Russian writers after Gogol.T. 3. S. T. Aksakov.P.I. Melnikov.A.N. Ostrovsky

Miller, Orest Fedorovich (1833-1889).
    Russian writers after Gogol: readings, speeches and articles by Orest Miller / with a portrait and biographical sketch of prof. I. A. Shlyapkina. - Edition 5th. -Saint Petersburg; Moscow: Edition of T-va M. O. Wolf, 1909-1910 (St. Petersburg:). -3 tons; 21 cm. -
In terms of circulation, there is no indication of the year of publication.
I. Shlyapkin, Ilya Alexandrovich (1858-1918) .1. Russian writers - 19th century. -- Collections. 2. Russian literature - 19 - early. 20th century -- Collections.
LBC 83.3(2=411.2)52-8
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Storage location of the original: UrFU
    T. 3: S. T. Aksakov; P. I. Melnikov; A. N. Ostrovsky. - [1910]. -[5], 388, [6] p.. -
Bibliography in text and footnotes.
1. Aksakov, Sergei Timofeevich (1791 - 1859). 2. Melnikov, Pavel Ivanovich (1818 - 1883). 3. Ostrovsky, Alexander Nikolaevich (1823 - 1886). 4. Russian language (collection). 5. People (collection). 6. Russia in faces (collection). 7. A. N. Ostrovsky (collection). 8. Russian writers - 19th century. -- Collections. 9. Russian literature - 19 - early. 20th century -- Collections.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Storage location of the original: UrFU
Publisher издание Т-ва М. О. Вольф