Necropolis of Fyodor Petrovich Uvarov, commander of the Guards Corps, General of the Cavalry, his Imperial Majesty Adjutant-Gene...

Bekhteev, A.A.
Necropolis of Fyodor Petrovich Uvarov, commander of the Guards Corps, General of the Cavalry, his Imperial Majesty Adjutant-General, member of the State Council, Chef of the Cavalry Regiment, all Russian and many foreign orders of the Knight who died on the 20th day of November, 1824, birth: Extracted from the conversations of the deceased, from the words of his colleagues, relatives, contemporaries and formulary about the service of his list, the court of his Imperial Majesty, chamberlain AA. Bekhteev, who served for more than seven years with him as adjutant. - St. Petersburg: Type. Department of Public Education, 1825. -23 p., 1 p. portraits .. -
On the add. tit. l. Closed .: Obituary.
I. Uvarov, Fedor Petrovich. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original storage: UrFU
Publisher Тип. Департамента народного просвещения

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