On the State Symbols of the Jewish Autonomous Region

Jewish Autonomous Region. Laws.
On State Symbols of the Jewish Autonomous Region: Law of the Jewish Autonomous Region of 23 April 2008 No. 369-OZ: adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the EAO on April 23, 2008. - Birobidzhan, 2008. - [8] sheets. -
At the end of the text, the signature: Governor of the region NM Volkov.
Place and date of signing: Birobidzhan, April 23, 2008.
Electronic version of the right act (8 files, JPEG, 7.1 MB)
Published on the official website of the Legislative Assembly of the Jewish Autonomous Region
Legislative Assembly of the Jewish Autonomous Region, official website: http://zseao.ru/.
I. The Jewish Autonomous Region. Legislative Assembly. Power (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Jewish Autonomous Region (collection). 4. Jewish Autonomous Region: Pages of History (collection). 5. Coats of arms - Jewish autonomous region - Legal acts. 6. Flags - Jewish Autonomous Region - Legal acts.
BKK 63.3 (2Ros-6Evr) 6k124
BBC 63.215 (2Ros-6Evr) k124

Source of the electronic copy: Legislative Assembly of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Website
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