To the history of the Decembrists

To the history of the Decembrists. - Moscow: Izd. E.V. Kozhevnikova and E.A. Kolomiitseva, 1906.-39, [1] p. ; 20 cm - (Library "Free Russia" Under the general editors of SP Melgunov and PM Shestakov, No. 13). -
Part of the text on Fr.
Contents: I. A glance at the secret society in Russia (1816-1826) / S. Lunin. II. Analysis of the report of the investigative commission in 1826 / Nikita Muravyov. - Bibliograf. in the text.
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Gd Franco
Publisher Изд. Е.В. Кожевниковой и Е.А. Коломийцевой

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