Author Гоголь Николай Васильевич Description Gogol, N.V. Reflections on the Divine Liturgy / [Soch.] N.V. Gogol. - St. Petersburg: P.A. Kulish, 1857.-VI, 132 pp. - Ex: without a region. . 1. The people (the collection). Source of electronic copy: PB Location of original storage: UrFU Publisher издал П. А. Кулиш Catalogue object История и критика мировой литературы и литературы отдельных стран Православие Collections Russian People → Persons of Russia → Cultural and art workers → G → Gogol Nikolai (1809–1852) → Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852) → Oeuvre → Nikolai Gogol’s writings → Selected works