Office acts in administrative and judicial authorities of the Russian Empire.XVIII - first half of the XIX century (historical a...

Shushunova, Elizabeth V.Office acts in administrative and judicial authorities of the Russian Empire.XVIII - first half XIX centuries (historical-legal research): the author's abstract dis.... The master of laws / Shushunova Elizabeth V.;[A protection Place: Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences].- Moscow, 2017. -28 to .. -.1. Power (collection).2. Theory and history of the state;history of doctrines about the right and the state.3. State and law.Jurisprudence - History of State and Law - Russia - 1800-1861 - Political system - The bodies of the state.4. Paperwork - History - Russia - Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 63.3 (2) 5-3ya031electronic copy Source: IGP RAS.Site
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