The main redemption of the Ministry of Finance.Foundation Main redemption of the Ministry of Finance.The case of the redemption ...

FundRGIA F 577The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance 1861-1895Identifier8EF30AD5-FF5C-4840-A721-74C62A200F95The language of the textrusDates1861-1895Volume89587 storage unitsOrganization52 inventoriesLevelFundannotationIt was established on October 27, 1861, during the implementation of peasant reform for the management of the redemption of the regulation on the regulation on the redemption from 19021861 to 02081862, it was under the St. Petersburg consistent execution, then the Ministry of Finance under the control of the Council of State Credit Institutions included the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Internal Affairs of the InteriorAnd two deputies from the nobility, the main redemption institution issued permits for issuing loans for the considered and approved in peasant institutions with the participation of representatives of the financial administration with redemption transactions, disposed of the procurement of state -owned five percent tickets and certificates and the delivery to provincial redemption institutions (up to 01011884) for state five percent central centersit carried out a circulation of bank tickets with the issuance of capital on tickets that went out according to the circulation (up to 01011884) annually (up to 15011885, from 1865 together with the Council of Peasant Institutions), the main redemption institution was a report on the redemption operation, the main redemption institution permitted the difficulties that arose when applying the regulations on the provisionThe redemption of 19021861 was represented through a special office for the credit part to the minister of those of them whose permission exceeded the competence of the institution (from 22011882, the chairman of the main redemption institution directly reported to the Minister in order to reduce the census and accelerate the reform) since 1868 of the case of observationredemption payments, in particular cases on the general issues of the transfer of peasants to the ransom and preparation of redemption reports, were transferred to the Department of Ottrails in the main redemption institution, new projects and proposals for conducting a redemption operation were considered;From the 220111882, the consideration of cases on the addition, change and clarification of the rules of the Regulation on the repurchase was transferred from the special office for the credit part, to draw up instructions to the state wards from 010111884 under its jurisdiction and approval of redemption transactions and acts as part of the main redemption institution (I-VIII, x, department of common affairs), office and accounting)Abolished from 0107 1895 with the transfer of functions to the Department of OttrailsThe fund presents cases of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants: Astrakhan lips (OP 1), Bessarabian lips (OP 2), Vilenskaya lips (OP 3), Vitebsk lips (OP 4), Vladimir Bay (OP 5), Vologda lips (OP6), Volynskaya lips (OP 7), Voronezh lips (OP 8), Vyatka lips (OP 9), Grodno Bay (OP 10), Yekaterinoslavskaya lips (OP 11), Kazan lips (OP 12), Kaluga lips (OP 13), Kiev lips (OP 14), Kovenskaya lips (OP 15), Kostroma lips (OP 16), Kursk lips (OP 17), Minsk province (OP 18), Mogilevskaya lips (OP 19), Moscow province (OP 20), Nizhny Novgorod province (OP 21), Novgorod province (OP 22), region of the Donskoy Army (OP 23), Olonets Bay (OP 24), Orenburg lips (OP 25), Oryol province (OP 26), Penza lips (OP 27), Perm province (OP 28), Podolskaya lips (OP 29), Poltava lips (OP 30), Pskov province (OP 31), Ryazan lips (OP 32), Samara lips (OP 33), Saratov lips (OP 34),Petersburg lips (OP 35), Simbirskaya lips (OP 36), Smolenskaya lips (OP 37), Stavropol lips (OP 38), Tauride lips (OP 39), Tambov lips (OP 40), Tver lips (OP 41), TiflisskayaGub (OP 42), Tula lips (OP 43), Ufa lips (OP 44), Kharkov lips (OP 45), Kherson lips (OP 46), Chernihiv lips (OP 47), Yaroslavskaya lips (OP 48), the same, Terek lips (OP 49) the highest commands;Correspondence of the chairman of the main redemption of MK Tseimern with private individuals about redemption operations - materials of the office;cases of the issuance of redemption loans - materials I VIII, X branches;on redemption transactions, about the retention of money for paying private debts - materials of the department of general cases of the case on accounting, the authorized letters of the statements of redemption transactions for 1861–1895 (OP 50) of the case of service;demanding statements (OP 51) magazines of meetings of the main redemption institution;statements on permitted redemption transactions;personal accounts on the receipt of redemption payments;accounting settlements on redemption transactions;cases of land structure of peasants;detailed statements about the turnover of loans of the redemption operation (in the provinces);Registration and reference apparatus (OP 52)BackgroundRussia Ministry of FinanceOrganization-Creanter of RecordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA 577NoteMaterials of the site "Russian State Historical Archive" (http: // fgurgiaru/Startdo) were also usedThe case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily obliged peasants of Count Tolstoye village Pustylov and other Danilovsky district of the Yaroslavl province [case]: December 16, 1880 - March 27, 1881 - 1880-1881 -46 l;36.5x26 cm - (Fund Main Rospezer Institution of the Ministry of Finance: Inventory No. 48) -Orig Title of the case: Count Count Tolstoy PiYaroslavl province of Danilovsky district of the village of Postylov and others on December 16, 1880 - March 27, 1881I Russia Ministry of Finance Main redemption institutionElectronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: RGIA F 577 OP 48 D 236

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