct of searches from the aforementioned persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 182. The case, according to a comrade of the Minister of Internal Affairs about the construction of a secret cuis well by students of St. Petersburg University.Here about a student scientific and literary society
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 183. The case with the information about scholarships released from the state treasury, mandatory and optional
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 184. The case of the establishment of a scholarship named after Maria Ivanovna Shelengovskaya at the University of St. Vladimir and named after P.O.Simirenko at the highest female courses in Kyiv
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 185. The case of the establishment at the Kazan Veterinary Institute of the School of School named after the hereditary honorary citizen Ivan Petrovich Shcherbakov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 186. Correspondence on a commission at St. Petersburg University to take measures to streamline the composition of students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 187. The case of permission to arrange on the land of the Kharkov University of the All -Russian Agricultural Exhibition
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 188. The case of information about the size of the fee received in 1886 by each of the university professors
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 189. The case of granting the right to act beyond the set and outside the competition to the Technological Institute for the scholarships of the Transcaucasian Territory and determined for the scholarship named after Emperor Alexander II
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 19. The case of the issuance of the content to persons sent abroad with a scientific purpose
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 190. The case of the discovery by Russian students of the University of Berlin and the Technological Institute "Russian Postemics"
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 191. Correspondence on the historical and philological institute of Prince Bezborodko in Nezhin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 192. The case of a student of the Kazan Veterinary Institute Nikolsky insults to the professor of this institute Chulovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 193. The case of repair work in higher educational institutions.Immediately about the construction of a new building for the library of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 194. The case of inspection at universities under the Charter of 1884
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 195. Reviews of teaching and the distribution of lectures of the law faculty of Novorossiysk University at the autumn half of 1887.Immediately and for the spring of 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 196. Review of the teaching and distribution of lectures at the historical and philological faculty of Novorossiysk University at the autumn half of 1887.Immediately and for the spring of 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 197. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Novorossiysk University at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 198. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Historical and Philology Faculty of Kharkov University at the autumn half of 1887.Immediately and for the spring of 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 199. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Law Faculty of Kharkov University at the autumn half of 1887.Immediately and for the spring of 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 2. The case of approval and dismissal of teachers, the adoption of students, the issuance of remuneration and benefits and the conclusion of contracts for deliveries for the St. Petersburg Historical and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 20. The case of the businessization of professors and teachers of higher educational institutions with a scientific purpose abroad and in the internal province of Russia
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 200. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Medical Faculty of Kharkov University at the autumn half of 1887 and for the spring of 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 201. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kharkov University at the autumn half of 1887.Immediately and for the spring of 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 202. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Historical and Philology Department of the Imperial Moscow University at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 203. Review of the teaching and distribution of lectures of the law faculty of Moscow University at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 204. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures of the medical faculty of Moscow University at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 205. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University at the autumn half of 1887.Immediately for the spring half of 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 206. The case of the petitions of former students about their acceptance of them to Moscow University and the permission to remain an extra semester at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 207. The case of an order to give lectures on vacant departments Privat-Docips and professors of Moscow University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 208. The case of the approval and dismissal of professors of Derpt University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 209. Correspondence at the Kharkov Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 21. The case at the request of the widow of the priest of Nadezhda Tikhonravova on the appointment of her son, student of St. Petersburg University Anthony Tikhonravov scholarships and another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 210. Review of the teaching and distribution of lectures of the Historical and Philology Faculty of St. Vladimir of St. Vladimir at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 211. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures of the law faculty of the University of St. Vladimir at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 212. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Vladimir of St. Vladimir at the autumn half of 1887.Immediately for the spring half of 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 213. Review of the teaching and distribution of lectures of the medical faculty of Kyiv University of St. Vladimir at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 214. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments at the University of Novorossiysk
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 215. The case of the approval and dismissal of professors of St. Petersburg University and to leave them in the service on the basis of 105 articles of the university charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 216. Correspondence at the Kazan Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 217. The case of the petitions of the engineer-technologists of the St. Petersburg Technological Institute on their reckoning to the estate of honorary citizens
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 218. The case of the appointment of a privat-preschool of St. Petersburg University of Barzilovsky Adjunct Professor of the Kharkov Technological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 219. The case of the approval and dismissal of professors of Kharkov University and to leave them in the service on the basis of 105 articles of the university charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 22. The case of the appointment of a lecturer of the Estonian language of the University of Derpt, M. Veska, a teacher of Finnish adverbs at Kazan University and another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 220. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University in the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 221. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Imperial St. Petersburg University in the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 222. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Eastern languages ​​of St. Petersburg University in the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 223. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University in the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 224. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments to professors and privat-documents of Kharkov University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 225. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments to professors and privat-documents of Kazan University.Immediately about the appointment and remuneration of privat-document
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 226. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the historical and philological faculty of Kazan University at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 227. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the Faculty of Law of Kazan University at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 228. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the medical faculty of Kazan University at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 229. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures on the Physics and Mathematics Department of Kazan University at the autumn half of 1887
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 23. The case of students' petitions for permission to enter the Demidov Law Lyceum, Veterinary Institutes and the Riga Polytechnic School
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 230. The case of increasing the content of the keeper of museums of the Historical and Philology faculty of Kazan University up to 1000 rubles per year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 231. The case of the establishment at the Museum of the Grace Arts of the Kharkov University of the position of a super -standard assistant and the appointment of a Sokalsky librarian with a reward for 300 rubles a year to this position
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 232. The case of the establishment at Kazan University of the School of the School of Assessor Andrei Vasilyevich Vasiliev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 233. The case of approval of a donation of 10,000 rubles made by Anna Berthu Bliokh in favor of a scholarship fund at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 234. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments at St. Petersburg University Privat-Tocent and professors.Immediately about the appointment and remuneration of privat-document
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 235. The case of the establishment at the ophthalmic faculty clinic of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 236. The case of a winning refusal that can fall on an internal loan ticket for the establishment of scholarships at universities named after the actual state adviser Vasily Fedorovich Danilov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 237. The case of the approval and dismissal of professors of the University of Novorossiysk and their abandonment on the basis of 105 articles of the University Charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 238. The case of the approval and dismissal of professors of Kazan University and leaving professors on the basis of 105 articles of the University Charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 239. The case of an instruction for lecturing at vacant departments at the University of St. Vladimir Privat-Contracts and professors.Immediately about the appointment and remuneration of privat-document
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 24. The case of the transfer of amounts from one § to another and on expenses from special funds for educational needs of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 240. The case of accepting the University of St. Petersburg University by Honored Ordinary Professor Janson of the Statistical Library and the production of a portrait of Professor Janson in a statistical office
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 241. The case of the establishment at the Kharkov University of the scholarship named after Alexei and Ilya Fedorovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 242. The case of the establishment at the Warsaw University of the School named after Edmund Stempkovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 243. The case of one -time benefits established at Moscow University from % from capital of 5,000 rubles, bequeathed by the pharmacist Pavel Yazgeevich
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 244. The case of permission to purchase for the laboratory and other auxiliary institutions of the University of Warsaw per year up to 123 buckets of alcohol without paying excise taxes for it
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 245. The case of the establishment at Kazan University of a scholarship named after the late professor A.V.Petrova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 246. The case of the establishment of a scholarship named after Ivan and Tatyana Reutov at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 247. The case of unrest produced in the circus by students of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 248. The case of holding part of the fee, due to calculation by university teachers, for the lectures they missed without good reason
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 249. The case of a proposal to young people graduating from universities in the law faculty to occupy the positions of candidates for military sub-court positions and assistants to secretaries of military-building courts
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 25. The case of the establishment of a scholarship named after Grigory Petrovich Telepnev at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 250. The case of the construction of a normal bacteriological laboratory in the city of Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 251. The case of the elevation of fees at universities from students to 25 rubles.Immediately about the restriction of the admission of Jews to universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 252. The case of the establishment at the Imperial Moscow University of School named after I.S.Aksakova of interest with an applied Moscow City Duma of capital at 6350 rubles
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 253. The case of the establishment of a college adviser Alexander Mikhailovich Sozonov at the Moscow University of School
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 254. The case of leaving, dismissal of professional university professors on the basis of 105 articles of the University Charter of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 255. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of School named after Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 256. The case with the test program for each subject of the Faculty of Historical and Philology, according to the examination requirements
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 257. The case of the adoption of the widow of the headquarters of the headquarters of the estate of the estate, consisting of 145 acres of land, bequeathed to Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 258. The case of permission, in the event of the emergence of a cholera epidemic in the Saratov province, twenty one student of the medical faculty of the Kazan University to come to the service of Saratov district departure
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 259. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of two scholarships named after Konstantin Konstantinovich and Maria Petrovna Kumanins
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 26. The case of the distribution of teachers who completed the course in St. Petersburg and Nezhinsky historical and philological institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 260. Дело о существующих землячествах в университетах Московском и Санкт-Петербургском
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 261. The case of the transfer of the publication of Moscow shows Sergey Alexandrovich Petrovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 262. The case of the transfer of the publication of Moscow Vedomosti Sergey Alexandrovich Petrovsky, and now in 1896 the actual state adviser V.A.Greensmut in 1896
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 263. The case of approving the testing program in the Eastern Languages ​​Commission at St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 264. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the School of School named after the Odessa City Hospital of Diterichs
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 265. The case of the establishment of scholarships at the Imperial Moscow University of interest on capital of 6,000 rubles donated by Tashkent lovers of dramatic art
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 266. The case of leaving and dismissal of professors at the University of St. Vladimir on the basis of Article 105 of the University Charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 267. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of a scholarship named after a hereditary honorary citizen Alexander Farengolts
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 268. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of Manuals for insufficient students from capital of 15,000 rubles donated by the widow of Colonel E.I.Nikolaeva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 269. The case of the refusal of Vladislav Zavadsky performance of printing works for the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 27. The case with books and other publications of universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 270. The case of the exact implementation of lithographic and typographic institutions of the rules (decreed in the highest command) on July 8, 1869 regarding lithographs of lectures and notes by students of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 271. The case on the draft rules on the production of testing in the Commission of Physical and Mathematics
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 272. The case of a student of Moscow University Sinyavsky insults the inspector of students of this university, Bryzgalov.Immediately about riots and unrest at other universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 273. The case of a student of Moscow University Sinyavsky insults the inspector of students of this university, Bryzgalov.Immediately about unrest at other universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 274. The case of the exchange of some medals located in the Munz-Cabinet of the University of St. Vladimir, to others, represented by Count Chap.
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 275. The case of the establishment of a loan and saving box office between employees at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 276. The case of the establishment of the Tomsk University of the School of the Kyakhtinsky Second Guild of the merchant A.A.Solomonov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 277. Form of clothing for university students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 278. The case of the petitions of former students of St. Petersburg University on their acceptance of them at the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 279. The case of the petitions of former students of St. Petersburg University on their acceptance of them at the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 28. The case of the request of the college adviser Bogdanov about the release of his son, a student of Moscow University from the contribution of a fee for listening to professorship lectures and another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 280. The case of the petitions of former students of Kyiv University of St. Vladimir to accept them again to the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 281. The case of a business trip of universities abroad and in the internal province of Russia with a scientific purpose
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 282. The case of the use of 1,500 rubles from special funds of Moscow University in the first half of 1888 for the publication of scientific notes of this university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 283. The case of traveling abroad and leaving young people at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 284. The case of traveling abroad and leaving young people at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 285. The case of traveling abroad and leaving young people at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 286. The case of the transfer of amounts to educational and auxiliary needs of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 287. The case of the petitions of former students of Kazan University on their acceptance of them to the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 288. The case of the petitions of former students of Kazan University on their acceptance of them to the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 29. The case of permission in the building of Moscow University to arrange a dining room for students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 290. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments to professors and privat-documents of Kazan University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 291. The case of approval and abandonment on the basis of 105 articles of the university charter of professors of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 292. The case of the transfer of some collections of an elegant art cabinet at Moscow University for storage to the Imperial Russian Museum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 293. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Kyiv University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 294. The case of an instruction for lecturing at vacant departments Privat-Docips and professors of St. Vladimir University in the city of Kyiv.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 295. The case of students' petitions about allowing them to keep a final test
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 296. The case of students' petitions for the issuance of certificates of maturity and to allow them to keep the final test
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 297. The case of the issuance of the maintenance of persons left at universities and traveled abroad for preparation for professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 298. The case of the approval and dismissal of professors of Warsaw University.Immediately on the instructions of lecturing to professors and privat-documents of this university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 299. The case of sending publications of the German Statistical Bureau in Berlin, sent from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the University of Derpt
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 3. The case of the approval of privat-documents and the issuance of remuneration for lectures at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 30. The case at the request of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University on providing students with the opportunity to visit under the leadership of Professor of the Foynitsky Penitacular institutions of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 300. The case of the transfer of amounts to universities from one article to another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 301. The case of exemption from the obligatory service for the Ministry of Education of the scholarships for the scholarships they received from the treasury
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 302. The case of an order to give lectures on vacant departments Privat-Docips and professors of Moscow University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 303. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments Privat-Docips and professors of Kharkov University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 304. The case of the petitions of former students of Moscow University on their acceptance of them again to the university and to leave in the same places
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 305. The case of the petitions of former students of Moscow University on their acceptance of them again to the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 306. The case of the petitions of students of foreign subjects about their adoption in Russian citizenship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 307. The case of the institution at the University of St. Vladimir of the scholarship named after A.A.Grekova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 308. The case of the issuance of benefits to various persons from the amounts of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 309. The case with the reports of persons preparing for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 31. The case of the letters of the Mr. Trustees of the Kharkov training district of Vorontsov-Veliminov regarding the works of students of Kharkov University Erofalov and end of ends awarded medals, and about the introductory lectures of Professor Danilevsky and another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 310. The case of the remuneration of professors and privat-documents of universities for reading lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 311. The case of the appointment and issuance of scholarships to students of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 312. The case of the petitions of former students of the University of Kharkov on their acceptance of them to the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 313. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 314. The case of the distribution of teachers who completed the course in the St. Petersburg and Nezhinsky historical and philological institutions to the service
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 315. The case of the use of amounts coming from the students of a midwife at Kharkov University for the maintenance of patients of the obstetric and gynecological clinic of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 316. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 317. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments to professors and privat-documents of Novorossiysk University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 318. The case of the petitions of former students of veterinary institutes about their admission to institutes and the Novo-Aleksandrian Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 319. The case of the petitions of former students of the Warsaw and Derpt Universities on acceptance again at universities and leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 32. The case of the establishment at one of the Russian universities of the scholarships Yakov Ivanovich Dunin-Barkovsky on donated capital
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 320. The case of levying from the examiners to the title of pharmaceutical assistant fees for 5 rubles with the reckoning of this money in special funds of the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 321. The case of the establishment at the Department of Zoology at the Novorossiysk University of Special Course of Entomology
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 322. The case of the petitions of former students about their adoption in the St. Petersburg, Kharkov Technological Institute and the Demidov Lyceum Lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 323. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 324. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments to professors and privat-documents of St. Petersburg University and on the appointment of privat-document
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 325. The case of the election of professors in the title of honorary members of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 326. The case of the petitions of former students of the University of Novorossiysk about their acceptance of them to the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 327. The case of the establishment at the Faculty of Eastern Languages ​​of St. Petersburg University of the Japanese language department.Immediately about the establishment of the Department of Korean and Hindustan languages
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 328. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of a scholarship named after the deceased secret adviser F.V.Grozdova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 329. The case of the appointment of manuals for printing works and dissertations
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 33. The case of determining the course at Kharkov University of Nikolai Somov with a super -national laboratory assistant of Kharkov University.Immediately about determining laboratory assistants from other universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 330. The case of permission on the day of the 50th anniversary of the Observatory of Kazan University University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 331. Correspondence at the Kharkov Technology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 332. Correspondence on the St. Petersburg Imperial Historical and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 333. The case of permitting to different persons to deal with scientific purposes in the archives of ministries, libraries of universities and other institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 334. The case of the establishment of a loan and saving box office at the Kharkov Technological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 335. The case of the establishment at the histological office of Moscow University of a Normal Bacteriological Laboratory
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 336. Review of teaching at the History and Philology Faculty of Kharkov University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 337. Review of teaching at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Kharkov University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 338. Review of teaching at the Law Faculty of Kharkov University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 339. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Medicine of Kharkov University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 34. The case of a refusal for a spiritual testament of capital for the establishment of three scholarships named after a college adviser Casimir Sevastyovich Klimovsky at Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 340. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Imperial Novorossiysk University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 341. Review of teaching at the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Imperial Novorossiysk University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 342. Review of teaching at the Law Faculty of Imperial Novorossiysk University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 343. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology University of St. Vladimir at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 344. Review of teaching at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Vladimir of St. Vladimir at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 345. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Law University of St. Vladimir at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 346. Review of teaching at the faculty of the University of St. Vladimir at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 347. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 348. Review teaching at the Faculty of Eastern languages ​​of St. Petersburg University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 349. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of the School of School named after the St. Petersburg merchant E.F.Junker
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 35. The case of permission to accept 1200 rubles donated by the Kharkov Society with the name of the Batashevsky capital so that its interest was used for the maintenance of one sick child in an ophthalmic clinic Kharko
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 350. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg University of the School named after D.D.Gracheva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 351. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 352. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 353. Review of teaching at the Law Faculty of Moscow University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 354. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 355. The case of permission to hunt in official forests for animals and birds to the scarecrow of St. Vladimir Ergant and other persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 356. The case of the issuance of laudable certificates to the pupils of the Riga Polytechnic School
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 357. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of two scholarships named after a hereditary honorary citizen A.Ya.Farengoltz
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 358. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 359. Review of teaching at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 36. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg University of Scholarships named after the hereditary honorary citizens of Nikolai and Alexander Mazurin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 360. Review of teaching at the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 361. The case of opening subscriptions to scientists and societies and in higher educational institutions of the empire for establishing a collected capital of a scholarship named after Professor Tsenkovsky at Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 362. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the School of School named after the Privy Counselor D.M.Knyazhevich
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 363. Review of teaching at the History and Philology Faculty of Kazan University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 364. Review of teaching at the Physics and Mathematics Department of Kazan University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 365. Review of teaching at the Law Faculty of Kazan University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 366. Review of teaching at the medical faculty of Kazan University at the autumn half of 1888 and for the spring of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 367. The case of inviting persons to occupy the posts of professors and privat-documents at Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 368. The case of the new charter and the states of the Lyceum of Tsarevich Nikolai in Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 369. The case of the new charter and the states of the Lyceum of Tsarevich Nikolai in Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 37. The case of riots and unrest in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 370. The case of the petitions of young people about their adoption among the students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 371. The case with information about the expenditure from a loan, applied to universities for scholarships and benefits
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 372. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of four scholarships and a prize named after the Jew of the Old Advisor A.B.Dumashevsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 373. The case of the petitions of different persons about the assumption of their degree of the doctor and other scientists
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 374. Correspondence on the Riga Polytechnic School
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 375. The case of the establishment at Kazan University of a scholarship named after the late professor of Kazan University M.Ya.Kittars
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 376. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute of the School named after L.E.Nobel
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 377. The case of sewing documents of one to another person who ended the course of sciences in several higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 378. The case of the remuneration of the chairmen and members of the exam commissions in six universities according to the Charter on August 23, 1884
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 379. The case of the remuneration of the chairmen and members of the examination commissions at six universities under the Charter on August 23, 1884
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 38. The case of the device at one or two veterinary institutions of the empire of special laboratories and small clinics for scientific research on the issue of sapping
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 380. The case of strengthening the teaching of foreign languages ​​in secondary educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 381. The case of changing the rules for taking students to the Warsaw School of Otvival Grandma
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 382. The case of the procedure for enrolling Jews among university students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 383. The case of the procedure for enrolling Jews among university students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 384. The case of the trip of His Excellency Mr. Minister for Russia for the viewing of higher educational institutions of the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 385. The case of the desire of some students of Novorossiysk University to submit to Mr. Minister of Education a petition to cancel the new university charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 386. The case of clarifying some issues regarding the new university charter of 1884
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 387. The case regarding the determination of those full-time posts for various departments, with which the engineer-technologists and technologists receive the right to approval in the ranks of grade 10 and 12
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 388. The case of the establishment of a Honored Professor and Academician V.P.Vasilieva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 389. The case of the accession of the Kyiv obstetric and gynecological society to the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 39. The case at the request of the Board of Novorossiysk University on the issuance of a course with the degree of candidate Arkady Zilrstein certificate of bore for admission to public service and another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 390. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of School named after the hereditary honorary citizen M.A.Rokhmanova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 391. The case of the device at the medical faculty of Tomsk University of Clinic, anatomical corps and chapel for storing corpses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 392. Review of teaching and curricula of Tomsk University for 1888-1889 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 393. The case of the establishment of a School of the School of Schrek named after the secret adviser N.A.Christophy
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 394. The case of a change in the charter of the Warsaw Veterinary School
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 395. The case of the formation of auxiliary capital for the publication of textbooks at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 396. The case of the organization in the city of Rome Kolony and the library for Russian scientists
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 397. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of the School of Schrek named after the state adviser Gogin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 398. The release of 250,000 rubles for improving and developing educational and auxiliary instructions at six universities in the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 399. The release of 250,000 rubles for improving and developing educational and auxiliary instructions at six universities in the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 4. The case of the approval of privat-documents and the issuance of remuneration for lectures at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 40. The case of the provision of the trustee of the Derpt educational district of the title of trustee of the Riga Polytechnic School with the assignment of all rights and obligations related to this title
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 400. The release of 250,000 rubles for improving and developing educational and auxiliary instructions at six universities in the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 401. The release of 250,000 rubles for improving and developing educational and auxiliary instructions at six universities in the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 402. The release of 250,000 rubles for improving and developing educational and auxiliary instructions at six universities in the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 403. The release of 250,000 rubles for improving and developing educational and auxiliary instructions at six universities in the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 404. The release of 250,000 rubles for improving and developing educational and auxiliary instructions at six universities in the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 405. The release of 250,000 rubles for improving and developing educational and auxiliary instructions at six universities in the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 406. The release of 250,000 rubles for improving and developing educational and auxiliary instructions at six universities in the empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 407. The case of the appointment of chairmen and members in testing at the universities of the commission
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 408. Supplement to case 91a 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 409. The case of the release of the Vesovs from the parcels and packages, sent to the Meteorological Observatory of Novorossiysk University and Universities of the Empire
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 41. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of the School of School named after Yevgeny Vasilyevich Passek
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 410. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the School of School named after the actual state adviser V.A.Kazadaeva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 411. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Kyiv University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 412. The case with the reports of university candidates preparing for the professor
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 413. Correspondence at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 414. On the approval and dismissal of professors of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 415. On the approval of professors and other persons with the rank of honorary members of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 416. Correspondence at the Kharkov Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 417. The case of the approval and dismissal of professors of Derpt University.Immediately about the election of the chairman and members of the Court of Derpt University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 418. The case of approval, dismissal and remuneration of professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 419. The case of the petitions of former students of Warsaw and Derpt Universities on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 42. The case of those who were fired from higher educational institutions, according to the circular of March 5, 1886 for No. 70, Jews
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 420. The case of the petitions of universities about permission to marry them
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 421. The case of the appointment of benefits to various persons to print their works
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 422. The case with the statements about the state of the departments at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 423. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments to professors and privat-documents of Novorossiysk University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 424. The case of the liberation of scholarships from the obligatory government for the scholarship of the service
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 425. The case of the remuneration of professors and privat-documents for reading lectures and conducting practical classes with university students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 426. The case of the petitions of young people of Jews about their adoption in students of universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 427. The case of the petitions of young people of Jews about their adoption in students of universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 428. The case of the petitions of young people of Jews about their adoption in students of universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 429. The case of the petitions of young people of Jews about their adoption in students of universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 43. The case in relation to the medical department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the delivery of full lists of doctors, veterinarians and dentists, awarded scholars awarded to him by August 1
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 430. The case of the petitions of former students of Kazan University on their acceptance of them to the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 431. The case of the petitions of former students of Kazan University on their acceptance of them to the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 432. The case of the petitions of former students of St. Petersburg University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 433. The case of the petitions of former students of St. Petersburg University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 434. The case of the issuance of the maintenance of persons sent abroad and left at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 435. The case of the petitions of former students of Kharkov University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 436. The case of businessing with a scientific goal abroad and in the internal province of Russia of professors and university teachers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 437. The case of the approval of different persons in the scientists of the doctor and the master and the assumption of exams for these degrees
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 438. The case of the appointment of benefits to various persons from the amounts of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 439. The case of sending works and publications of universities and other establishments, as well as from different persons.Immediately about sending out different books on universities and other institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 44. The case on the application of the Highest of April 16, 1885 of the Regulation and the state of the Kharkov Technological Institute for the St. Petersburg Technological Institute with appropriate changes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 440. The case of the petitions of young people about their adoption in veterinary institutions and the Demidov Law Lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 441. The case of the petitions of former students of Moscow University on their acceptance of them again to the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 442. The case of the petitions of former students of Moscow University on their acceptance of them again to the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 443. The case of shipping Derpt University of publications of the German Statistical Bureau
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 444. The case of the establishment at departments and clinics of universities of the posts of assistants and residents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 445. The case of the establishment at departments and clinics of universities of the posts of assistants and residents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 446. The case of the appointment and reward of professors of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 447. The case of an instruction for lecturing to professors and privat-documents of St. Petersburg University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 448. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments to professors and privat-documents of Kazan University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 449. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 45. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of the three scholarships named after the Old Advisor A.A.Bulanovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 450. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of Scholarship named after the actual state adviser
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 451. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 452. The case of the establishment of a loan and saving box office at the St. Petersburg History and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 453. The case of the petitions of former students of the Novo-Aleksandria and Technological Institutes on their accepting them again to institutes and on leaving in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 454. The case of the petitions of former students of the Novo-Aleksandria and Technological Institutes on their accepting them again to institutes and on leaving in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 455. The case of the petitions of different persons about the issuance of certificates of Blessing and the right to teach in secondary educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 456. The case of the petitions of former students of the University of Novorossiysk about their acceptance of them again and the university and to leave in the same courses
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 457. The case of traveling abroad and leaving at universities candidates preparing for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 458. The case of traveling abroad and leaving at universities candidates preparing for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 459. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 46. The case of the transfer of amounts from one paragraph to another
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 460. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of two scholarships named after a college adviser F.G.Solovyova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 461. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of four scholarships named after Lieutenant A.A.Kireeva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 462. The case of distribution to the service of teachers who graduated from the course in the St. Petersburg and Nezhinsky historical and philological institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 463. The case of protecting the dissertation for scientific degrees of a doctor and master
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 464. The case on the transfer of the amounts from article the first to article is second, §5 of the estimates of the Ministry of Education for the needs of educational and auxiliary instructions of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 465. The case of the petitions of former students of the University of St. Vladimir to accept them again to the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 466. The case of the petitions of former students of the University of St. Vladimir to accept them again to the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 467. The case of the petitions of different persons about the enrollment of their candidates for vacant departments of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 468. Correspondence on various issues on the Department of Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 469. Correspondence on the Nezhinsky Historical and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 47. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of the School of the Riga merchant Pavel Savvich Popov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 470. Correspondence on the Nezhinsky Historical and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 471. The case of the establishment at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Kharkov University of the Honored Professor A.F.Pavlovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 472. The case of the petitions of young people about their adoption in the students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 473. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments to professors and privat-documents of the University of St. Vladimir.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 474. The case of the arrest of university students and subordinate them to the supervision of university authorities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 475. The case of annual acts at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 476. Correspondence on the St. Petersburg Historical and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 477. The case of the establishment at the Kharkov University of the Scholarship named after the noblewoman Nadezhda Sverchevskaya
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 478. The case on the petitions of the Serbs and the Bulgarians about their adoption among students of Russian universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 479. The case of the petitions of different persons about their assumption for the testing of universities for the title of pharmaceutical assistant and pharmacist
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 48. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of School named after Nikolai Ivanovich Sakovich
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 480. The case of the production of portraits in the halls and audiences of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 481. The case of the issuance of the content of the scholarships of the Warsaw training district - students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 482. The case of testing at the Physics and Mathematics Commission of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 483. Review of teaching and the distribution of lectures at the University of Derpt
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 484. The case of testing in the historical and philological commission of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 485. The case of testing in the Law Commission of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 486. The case of testing in the historical and philological commission of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 487. The case of speeches pronounced by professors of St. Petersburg University at the dinner of students of this university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 488. The case of a lecture for lectures on vacant departments to professors and privat-documents of Kharkov University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 489. The case of the establishment at the Demidov Legal Lyceum of the School named after the nobleman M.P.Makina
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 49. The case of the construction of a historical and philological office at the University of Novorossiysk
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 490. The case of an instruction for lecturing to professors and privat-documents of Moscow University.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 491. The case of repair work in the buildings of higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 492. The case of testing at the Physics and Mathematics Commission of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 493. The case on the complaint of V. Kozlovsky about the insulting him by the trustee of the West Siberian training district Florinsky.Immediately about the student insulting the Riga Polytechnic School, Zalessky headquarters captain Selivanova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 494. The case of testing in the legal commission of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 495. The case of the procedure for the production of final tests in the test commissions of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 496. The case of the procedure for the production of final tests in the test commissions of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 497. The case of the procedure for the production of final tests in the test commissions of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 498. The case on the procedure for the production of final tests in the test commissions of universities.Immediately on the provision of various benefits to medical students who went to combat cholera
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 499. The case of testing in the legal commission of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 5. The case of the issuance of universities from special means of remuneration and benefits to employees in them
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 50. The case of the petitions of persons who want to go to the Siberian University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 500. The case of testing at the Physics and Mathematics Commission of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 501. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 502. The case of the establishment under the Tomsk University of the School of the School named after the merchant N.V.Voinova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 503. The case of testing at the Physics and Mathematics Commission of the University of Novorossiysk
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 504. The case of the petitions of universities on the provision of scholarships and exemption from fees for learning
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 505. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of two scholarships named after a hereditary honorary citizen V.V.Kolobova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 506. The case with the rules on the test of half a year and on the foul-curric tests at the historical, philological and law faculties of universities and on the current state of historical and philological faculties
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 507. The case with the rules on the test of half a year and on the foul-curric tests at the historical, philological and law faculties of universities and on the current state of historical and philological faculties
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 508. The case with the rules on the test of half a year and on the foul-curric tests at the historical, philological and law faculties of universities and on the current state of historical and philological faculties
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 509. The case of testing in the legal commission of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 51. Correspondence at the Institute of Agriculture and Forestry in New Alexandria
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 510. The case of testing in the historical and philological commission of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 511. The case of testing at the Physics and Mathematics Commission of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 512. The case of testing at the Law Commission of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 513. The case of testing in the historical and philological commission of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 514. The case of testing in the Eastern Languages ​​Commission at St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 515. The case of the establishment under the Tomsk University of the School of the Name of the Actual Statsky Advisor M.A.Gilyarova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 516. The case of the introduction of music teaching at Kharkov University and the appointment of a teacher A.E.von Glen
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 517. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the School of the Scherny Secretary I.N.Osipova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 518. Correspondence at the Kazan Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 519. The case of the establishment at the Kazan Veterinary Institute of the Society of Veterinary Doctors
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 52. The case of the resumption of the scholarship of Count Alexei Alekseevich Bobrinsky at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 520. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of scholarships named after the deceased student of this university E.I.Mirolyubova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 521. The case of testing in the historical and philological commission of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 522. The case of the petitions of universities about allowing them to final tests at university test commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 523. The case of suicides and other accidents between students of higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 524. The case of the establishment at the Kharkov University of the School of School named after Lieutenant A.A.Kireeva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 525. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 526. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 527. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Law of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 528. Review of teaching at the History and Philology Faculty of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 529. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 53. Review of the teaching of subjects and the distribution of lectures on the legal faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 53. b) Review of the teaching of subjects and the distribution of lectures on the historical and philological faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 530. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Law of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 531. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Medicine of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 532. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 533. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 534. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Law University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 535. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Medical University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 536. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 537. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 538. Review of teaching at the law faculty of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 539. Review of teaching at the medical faculty of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 54. Review of the teaching of subjects and the distribution of lectures on the Physics and Mathematics Faculty at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 540. The case of testing at the Law Commission of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 541. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of School named after Honorary Citizen F.I.Ushakova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 542. Correspondence of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 543. The case of testing at the Physics and Mathematics Commission of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 544. The case of the establishment at the University of St. Vladimir of the three scholarships named after the actual state adviser Ivan and his wife Elena Malevansky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 545. The case of changing the procedure for the appointment of boarders named after manufactory-adviser D.P.Khlebnikova at the account of interest from capital donated by the late St. Petersburg Technology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 546. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 547. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 548. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 549. Review of teaching at the faculty of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 55. Review of the teaching of subjects and the distribution of lectures at the Eastern Department
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 550. The case of testing in the historical and philological commission of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 551. Correspondence on Derpt (Yuryevsky) Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 552. The case of subordination to the supervision of the educational authorities of students of higher educational institutions, politically unreliable
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 553. The case of the establishment in higher educational institutions of the scholarship named after the nobleman V.P.Sukachev for persons ending the course of exercises in the Irkutsk gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 554. The case of the establishment at Kazan University of the School of School named after Honored Ordinary Professor E.F.Aristov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 555. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of Historical Society
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 556. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg University of the Neofilological Society
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 557. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Eastern Languages ​​of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 558. The case of the donor of medicine P.A.Dyukov of his library Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 559. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of two annual awards for the medical faculty at % of capital donated by former professor A.P.Freech
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 56. The case of repair work on universities buildings
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 560. Secret and encrypted correspondence in the case of unrest that took place at the end of 1878 and early 1879 in the Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Warsaw and Kazan universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 561. Secret and encrypted correspondence in the case of unrest that took place at the end of 1878 and early 1879 in the Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Warsaw and Kazan universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 562. The case with the papers transferred from his imperial majesty of the emperor to the Ministry of Education for storage in the archive of the ministry remaining after the death of Count D.A.Tolstoy
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 563. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University at the autumn half of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 564. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of a scholarship named after the late student of this university Adolf Maingard-Cracker
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 565. Review of teaching at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University at the autumn half of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 566. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of School named after the late major General V.T.Lyubenkova and his spouses E.B.Lyubenkova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 567. The case of the refusal of A. Envy 7,500 rubles for scholarships for students of Warsaw University of Roman Catholic Confession of Polish origin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 568. Correspondence at the Warsaw Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 569. The case of a prize from capital of 20,000 rubles at the Kharkov University in memory of the twenty -five reign of Emperor Alexander II
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 57. The City of Meshchangs of the city of Mitava of the spouses of Adolf and Sofia Friedlander on granting them the right to use for raising children percent of capital, bequeathed by the Friedlander for scholarships at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 570. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University at the autumn half of 1889
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 571. The case with information: 1) about the number of those who graduated in gymnasiums in 1887, 1888 and 1889 and separately about the number of Jews who graduated;2) about the number of gymnasiums who have left during this time;3) how many Jews are accepted to universities and 4) how much was left from universities and with
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 572. The case of the rules on the test of half a year and a half-curric test at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 573. The case of the rules on the test of half a year and a half-curric test at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 574. The case of the commanding of young people to the Berlin Institute at the University of Berlin for preparation for the professor’s rank in Roman law
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 575. The case of the introduction at the Universities of Teaching for Students of Medicine and Pharmacy of the use of decimal weight instead of Nuremberg
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 576. The case of the establishment of a refusal of 24,000 rubles made by a doctor of medicine E. Dylevsky in favor of the scholarship fund at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 577. The case of the appointment of students of St. Petersburg, Moscow and Novorossiysk Universities of the scholarship named after his Imperial Majesty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 578. The case of the test of half a year, about a half -curric test and a new curriculum at the law faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 579. The case of the test of half a year, about a half -curric test and a new curriculum at the Law Faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 58. The case of permission to put portraits of late professors of Kazan University N.A.Vinogradov in the middle clinical audience and A.V.Petrova at the Pathological and anatomical Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 580. The case of the establishment of a scholarship named after the state adviser A.A.Kraevsky at St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 581. The case of the establishment at the University of St. Vladimir of the scholarship named after the nobleman Ivan Rotsk
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 582. The case with estimates of income and expenditure of special funds of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 583. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute named after Count F. Kankrin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 584. Correspondence of the Collegium of Emperor Alexander II at St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 585. Correspondence at the Novo-Aleksandria Institute of Agriculture and Forestry
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 586. The case of half -curric tests and the standings of half a year, about a new curriculum at the medical faculty
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 587. The case of the issuance to a student of Kazan University Anatoly Kremlin of the new certificate for the title of real student
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 588. Complex of a student at Moscow University Jerome Trofimovsky about providing him with an assistant inspector at Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 589. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of School Name of the State Advisor A.A.Kraevsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 59. The case of the establishment of a scholarship named after I.O.Golembovsky at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 590. The case of donations by an honorary citizen I.G.Gadalov Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 591. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg University of Scholarships named after M.Ya.Chaadaeva and his wife O.Z.Chaadaeva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 592. The case of the construction of a scientific and industrial exhibition in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 593. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of the Department of Zoology
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 594. The case of permission to persons who have completed a course in imperial Russian universities to wear a special gold or silver token
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 595. The case of the establishment at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 596. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of School named after the philistine Yu.I.Alexandrova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 597. The case of increasing the loan for the preparation of professors and teachers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 598. The case of the petitions of former students of the University of Novorossiysk about their adoption again to the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 599. The case of the petitions of former students of the University of St. Vladimir to accept them again to the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 6. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 60. The case of a refusal for a spiritual will by the hereditary nobleman Muravyov-Apostle of capital in favor of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 600. The case of Jews's petitions for their adoption to universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 601. The case of Jews's petitions for their adoption to universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 602. The case of Jews's petitions for their adoption to universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 603. The case of Jews's petitions for their adoption to universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 604. The case of Jews's petitions for their adoption to universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 605. The case of the remuneration of professors and privat-documents of universities for reading lectures and practical classes with students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 606. The case with the reports of persons sent abroad and left at universities for preparation for a professor’s rank, about their classes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 607. The case of the petitions of former students of Kharkov University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 608. The case of the petitions of former students of Kharkov University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 609. The case of improving the practical education of young doctors graduating from universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 61. The case of permission to accept the capital of the Imperial Kharkov University of the University of Imperial Kharkov in the amount of 9903 rubles 63 kopecks on the conditions expressed in the spiritual testament of the conditions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 610. The case of the businessization of professors and other university teachers abroad and in the internal province of Russia with the scientific purpose
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 611. The case of an order to give lectures at Kazan University to professors and privat-Documents.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 612. The case of traveling abroad and leaving young people at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 613. The case of traveling abroad and leaving young people at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 614. The case of traveling abroad and leaving young people at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 615. The case of a lecture for lecture at St. Petersburg University to professors and privat-documents and on the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 616. The case of the appointment of professors to Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 617. The case of the petitions of former students of Derpt and Warsaw Universities on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 618. The case of the petitions of former students of St. Petersburg University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 619. The case of the petitions of former students of St. Petersburg University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 62. The case of permission to give to the rental content of stone cutting on a farm belonging to the Novorossiysk University, and the device around it a stone fence
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 620. The case of the petitions of former students of Moscow University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 621. The case of the petitions of former students of Moscow University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 622. The case of the issuance of the maintenance of persons sent abroad and left at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 623. The case of the issuance of the maintenance of persons sent abroad and left at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 624. Case with information about the state of departments at the faculties at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 625. The case of the approval and dismissal of professors of the University of Derpt and the appointment of privat-document
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 626. The case of the release of universities from mandatory service for the scholarships at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 627. Correspondence on the St. Petersburg Historical and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 628. The case of approving and leaving professors of St. Petersburg University on the basis of 105 articles of the University Charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 629. The case of donating to the former pupil of the University of St. Vladimir of 950 rubles to the university to pay % of this amount of the established contribution for the right to listen to lectures for one of the in need of students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 63. The case of the establishment at the astronomical office and the Observatory of the University of Kharkov of a special position of the mechanic and the vacation for the maintenance of the last special loan of 800 rubles a year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 630. The case on the petitions of universities about permitting to examine them in testing commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 631. The case on the petitions of universities about permitting to examine them in testing commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 632. The case on the petitions of those who graduated from universities on the issuance of teacher certificates and certificates of Blagodnaya
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 633. The case of the petitions of universities about the release of their fees for listening to lectures and on the appointment of scholarships
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 634. The case of the petitions of former students of the Novo-Aleksandria, technological and historical and philological institutions on their adoption again to the indicated institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 635. Correspondence at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 636. The case of the approval and abandonment of professors of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 637. The case of the petitions of former students of Kazan University on their acceptance at the university again
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 638. The case of approval and leaving professors of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 639. The case of the petitions of young people about their adoption among the students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 64. The case of the establishment of two college adviser Alexander Pavlovich Kulakov at the Moscow University of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 640. The case of the appointment of professors of the University of Warsaw and the appointment of native positions and residents for super -standard positions at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 641. The case of permission to submit to the Ministry of Education the review of teaching once a year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 642. The case of the distribution of persons who completed the course in the St. Petersburg and Nezhinsky historical and philological institutions for service in the gymnasium and gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 643. The case of the petitions of former students of the Demidov Legal Lyceum and veterinary institutions on their adoption again to the Lyceum and Institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 644. The case of the petitions of former students of the Demidov Legal Lyceum and veterinary institutions on their adoption again to the Lyceum and Institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 645. The case of a donation of 8,000 rubles for the maintenance of two free beds in a Catherine hospital at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 646. Approval and dismissal of professors of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 647. The case of an instruction for lecturing to professors and privat-Documents at Kharkov University on the basis of 64 articles of the university charter.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 648. Correspondence on the Demidov Legal Lyceum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 649. The case of an instruction for lecturing to professors and privat-Documents at the University of St. Vladimir on the basis of 64 articles of the university charter.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 65. The case of donating to the deceased professor of Moscow University Vorontsov 3,000 rubles for decorating the Church of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 650. The case of an instruction of lecture lectures by privat-endright and professors of Moscow University on the basis of 64 articles of the university charter.Immediately about the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 651. Correspondence at the Kharkov Technology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 652. The case of expanding programs for persons seeking the title of dentist
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 653. The case of the appointment of chairmen in medical commissions at universities.Immediately on the appointment of chairmen in other commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 654. The case of the appointment of chairmen in medical commissions at universities.Immediately on the appointment of chairmen in other commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 655. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after A.N.Shugurova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 656. The case of approving professors of Moscow University and leaving them in the service on the basis of 105 articles of the university charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 657. Case with students' lists at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 658. The case of the donation to the princess A.V.Golitsyna capital of 1000 rubles for an institution with a psychiatric clinic of Moscow University of one bed for patients with the name of this bed by the name of Countess A.E.Tolstoy
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 659. The case of riots at Moscow University and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 66. The case of the establishment at the Novorossiysk University of the School of the Name Councilor Nikolai Sarzhinsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 660. The case of the establishment at the Kazan Veterinary Institute of the Institute of Scientific Cattle Management and Horse Breeding
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 661. The case of the transfer of duplicates of some coins from the numismatic cabinet of the University of Kharkov to offices of other universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 662. The case of the board of universities of contracts for the supply of firewood and work on universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 663. The case of reducing the number of university scholarships of the Kuban Cossack army
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 664. The case of a solemn meeting at the University of Novorossiysk about the 25th anniversary of the opening of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 665. The case of an instruction for lecturing to professors and privat-Documents at Novorossiysk University and on the appointment of privat-document
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 666. Review of teaching at the faculties of Novorossiysk University for the 1890-1891 academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 667. The case of Baron A.L.Button 9000 rubles for maintaining one bed at a gynecological clinic of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 668. Review of teaching at all faculties of Kazan University at the autumn half of 1890
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 669. The case of approving and leaving professors of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 67. The case of refusing the deceased merchant Popov 31,000 rubles for institutions on % of this capital of scholarships at St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 670. The case of the establishment at Kazan University of the Physics and Mathematics Society
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 671. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of the three half -pastry named after K.I.Ferrane and one half -pastry named after Professor Statsky Councilor Tikhomirov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 672. The case of the establishment of a special icon for wearing persons who have a higher scientific degree on veterinary medicine
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 673. The case of the production of icons in university churches in memory of October 17, 1888
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 674. The case of the establishment at the University of St. Vladimir of the Museum of Elegant Arts
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 675. The case of the donation of N.M.The bootler library of her husband’s late husband to the organic department of the chemical laboratory of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 676. The case of reviewing teaching at 1890-1891 Academic year at the faculties of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 677. The case of the sale by Dr. Botany E.B.Lindeman Harbarium of Plants for the University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 678. The case of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Warsaw Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 679. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of one -time benefits for the contribution of a fee for listening to lectures named after Colonel A.A.Maikova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 68. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute of the School of the Statsky Councilor of the Technologist Dmitriev by % from the capital donated by P. Malyutina Sons "
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 680. The case of correspondence in cases regarding the university commission
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 681. The case of reviewing teaching on 1890-1891 Academic year at all faculties of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 682. Review of teaching at the spring of 1891 at all faculties of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 683. The case of the inspection of the buildings of the Imperial Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 684. The case of the review of teaching in all faculties for 1890-1891 academic year at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 685. The case of the review of teaching at the medical faculty of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 686. The case of the review of teaching at all faculties of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 687. Review of teaching at all faculties of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 688. The case with information about the remnants according to § 5 of Article 3 for scholarships and benefits to students of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 689. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after P.N.Rachmanina
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 69. The case of the request of the wife of the doctor Maria Isaevna Vinogradova-Lukirskaya about her admitting her to the degree of Doctor of Medicine at Moscow University.Immediately the petition of other persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 690. The case of the scholarship named after A.D.Enaleeva at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 691. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after a doctor I.V.Zinoviev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 692. The case of scholarships at the Novorossiysk University named after the actual state adviser Sergei Yulyevich Witte
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 693. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of School named after the Privy Counselor D.P.Shubin-Pozdeeva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 694. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of School named after a college adviser N.G.Pozdnyshev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 695. The case of fights that occurred between students of the University of Derpt
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 696. The case of permission to persons who have completed the course at the Demidov Law Lyceum to wear a token gold or silver gilded
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 697. The case of a commission under the Ministry of Education about taking measures to prevent unrest in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 698. The case of the establishment under the Tomsk University of the School named after the former governor General G.A.Kolpakovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 699. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of Scholarship named after Moscow merchant G.B Michiner
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 7. The case of the acquisition of machines and other materials for workshops and laboratories of technological institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 70. The case with the project of the new state of the lower servants of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 700. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of School Name of the State Advisor V.V.Vedvedeeva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 701. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of a one -time manual named after the state adviser A.N.Shemyakina
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 702. The case of the assignment of a plot of land belonging to the Kharkov University in the amount of up to 330 square fathoms for the construction of a school building for the blind
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 703. The case with the information about the number of lower ministers for inspections at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 704. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of a one -time manual named after the merchant A.A.Andreev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 705. The case of revising programs in the Commission of Physical and Mathematics
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 706. The case of the payment of money for the manufacture for Kazan University of Medals for awarding of students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 707. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of School named after Prince V.A.Dolgorukova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 708. The case with information about seminary for practical exercises of universities at the faculties of historical, philological, physical, mathematical and legal
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 709. The case of the assumption of students of St. Petersburg University to arrange a public congress with delegates from provincial universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 71. The case of the establishment of Honored Professor Karavaev at the Imperial University of St. Vladimir of the Styropendy
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 710. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after a college adviser V.N.Agloblin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 711. The case of the construction of a city sanitary station at a hygienic laboratory of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 712. The case of the appeal of the School of St. Petersburg University existing at the Faculty of Eastern Languages ​​of the University of School of the Novorossiysk Territory in a scholarship for people left at the University of Novorossiysk for preparation for a professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 713. The case of sending the Kokhovsky fluid to Kazan University, delivered by our ambassador in Berlin Count Shuvalov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 714. The case of approval under the Tomsk University of Styropendy named after A.N.Tailor
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 715. The Case of Revision by the Privy Advisor K.V.Kedrov Kharkov Veterinary Institute regarding the complaint of former student K. Gronkovsky about the assistant inspector of this institution of Croat
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 716. The Case of Revision by the Privy Advisor K.V.Kedrov Kharkov Veterinary Institute regarding the complaint of former student K. Gronkovsky about the inspector of this institution of Croat
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 717. The Case of Revision by the Privy Advisor K.V.Kedrov Kharkov Veterinary Institute regarding the complaint of former student K. Gronkovsky about the inspector of this institution of Croat
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 718. The case of the establishment of vacancies in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Education, which would be replaced by the scholarships of the Gatchina Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 719. Circular from 1890 to 1899
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 72. The case of the adoption of pupils of secondary schools in Nezhinsky and St. Petersburg historical and philological institutions.Immediately about the issuance of a travel allowance for him for passage
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 720. The case of the petitions of former students of Kharkov University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 721. The case of approval, leaving and dismissal of professors of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 722. The case of an instruction for lecturing to professors and privat-Documents at Moscow University on the basis of 64 articles of the university charter and the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 723. The case of the remuneration of professors and privat-documents for reading lectures and practical classes and other cash issues to employees at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 724. The case of an instruction for lecturing to professors and privat-documents of Kazan University and on the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 725. The case of the transfer and the vacation from the amounts of the Ministry of Education for educational and auxiliary establishments of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 726. The case of issuing the maintenance of those sent abroad and left at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 727. The case of an instruction for lecturing at St. Petersburg University to professors and privat-documents on the basis of 64 articles of the university charter and on the appointment of privat-document
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 728. The case of leaving at universities and the commanding of young people abroad for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 729. The case of leaving at universities and the commanding of young people abroad for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 73. The case of the approval of the refusal made by Alexander Gavrilov Volodzko at the disposal of the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 730. The case of leaving at universities and the commanding of young people abroad for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 731. Correspondence on the St. Petersburg Historical and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 732. The case of the petitions of former students of Kazan University on their acceptance of them to the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 733. The case of approving professors of the University of Derpt
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 734. The case of the release of the course at universities from the compulsory service for the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 735. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 736. The case of providing students of higher educational institutions delayed by military service until the end of education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 737. The case of the petitions of former students of St. Petersburg University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 738. The case of the assumption of universities for final testing in testing commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 739. The case of the assumption of universities for final testing in testing commissions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 74. The case of accepting the University of Kharkov University by the State Advisor V. Dementyev’s ticket of the second internal with the winnings of the loan with a % appeal to the special funds of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 740. Correspondence at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 741. The case of the petitions of universities on the appointment of scholarships and benefits and on exemption from a fee for listening to lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 742. The case of the petitions of former students of Moscow University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 743. The case of the petitions of former students of Moscow University on their acceptance of them again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 744. The case with the reports of those sent and left for universities for preparation for a professor’s rank, about their scientific classes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 745. The case of the adoption of students of higher educational institutions of foreign religion into the citizenship of Russia
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 746. The case of the petitions of former students of the University of Novorossiysk about their adoption again to the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 747. The case of approval and dismissal of professors of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 748. The case of an order to give lectures at Kharkov University and the appointment of privat-document
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 749. Approval and dismissal of professors of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 75. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of School Assessor Pavel Petrovich Botkin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 750. The case of an order to give lectures at the University of St. Vladimir and the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 751. The case of the petitions of former students of the University of St. Vladimir to accept them again to the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 752. The case on the petitions of those who graduated from universities on the issuance of certificates for the right to teach in gymnasiums and certificates of Blessedness
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 753. The case of the petition of pharmacist assistants about their adoption at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 754. The case of the petitions of young people about their adoption among the students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 755. The case of the appointment of manuals for printing works and for other needs
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 756. The case of distribution to the service in the gymnasium and gymnasium graduated from the Course in St. Petersburg and Nezhinsky historical and philological institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 757. The case with the information about the state of the departments at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 758. The case of the arrest of students of higher educational institutions of politically unreliable and the exclusion of them from educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 759. The case of the arrest of students of higher educational institutions of politically unreliable and the exclusion of them from educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 76. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of the Friedrichgamsky merchant son Nikolai Ivanovich Vagin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 760. The case of the arrest of students of higher educational institutions of politically unreliable and the exclusion of them from educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 761. The case of the arrest of students of higher educational institutions of politically unreliable and the exclusion of them from educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 762. The case of the petitions of the Jews about their adoption in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 763. The case of the petitions of the Jews about their adoption in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 764. The case of the petitions of the Jews about their adoption in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 765. The case of the approval and dismissal of professors of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 766. The case of the businessization of professors and privat-documents of universities with a scientific purpose abroad and in the internal provinces of Russia
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 767. Approval and dismissal of professors of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 768. The case of the petitions of former students of the Demidov Legal Lyceum and veterinary institutes on the adoption of institutes again and on the admission to exams
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 769. The case of the petitions of former students of the Demidov Legal Lyceum and Veterinary Institutes on the adoption of institutes again and on the admission to exams
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 77. The case of the establishment of two scholarships named after a college assessor Karl Danilovich Müller at the Derpt University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 770. The case of approving professors of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 771. The case of permitting to Kazan University to elect university church for university people
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 772. The case of the petitions of students of Warsaw and Derpt Universities on admission to exams and accepting again at the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 773. The case of donating the library Tomsk University of the Widow of the Statsky Councilor Kondratieva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 774. The case on the petitions of students of the St. Petersburg and Kharkov Technological Institutes and the Novo-Aleksandria Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 775. The case of riots and unrest in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 776. The case of riots and unrest in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 777. The case of professors and privat-documents of the University of Warsaw and super-standard positions in clinics and departments of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 778. Correspondence on Affairs of Derpt University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 779. The case of the establishment at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Kharkov University of Agricultural Department
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 78. The case of a vacation of 2750 rubles for the payment for the construction of fences built around the Pomological Garden of the Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 780. The case of the establishment at the Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg University of the Special Cabinet of Criminal Law (and at other universities)
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 781. The case of the establishment at the University of St. Vladimir of the two scholarships in the Bose of the deceased sovereign Emperor Nicholas I
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 782. The case of the transfer to the Kazan Zemstvo School of some things of the Zoological Cabinet of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 783. The case of opening a subscription for the preparation of capital at Kazan University named after Professor Lobachevsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 784. Review of teaching at faculties at Novorossiysk University for 1891-1892 Academic year
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 785. The case of a lecture for lecture at Novorossiysk University and the appointment of privat-documents
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 786. The case of the establishment at the Universities of the School of the Name of the Privy Counselor V.V.Besser
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 787. The case of opening a scholarship subscription for the maintenance of a student of a Turkestan at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 788. Review of teaching at historical, philological, physical, mathematical and law faculties at Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 789. The case of the donation of St. Petersburg University Yu.A.Mayakovo 2100 rubles for issuing a benefit from this capital from this capital for contributions for a list of lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 79. The case of the establishment at the Imperial Kharkov University of the scholarship named after the widow Admiral Lyudmila Ivanovna Rikord, nee Korostovtseva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 790. Review of teaching at a medical faculty at Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 791. The case of the establishment at Kazan University of the School of School named after O. Puzatkina
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 792. The case of the donation of I.M.Sibiryakov Tomsk University of the Library of Dr. Pfeifer
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 793. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 794. The case of the donation by Professor Yu.T.Chudnovsky books for the library of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 795. The case of increasing salaries of pensions to the directors and professors of the St. Petersburg and Nezhinsky historical and philological institutions, the Demidov Legal Lyceum and those of the professors of the University of Derpt, who give lectures in Russian
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 796. Review of teaching at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 797. The case of the institution at the University of St. Vladimir of the scholarship named after V.S.Kornilovich
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 798. Review of teaching at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 799. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Eastern Languages ​​of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 8. The case of the petitions of young people about taking them to universities under the new university charter
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 80. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of five scholarships named after Honorary Citizen Mikhail Alexandrovich Khludov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 800. The case of the establishment at the universities of the scholarships named after the sovereign heir to Tsesarevich
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 801. Review of teaching at all faculties of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 802. The case of the establishment at St. Petersburg University of the School of School named after the deceased sovereign Emperor Alexander II
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 803. Review of teaching at all faculties of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 804. Review of teaching at all faculties of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 805. The case of the establishment under the Tomsk University of School of Sovereign Emperor Alexander II
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 806. The case of a scholarship at St. Petersburg University named after N.B.Yusupova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 807. The case of donating the widow of the college secretary of Dennitskaya Moscow University 3000 rubles for a scholarship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 808. The case of the protection of dissertations for scientific degrees of the master and doctor
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 809. The case of a scholarship named after the real state adviser I.I.Schutsky at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 81. The case of the establishment at the Derpt University of the School of the Riga merchant Pavlina Savvich Popov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 810. The case of the reckoning of the estate of honorary citizens who graduated from the Technological Institute and originating from a tax state
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 811. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of two scholarships named after A.G.Komissarova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 812. The case with students of students of 4 and 5 semesters of the faculty of universities delivered to the Main Military Medical Administration
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 813. The case of a scholarship of the hereditary honorary citizen N.I.Akatova at Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 814. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after M.I.Dobrokhotova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 815. The case of approval of the Charter of the Society of Children's Doctors at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 816. The case of the delivery from the library of the University of Warsaw Lists from documents made by the late Makushev in different South Slavic archives to the Zagreb Academy of Sciences
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 817. Review of teaching at the Faculty of Medicine of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 818. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute of the scholarship named after O.E.Kolel
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 819. The case of the Charter of the Society of Assigning to the Pupils of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 82. The case of the establishment at the Kharkov University of Scholarship named after the deceased honorary magistrate Apollo Afanasyevich Dulin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 820. The case of professors and privat-documents of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 821. The case of the remuneration of professors and privat-documents of universities for reading lectures and practical classes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 822. The case of the petitions of pharmaceutical assistants about acceptance at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 823. The case with the information about the state of the departments at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 824. Correspondence on the St. Petersburg Historical and Philology Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 825. The case of the petitions of students of the Demidov Law Lyceum and veterinary institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 826. The case of students of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 827. The case with reports preparing for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 828. The case of professors and privat-documents of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 829. The case of the content preparing for the professorship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 83. The case of the donation of Kutina Kutina of 1200 rubles and the widow of the secret adviser Koch 3000 rubles for the establishment of one -time benefits at Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 830. The case of the petitions of students of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 831. Case of students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 832. The case of the distribution of the course in the St. Petersburg and Nezhinsky historical and philological institute at the service of teachers in the gymnasium and gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 833. The case of the petitions of students of technological and Novo-Aleksandria institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 834. The case of the petitions of the Jews about their adoption in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 835. The case of the petitions of the Jews about their adoption in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 836. The case of the petitions of the Jews about their adoption in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 837. The case of the release of universities from compulsory service
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 838. The case of the assumption of students to half -curric and final trials
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 839. The case of the assumption of students to half -curric and final trials
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 84. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of Scholarship named after former student Vladimir Alekseevich Tikhmenev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 840. The case of the petitions of students of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 841. The case of professors and privat-documents of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 842. The case on the introduction of medicinal substances, except for the mouth, through the natural holes, that is, through the rectum and so on
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 843. The case of the release of universities from a fee for listening to lectures and the appointment of scholarships
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 844. The case of the petitions of students of Derpt and Warsaw Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 845. The case of super -standard positions at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 846. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after Honored Professor N.I.Krylova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 847. The case of the permission of scientific business trips to professors, privat-donates and other persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 848. The case of changing the provision on scholarships in the Demidov Law Lyceum named after General from the artillery of Glinka of the first
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 849. The case of scholarships at the University of St. Vladimir of the name of the Privy Counselor Arakin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 85. The case of the establishment of a scholarship named after Rear Admiral Peter Ivanovich Polozov at St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov and Kiev Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 850. PB
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 851. The case of the petitions of students of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 852. The case of the issuance of universities to students of certificates of well -free
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 853. The case of professors and privat-documents of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 854. Case of Sports of Students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 855. The case of professors and privat-documents of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 856. The case of professors and privat-documents of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 857. The case of professors and privat-documents of Novorossiysk University.Immediately about changing the curriculum of teaching botany at Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 858. The case of businessing and leaving young people at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 859. The case of businessing and leaving young people at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 86. The case of accepting the widowed by the widow Elizaveta Dmitrievna Koshelevo capital of 1000 rubles to increase the Soncom of the Santer of the School of School Aleksandrovich Koshelev, who was already existing at Moscow University, established in 1874
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 860. The case of the introduction of physicochemistry into final exams in physical and mathematical testing commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 861. The case of professors and privat-documents of the University of Derpt
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 862. The case of the construction of a new laboratory for the Kharkov bacteriological station.Immediately about the establishment of departments of bacteriology at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 863. The case of the publication of scientific notes of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 864. The case of the issuance of laudable certificates successfully graduated from the Riga Polytechnic School
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 865. The case of permission to hunt birds and animals in official forests to different faces
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 866. The case of scholarships A. Lozhkina at Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 867. The case of professors and associate professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 868. The case of the establishment at medical faculties of universities of the scholarship named after his Imperial Majesty and Privy Counselor Trappa
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 869. The case of the scholarship A.I.Berezovsky at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 87. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of School named after Count Vasily Adamovich Olsufev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 870. The case of a scholarship of the nobleman A.I.Gaios at the University of Novorossiysk
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 871. Case of students of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 872. Review of teaching at all faculties of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 873. The case of donation by the orderly professor A.Ya.Kozhevnikov 3000 rubles for a device under the nervous clinic of the Moscow University of the Neurological Museum
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 874. The case of an increase in the number of copies of printed dissertations represented by a master's scientific degrees and doctors seeking at the University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 875. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of Manuals named after the actual state adviser S.A.Tarasov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 876. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after V.A.Tretyakov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 877. The case of scholarships at Kazan University named after the doctor V. Mikhailov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 878. The case of the issuance of laudable certificates successfully graduated from the Riga Polytechnic School
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 879. The case of the Marquis de Folk collection for St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 88. The case of the establishment at the Warsaw University of the scholarships S.I.Sikorsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 880. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after a doctor Ivan Rozhdestvensky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 881. The case of a scholarship named after the real state adviser A.F.Poklevsky-Kosell at one of the higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 882. The case of a scholarship named after the actual state adviser Ivan Ivanovich Shakhovsky at the Imperial Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 883. The case with the review of teaching at all faculties of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 884. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg University of the Leo Serving Cashier
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 885. The case with the review of teaching at all faculties of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 886. The case of scholarships at the Kharkov University named after D.L.Demenkova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 887. The case of a scholarship of the actual state adviser S.A.Tarasov at Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 888. The case of scholarships at the University of V.G.Benediktova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 889. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkov University named after the merchant K.S.Tamanova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 89. The case of the establishment of two scholarships named after the state adviser Stepan Ivanovich Kibalchich at the Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 890. The case of the transfer of one part of the Rumyantsevsky inventory from the Chernihiv Statistical Cabinet to the library at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 891. The case of scholarships at Kazan University named after Colonel Yakovlev
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 892. The case of the establishment at Moscow University of One -time Manuals named after Prince V.A.Dolgorukova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 893. Review of teaching at all faculties of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 894. The case with the review of teaching at the historical, philological, legal and physical and mathematics faculties of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 895. The case of scholarships at the F.F. Dorpat UniversitySiegel
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 896. The case of the establishment at the Kharkov University of the Academician N.N.Beketova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 897. The case of supplement § 28 of the Charter about insufficient students of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 898. The case with the review of teaching at all faculties of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 899. The case of the donation by Countess Z.D.Kassini Library D.G.Bibikov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 9. The case of the petitions of the pupils of higher educational institutions on permission to keep exams for the certificate of maturity
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 90. The thing about the opening of the preparatory lectures at home Vyatka Zemstvo hospital for nurse education, ospoprivivatelnits and midwives
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 900. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after "Belyaev brothers"
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 901. The case of a scholarship at Moscow University named after V.A.Mitrofanov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 902. The case of scholarships at the Kharkov University named after E.M.Termark
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 903. The case of honorary universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 904. The case of the addition of duties and other customs expenses for the books and other parcels for the indicated educational institutions from abroad and other customs expenses from universities and other higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 905. The case of scholarships at the University of St. Vladimir named after F.P.Libbe
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 906. Correspondence on various issues of the Department of Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 907. Correspondence at the Warsaw Veterinary Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 908. The case with estimates of income and expenses of special amounts of universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 909. The case of a scholarship at St. Petersburg University named after the Privy Councilor of Trirogov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 91. The case of the addition of incorrectly issued money to Selivanov in the amount of 195 rubles 99 kopecks and Morozov 2654 rubles 39 kopecks from the board of the Novorossiysk University and for the correspondence of papers 900 rubles
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 910. The case of sending to the Dorpat University of copies of the German Statistical Bureau
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 911. The case of donating to Kazan University of the Library and the collection of minerals of Professor Podvosotsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 912. The case of donating to Moscow University of Geographical Collection
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 913. The case of the approval of different persons in scientists
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 914. The case of the remuneration of professors and privat-documents of universities for reading lectures
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 915. The case of Jews about accepting the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 916. The case of Jews about accepting the university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 917. The case of professors and privat-documents of Novorossiysk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 918. The case of leaving at universities and the commanding of young people abroad for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 919. The case of leaving at universities and the commanding of young people abroad for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 92. The case of the refusal of capital of 37,000 rubles to Moscow University by a deceased professor N.V.Vorontsovsky for the establishment of four scholarships for students of the indicated university, for the establishment of a medical library and for the needs of the University Church of the Conscious Mup
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 920. The case of professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 921. The case of professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 922. The case of the petitions of students of Derpt and Warsaw Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 923. The case of the appointment of a scholarship of the Warsaw educational district.Immediately about the scholarship of the Vilnius educational district
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 924. The case with the information about students for a special commission on the issue of reducing benefits by education when serving military service
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 925. The case of issuing the maintenance of businessmen and left at universities for preparation for a professor rank
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 926. The case of professors and privat-documents of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 927. The case of the petitions of students of the Demidov Law Lyceum and veterinary institutes
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 928. The case with the review of teaching at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 929. The case with the review of teaching at Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 93. The case of establishing a medical faculty of the Imperial Kharkov University of the F.I.Lang
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 930. The case of the appointment of chairmen and members to the university commissions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 931. The case of a scholarship to the St. Petersburg University in memory of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Peter the Great
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 932. The case of the petitions of the Bulgarians and the Slavs about their acceptance in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 933. Дело по прошениям студентов Новороссийского университета
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 934. The case of the petitions of students of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 935. Case of students of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 936. The case of exemption from a fee for listening to lectures at the University of Students and the appointment of a scholarship
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 937. The case of professors and privat-documents of the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 938. The case of the release of students from the compulsory service in the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 939. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 94. The case of permission to celebrate the day of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of A.S.Pushkin according to the Historical and Philology Department of Kazan University Program
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 940. Case of Sports of Students of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 941. The case of professors and privat-documents of Tomsk University.Immediately about the audit of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 942. The case of professors and privat-documents of Tomsk University.Immediately about the audit of Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 943. The case about the revision of the program of the practical course on pharmacy. Immediately on the introduction of compulsory practical training in medical chemistry
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 944. The case of professors and privat-documents of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 945. The case with information about the state of the departments at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 946. Case of students of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 947. The case of the petition of pharmacist assistants about their acceptance at universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 948. Дело о профессорах и приват-доцентах Дерптского университета
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 949. The case of students of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 95. The case of the establishment at the Moscow University of School named after the deceased Semyon Dmitrievich Lepeshkin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 950. The case of supplementing the rules of the hospital clinic of mental illnesses in the Kazan District Hospital
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 951. The Case of Acts and Greetings in Universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 952. The case of professors and privat-documents of Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 953. The case of professors and privat-documents of St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 954. The case of the permission of scientific business trips to professors, privat-courts and other persons
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 955. The case of the distribution of the course in St. Petersburg and Nezhinsky historical and philological institutions for the service of teachers in the gymnasium and gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 956. The case of a scholarship at the St. Petersburg University named after the actual State Councilor Vladimir Ilyich Gribanov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 957. The case of riots and unrest in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 958. The case of riots in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 959. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkiv University named after Privy Councilor A.F. Voronin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 96. The case of establishing a separate department of childhood diseases with a clinic at the Faculty of Medicine of St. Vladimir of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 960. The case of sending the publication of the German Statistical Bureau to Derpt University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 961. Case
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 962. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after N.S. Mazurin
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 963. The case of a revision of the charter of the medical institutions of the civilian department
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 964. The case of the establishment, at the University of Dorpat, of a society for the benefit of undergraduates of this university
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 965. The case of the number of missed lectures by university teachers
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 966. The case of a scholarship at the Dorpat University named after the State Councilor Gustav Gustavovich Zimmerman
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 967. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 968. The case of a scholarship at two higher educational institutions named after the army Cossack sergeant Savitsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 969. The case of a scholarship at the Moscow University named after Privy Councilor V.V. Kalachova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 97. The case of the establishment at the faculty therapeutic clinic of Moscow University Position of the Clinical Assistant
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 970. The case of a scholarship at Kharkiv University named after Adjutant General Khomutov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 971. The case of the petitions of students of Kazan University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 972. The case of a scholarship to the St. Petersburg University named after Theodosius and Alexander Nikitenko
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 973. The case of transferring the faculty of Finnish dialects from Kazan University to St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 974. The case of the donation of L.D. Tarnovsky University of St. Vladimir's capital of 10,000 rubles for the establishment of the award of his name
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 975. Дело с обозрением преподавания в Новороссийском университете на 1893-1894 учебный год
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 976. The case of a scholarship at the Kazan University named after the State Councilor IA. Korovaeva
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 977. The case with the schedule and exams in test commissions in 1893 and in 1894
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 978. The case of tests on academic degrees in church law
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 979. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkov University named after Major-General D.I. Orlova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 98. The case of the establishment of a scholarship named after Christian Ivanovich Goebenshtret at the Kharkov Technological Institute
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 980. The case of the establishment of a hospital bed at the Moscow State University therapeutic clinic of one bed named after N.I. Morgunova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 981. The case of a scholarship at the Kharkov University named after G.A. Golovkova
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 982. The matter of changing the curriculum at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 983. The case of the grant of his Imperial Majesty at the Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 984. The case of a scholarship at the St. Vladimir University named after A.M. Brodsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 985. The case of a scholarship at the Kazan University named after the widow of the staff captain Lenartovich
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 986. The case of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 987. The case of a scholarship at St. Vladimir University. Dinovsky
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 988. The case with a review of teaching at St. Petersburg University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 989. The case of the AA Prize. Sazikova at the Moscow University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 99. The case of a revision of the temporary states of imperial universities
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 990. The case of suicide and other accidents of university students
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 991. The case on the approval of the charter of the savings and loan office at the University of St. Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 992. Дело о постройке клиник при Варшавском университете
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 993. The case of building a clinic at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 994. The case of building a clinic at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 995. The case with the review of teaching at Kharkov University
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 996. The case of the establishment of the VN Prize at the Moscow University. Leshkov
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 997. The case of the restoration of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Moscow University and the establishment of the Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology Department
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 998. The case of establishing a verification test for ancient authors at the historical and philological faculties of universities at the end of the eighth semester, with the aim of taking credit for 7 and 8 semesters
РГИА. 733 / 150 / 999. The case of the establishment of the Moscow University of Historical Society
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