Legal regulation of scientific research and technological development in the framework of regional integration organizations (in...

Nechayev, Elena K.Legal regulation of scientific research and technological development in the framework of regional integration organizations (for example, the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union): the thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences: specialty 12.00.10 / Nechaeva Elena K.;[A protection Place: Mosk.state.jurid.Acad.them.OEKutafin].- Moscow, 2017. -33 p.;21. -Bibliogr .: p.32-33 (8 references.)..1. Power (collection).2. International law;European law.3. State and law.Law - Public International Law - International organizations - regional and international organizations.4. Research - Legal regulation - European Union countries - Abstracts of dissertations.5. Research - Legal regulation - Countries of the Eurasian Economic Community - Abstracts of dissertations.6. Innovation and Technological Development - Legal regulation - European Union countries - Abstracts of dissertations.7. Innovation and Technological Development - Legal regulation - Countries of the Eurasian Economic Community - Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 67.911.222ya031an electronic copy of Source: Moscow State Law Academy.Site
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