Author Краснов Петр Николаевич Description From the double-headed eagle to the red flag. 1894-1921: A novel in four volumes T. 1. Ch. 1-2. - 3rd ed., Rev. and corrected. aut. / P.N. Krasnov / Krasnov, PN - Riga: Gramatu draugs, 1930. - 605: 1917 year Inv. No. 159. . Source of the electronic copy: PB Publisher Грамату Драугс Catalogue object Художественная литература (произведения) Collections Russian People → Society → Social structure → Social history of Russia → Estates → Cossacks → Russian Cossacks → Don Cossack Host → The history of the Don Cossacks and the Don Cossack Host → Pyotr Krasnov (1869–1947) → Works