Symphony No. 7. [Book III]. Adagio

Shostakovich, Dmitry Dmitrievich (1906-1975)
Symphony No. 7 [Notes]: for orchestra: op 60: [digital copy] / Dm Shostakovich - Full Score -Electronic Data - (St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2018) -
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The title from the accompanying document
Copy of the copy of the manuscript score from the library of the music library of the JSC "Teleradiocompany" Petersburg "(Radio House): Symphony No. 7 [Notes]: for orchestra: op 60 / Dm Shostakovich [Kuibyshev, 1942] 4 notebooks 36 x 23 cm Notch paper Ink, pencil There are numerous conductor litters
Copying A copy of the handwritten score of Symphony No. 7 Leningradskaya (for the orchestra) of the Shostakovich D, which was used on the first performance on March 5, 1942 in Kuibyshev by the Bolshoi Theater orchestra conducted by Samuel Samosud, and performed on August 9, 1942 orchestra of the Leningrad Radio Committee under the direction of conductor Karl Eliasberg in Leningrad Each of the four parts of the symphony is presented in a separate notebook. On the pages of the score there are conductor's litters SA Samosuda and KI Eliasberg Litters In the reverse of the title page of the first notebook, the composition of the orchestra (instruments) and information about the first performance are indicated (March 5, 1942, Kuibyshev Mountains Palace of Culture Conductor: Stalin Prize Winner, People's Artist USSR SA Samosud Orchestra of the State Order of Lenin Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR Surnames of performers: I violins, II violins, violas, cellos, double basses, flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, horns, pipes, trombones, tuba, kettledrums, drums, rfy, piano), down from 62 the first book given date and place: Leningrad, September 3, 1941 Location: The music library of "broadcasting company" Petersburg "(Radio House) Ref: CO / N-798
I Samosud, Samuil Abramovich (conductor, 1884-1964) II Eliasberg, Karl Ilyich (conductor, 1907-1978) 1 Shostakovich, Dmitry Dmitrievich (1906 - 1975) Symphony 7 2 Memory of the Great Victory (collection) 3 The people (collection) 4 Russia in Faces (collection)
BKK 85313 (2 = 4112) 6-0124я01
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Radio broadcasting department of TRC "Petersburg"
[Book III]: Adagio - (62 files, JPEG: 279.5 MB)-
Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library
Copy of the copy of the manuscript score from the library of the music library of the JSC "Teleradiocompany" Petersburg "(Radio House): Symphony No. 7 [Book III] Adagio [Notes]: for orchestra: op 60 / Dm Shostakovich [Kuibyshev, 1942] 1 notebook (56 s)
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The third part of the book contains the third part of the Adagio symphony. The page numbering is done in ink and pencil, there are different interpretations in the designation of page numbers On pages 23, 37, 41, 46, 47 and 56 of the score there are conductor's notes, made in ink and pencil in graphite, red, purple and pink colors, there are traces of erased corrections. Below with 56 an autograph of an unidentified person. Location: Music Library of OJSC "Teleradiocompany" Petersburg "(Radio House) Code: СО / Ш-798
1 Shostakovich, Dmitry Dmitrievich (1906 - 1975) Symphony 7 2 Memory of the Great Victory (collection) 3 The people (collection) 4 Russia in the faces (collection)
BKK 85313 (2 = 4112) 6-0124я01
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Radio broadcasting department of TRC "Petersburg"
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