РГИА. 733 / 69 / 1. Дело об учреждении гимназии в Киеве |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 10. The case of clarifying the reasons for the delay in the release of the Order of public charity funds for the maintenance of Kyiv educational institutions |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 100. The matter of improving the teaching of mathematics and French in the educational institutions of the Kiev Academic District |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 101. The case of considering the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the introduction of teaching the Polish language in the educational institutions of the Kiev academic district and on the opening of a boarding school at the Kiev gymnasium in order to attract Polish youth to the government |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 102. The case of permission for Greek-Uniate priests to attend the educational institutions of the Kiev academic district for the training of students of the Greco-Uniate religion to the Law of God and the fulfillment of church requirements |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 103. The case of the release of pupils of the Roman Catholic confession in the educational institutions of the Kiev and Vilnius educational districts from classes during religious holidays |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 104. The case of awarding the teachers and employees of the Kiev educational district with the titles (with information about the passage of service) |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 105. Foundation | 733. The Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Public Education (1803-1917) | Inventory | Op. 69. Affairs of the Department of Public Education for the Kiev Academic District for 1804-1844 | Case < btag> RGIA. F. 733 Op. 69 D. 105 The case of the examination of the guardian of the Kiev educational district of the Nezhin Lyceum, the gradual transformation of the Lyceum according to the regulations of October 7, 1832, and the approval of K.A. Moiseyev and N.F. Soloviev his professors. April 26, 1833 - November 18, 1837 | | Identifier | 7e66002b-28d5-4b9f-88b2-5f8648aced63 | Text Language | rus | Title | The case about the examination by the trustee of the Kiev academic district of the Nezhin Lyceum, the gradual transformation of the lyceum according to the regulations of October 7, 1832 and the approval of KA. Moiseyev and N.F. Soloviev his professors. April 26, 1833 - November 18, 1837 | Dates | April 26, 1833 - November 18, 1837 | Volume | 41 liter | Level | Case | < trtag> Record creation organization | RGIA | Storage Digest | RGIA. 733/69/105 | Note | Case Orig. headline: Case, on the proposal of the trustee of the Kiev academic district, about the examination of the lyceum of Prince Bezborodko. Immediately on the request of the highest command: the transformation of this lyceum under a new statute to produce gradually. Immediately about the approval of the candidate of this Lyceum by the professor of Moiseev, about the assignment of the correction of the post of Professor Solovyov and about the latter's approval of the professor. There is also a list of all available teachers of the Lyceum. April 26, 1833 - November 18, 1837 | | |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 106. Cases on the appointment of the former professor of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of the Higher Science (Lyceum) M.V.Bylevich School inspector for enforcement children |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 107. The case of awarding the secretary of the Nezhin Lyceum K. Gipius |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 108. The case of the dismissal of Professor Nezhinsky lyceum P.I. Nikolsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 109. The case of getting information about the former professor of the Nizhyn gymnasium of the higher sciences K.V. Shapolinsky, exiled to Vyatka under the supervision of the police for "harmful influence on youth" |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 11. The case of the instruction to conduct teaching of subjects in Kiev educational institutions in Russian and about the release of funds for the maintenance of Makhnovsky and Radomyslsky district schools of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 110. The case of an approval in the classified ranks of those who graduated from the Nezhinsky Lyceum depending on the progressability |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 111. The case of an institution of the University in Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 112. The case of the return from the University of Vilna of a mind-cabinet belonging to the Volyn lyceum and transferred to the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 113. The case of exemption from the apartment subsidity of houses employed for the Kiev University and Lyceum, and about hiring a house for Kiev-Podolsky district school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 114. The case of acquiring a palace garden to Kiev for the Botanical Garden of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 115. The case on the construction of the monument to the monument to Vladimir and about the institution of the institution of legal entity |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 116. The case of the transfer of Volyn lyceum from Kremenets to Kiev, about the transfer to the Botanical Garden of the lyceum of plants from the garden, located in Gomel, and the transportation of greenhouse plants from Kremenets to Kiev, at the University Botanical Garden |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 117. The case of the closure of Volyn lyceum and transfer it to Kiev, to investigate the escape of six pupils from Convict in Volyn Lyceum, about the dismissal of the acting director I.M.Slave-bachers and prefect - Vyazhensky teacher for weak supervision |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 118. The case of submitting for approval the project of the Botanical Garden at the Kiev Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 119. The deal on the transfer to the spiritual department of buildings in the city of Kremenets, who belonged to the Volyn Lyceum, in connection with the proposed transportation to Kremenets by the Volynsky spiritual seminary, to recover the spiritual department of arrears with the pharmacist P. Rogalsky for renting a house with |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 12. The case of an investigation by the visitor of educational institutions of Kiev province A.S.Rzhevsky complaints of teachers of the Kiev gymnasium and schools with her on the director Ya.S.Muskovsky, accused of in the wrong distribution of objects of teaching between teachers and not |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 120. The case of the refusal to release the pharmacy's owner in the city of Kremenets of Volhynia province P. Rogalsky from payment of money donated for the maintenance of the chemistry department at the former lyceum transferred to Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 121. The case of getting information about the incomes of Volyn Lyceum and educational institutions under it |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 122. The case of the refusal to release Count A. Chatsky from the contribution of money donated by his mother to the establishment of a surgical institution at the Volyn gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 123. The case of the release of the Pochaev Basilic Monastery from the contribution of money in favor of the Volyn Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 124. The cases of the addition of the annual contribution and accumulated arrears to the Volyn Lyceum from the Dominican monasteries of the Volyn province and the continuation of recovery of money from the abolished Novovishnevetsky Carmelite and other Catholic monasteries in favor of |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 125. The case of recovery from the estates of the princes Radziwill, Prince Wittgenstein and the landlord Korzhenevsky money, donated by them in favor of Volyn gymnasium (lyceum) |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 126. The case of the refusal to release the landowner of Volyn province Kovel County Yu.I. Ratomskaya from the payment of money donated by her father in favor of the former Volyn gymnasium (lyceum) |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 127. The case of the refusal to release Count G.A. Rzhishchevsky from the payment of money donated by his father in favor of Volyn gymnasium (lyceum) |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 128. The case of instructing the collegiate registrar Novitsky to compile the revisionist fairy tales of the peasants of the Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province, belonging to the Volyn lyceum and the refusal of the majority of the peasants to assume the expense of producing their census |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 129. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of Volyn lyceum I.T. Alexander and the appointment of his teacher in the Kingdom of Poland |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 13. The case of the opening in the Kiev gymnasium classes of fencing and music and the appointment of D.R. Urso - a teacher of fencing and SI. Sobachkina is a music teacher |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 130. The case of traveling to Italy by the Glaimer of the University of Artist B.F.Clembovsky and about returning him to the post of teacher drawing Volyn lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 131. The case of dismissal of the prefect of Volyn Lyceum I.P.Knyagnitsky for "hot-tempered" and appointing him by an inspector of a symbirsk gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 132. Дело об увольнении учителя Волынского лицея И.И. Пичмана и назначении на его место Б.Ф. Клембовского |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 133. Case on the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on increasing the release of funds for the maintenance of students of the school of surveyors at the Kiev Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 134. The case of appointing a pupil of the school of surveyors at the Volyn lycee V. Minkevich land surveyor in Poltava province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 135. The case of appointing a pupil of the school of surveyors at Volyn lyceum I. Pavlovsky a land surveyor in the city of Beltsy, Bessarabia region |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 136. The case of allowing reception of self-hosted boarders in the convict of poor children at the Kiev Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 137. The case of the approval of the honorary guardian of the Kiev Gymnasium Count I.A. Ilyinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 138. The case of awarding the rank of the teacher of the Kiev Gymnasium DA. Kulchytsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 139. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Kiev Gymnasium S.K. Lyubarsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 14. The case of the appointment of the French fonder-Heiden as a teacher of the French language in the Kiev gymnasium, and the swearing in of the persons who entered the service in educational institutions |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 140. The case of repair and alteration of the building of the Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 141. The case of permission to the Austrian citizen A. Kallivoda to open a women's boarding house in Zlatopole, Chigirinsky district of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 142. The case of the use of money collected from students of the Volyn and Podolsk provinces, to purchase Russian books for the libraries of the Zhytomyr and Lutsk gymnasiums of Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 142. Case on the establishment of gymnasiums and county schools in the Kiev, Volyn and Podolsk provinces, instead of closed spiritual schools, and on approval for public educational institutions |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 143. The case of issuing a half salary salary to the inspectors of gymnasiums: Zhitomirskaya - P.P. Macedonian, Vinnytsia - RR. Robokonov, Kamenetsky - I.M. Sbitnev for the work of their teachers in combination |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 144. The case of the transfer of the Lutsk Gymnasium Volyn province, in connection with the extreme dilapidation of its building and crowding, in the place Klevan, and Klevanskoy district school in Lutsk |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 145. The case on the charge of the Roman Catholic Bishop Pivnitsky in changing the ceremonial at the opening of the Lutsk Gymnasium of the Volyn province and in delivering a speech in Polish, allegedly directed against the government |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 146. The case about the examination of the report of the law teacher of the Lutsk Gymnasium of Volyn province, Archpriest A. Lototsky, with the accusation of Lutsk Bishop Pivnitsky in wrong actions towards Orthodox pupils during examinations, with the purpose of enrolling for content |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 147. The case of the dismissal of the inspector of the Lutsk Gymnasium of Volyn gubernia. Rudakovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 148. The case of permission for the nobleman Chekanovsky to open in the city of Kremenets Volyn province a private male boarding house |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 149. The case of the dismissal of the law teacher Vinnytsia gymnasium Podolsky province priest Kujawski for the anti-government direction of teaching and his exile in Perm under strict police supervision |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 15. The case of consolidating the Khovskaya Land for the Kiev gymnasium and donation to the nobility of the Kiev province for the maintenance of the gymnasium and school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 150. The case of the transfer of capital donated by the nobility in favor of the Kamenets-Podolsky gymnasium, administered by the Podolsky Directorate of Schools |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 151. The case of awarding the rank of doctor of the Podolsky grammar school of doctor A.Yu. Khondzinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 152. The case of allowing the wife of the former prefect of Vinnytsia Gymnasium Bogatko to open a women's boarding house |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 153. The case of the refusal to transfer to the school department of the building of the abolished Dominican monastery in Vinnytsia, Podolsky province, in connection with their transfer to the Ministry of War |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 154. Vedomosti about private boarding houses of the Poltava Directorate of Schools for 1832 and 1834 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 155. Vedomosti about private boarding houses of the Poltava Directorate of Schools for 1833, certificates issued to different persons for the right to study in boarding houses and private houses |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 156. The case about the examination of the guardian of the Kiev educational district of educational institutions in the Chernigov province, the transformation of the Chernigov grammar school under the charter of 1828 and the annexation of the Chernihiv Uyezd School |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 157. The case of transferring the church of the Kanevsky Basilian monastery with church and monastery buildings to the management of the Orthodox clergy, the placement of the uyezd school in the monastery corps and the transfer of monks - the basilians to another monastery |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 158. The case of allocating funds for hiring a home for the Radomyslsky Uyezd School of the Kiev province and allowing the school to have a Roman Catholic catholic priest |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 159. The case of the opening of district schools in Novograd-Volynsky and Starokonstantinov in the Volyn province and the destruction by fire of the buildings of the abolished Capuchin monasteries in Ostroh and the Dominican in Starokonstantinov, scheduled for transfer to the school department |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 16. The case of the director of the schools of the Kiev province receiving information about the parish schools |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 160. The case of the dismissal of the caretaker of the Vladimir Uyezd School of Volhynia Province IO. Krulikovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 161. The case of the temporary rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district for the establishment of a district school in Mogilev, in connection with the general consideration of the establishment of schools in the Volyn and Podolsk provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 162. The case of the establishment of a district school in the town Medzhibozhe Letychevsky uyezd Podolsky province and the repair of the house of this school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 163. The case of recovery in favor of the Vinnytsya College debt with the heirs of the Count Koziobrodsky by donating to his Franciscan monastery money for security of the estate of Kolma |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 164. The case of permission to the honorary guard of the Novozybkovsky district school of the Chernigov province N. Borozdna to build a house for this school at his own expense |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 165. The case of permission to appoint a special architect to the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 166. The case of the opening of the University of Kiev and the appointment of professors, lecturers and employees |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 167. The case of the establishment of the Faculty of Law at Kiev University and the appointment of professors S.O. Bogorodsky, I.N. Danilovich, A.N. Mickiewicz, K.A. Nevolina, S.N. Ornatsky and G.A. Tsvetkova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 168. The matter of allocating funds for the initial establishment of the University of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 169. The matter of allocating additional funds for the maintenance of Kyiv University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 17. A letter from the Minister of Public Education to the Kiev military governor-general M.A. Miloradovich with an expression of gratitude for his participation in the affairs of the educational institutions of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 170. The case of transferring to Kiev University of money collected from the peasants of the abolished Chernobyl Dominican monastery of the Kiev province and intended for the Kiev gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 171. The case of investigating the dispute between the board of the Kiev University and the Podolsk high school about the amounts due to the university and the gymnasium from the estate of the deceased landowner I. Mayevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 172. The case of the cancellation of the resolution on the establishment of the Lyceum in the city of Orsha in Mogilev province and the transfer of money allocated for the building of the lyceum to the maintenance of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 173. The case of the donation of Major-General Begichev Kiev University of land with buildings; about the purchase of a place for the construction of the building of the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 174. The case of donating an honorary guardian of the Kiev Gymnasium to Count Ilinsky of the Kiev University of Mineralogical Cabinet and awarding him for this the title of Chamberlain |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 175. The case of awarding the rank of professors, teachers and employees of the University of Kiev (with information about the passage of service) |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 176. The case of assigning a civil rank to the assistant inspector of students of the Kiev University, Captain A.P. Lyubimov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 177. The case of assigning a civil rank to the secretary of the council and the school committee of the University of Kiev, the lieutenant N.G. Cheremisinov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 178. The case of the refusal to increase the release of sums for the maintenance of state students at Kiev University, due to the temporary suspension of admission of students to the university and their transfer to other universities |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 179. The case of permission to admit students to Kiev University once at the beginning of the academic year |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 18. A statement on the number of colleges, teachers and students of the Kiev province for 1813 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 180. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of Nizhyn Lyceum A.V. Lopushevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 181. The case of finding out the service rights of A.Savelyev, the illegitimate lyceum, an illegitimate son of a serf peasant woman, and then freed, declaring a strict notice to the lyceum for his admission and prohibiting the issuance of certificates of graduation to lyceums |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 182. The case of awarding the Order of Professor Nezhinsky lyceum M.V. Bilewicz |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 183. The case of awarding the rank of doctor Nezhinsky Lyceum IG. Zeveke |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 184. The case of the granting of a manual to the drawing teacher of Nezhinsky Lyceum KS. Pavlov, in connection with the approval of the Academy of Arts of the paintings he presented and the difficult material situation of his |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 185. The case of an examination by a member of the Main Board of Schools Count NA. Protasov gymnasiums and uyezd colleges of the Kiev and Belorussian educational districts |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 186. The matter of approving, in the form of experience, the rules of supervision of boarding schools at the gymnasiums of the Kiev academic district and the organization of supervision of free-lancing students outside the classes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 187. The case of permission to divide the temporary teaching of drawing, drawing and calligraphy in the Kiev academic district between the two teachers, in connection with the shortage of teachers of drawing |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 188. The case about the examination of the project of teaching the law of the Roman Catholic confession in the educational institutions of the Kiev district and the manuscript "History of the Christian Church for the Youth of the Higher Educational Establishments of the Roman Catholic Confession", compiled for |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 189. The case of permission after the introduction of the Charter of 1828 in the Kyiv gymnasium to appoint a special teacher of the creed of the Roman Catholic Confession |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 19. Cases about the examination of the Kiev gymnasium and school with her visiting the colleges of the Kiev province Count A.S. Rzhevuski, about reprimanding the teachers P. Kanevetsky, Knyagnitsky, Orel and Kholshchevnikov for unsatisfactory teaching, about the dismissal of P. K |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 190. The case of the establishment of a noble boarding school at the Kiev gymnasium and an increase in the fee for the maintenance of the boarding school children in connection with the crop failure |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 191. The case of dividing the 3 junior classes of the Kiev Gymnasium into branches, due to the large number of students, and the appointment of teachers in them |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 192. The case of bringing to the Senate information about pupils of the school of surveyors at the Kiev Gymnasium, prepared for release |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 193. The case of the distribution of rights and privileges in the service given to officials of noble pensioners at gymnasiums, officials of the convict of poor children at the Kiev gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 194. The case of the dismissal of the inspector of the Kiev Gymnasium MF Berlin |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 195. The case of A.D. Brovtsyn to the noble boarding school at the Kiev gymnasium, and then to the Nezhin Lyceum and the University of Kiev at the expense of invalid capital |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 196. The case of assigning a rank to a student at the Kiev Gymnasium IA. Lazovu, appointed clerical officer in the University of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 197. The case of the establishment of the post of inspector over private educational institutions in Kiev and the appointment of the inspector Professor VF. Tsycha |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 197. The case of the establishment of noble boarding houses at the Poltava and Chernihiv gymnasiums at the expense donated by the landowner Sudyenko and the nobility of the Poltava and Chernihiv provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 198. The case of granting, at the time of graduation, the right to rank of the 14th grade to distinguished pupils of gymnasiums and boarding schools of Volyn, Kiev and Podolsk provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 199. The case of bringing to the State Expedition for the audit of accounts and additional information to the report of the former Volyn Lyceum for 1829 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 2. The case on the petition of the curator of the Vilnius educational district on the premises of the Kiev Gymnasium in the building of the Kiev Theological Academy |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 20. The case of the distribution of teaching subjects in the Kiev Gymnasium and the Uyezd School with her, the clarification of the procedure for appointing teachers of secular persons and monks and the appointment of salaries to teachers |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 200. The case of recovery in favor of the former Volyn Lyceum 31200 zł, donated to the lyceum by the recording of landowner J. Zakrzewski from the estate of the deceased lieutenant-general A. Pulawski, |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 201. The case of the refusal to return the guarantor to Suliatitskiy money donated to him in favor of the Volyn gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 202. The case of assigning a civilian rank to the supervisor of the behavior of students of the school of surveyors at the Volyn lyceum to Staff Captain I. Fischer |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 203. The case of allowing the wife of the staff-doctor L. Yuditskaya to open a women's boarding house in the city of Vinnytsia, Podolia province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 204. The case of allowing soldiers' children from nobles to study in county and parish schools |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 205. The case on the examination of the application of A.A. Zavadsky about the return to her, as heiress, of funds donated by F. Kazarinova in favor of the Kaniv Uyezd School of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 206. The case of buying a house for the Makhnovsky School of the Kiev Gubernia and about reworking it |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 207. The case of the transfer to the trustee of the Kiev academic district of the library and other teaching aids of the abolished Uman basilian monastery of the Kiev province and the transfer of some books to the Uman County School |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 208. The case of granting benefits to the widow of the former caretaker of the Kamyanets-Podilsky Uyezd School I. Korzhenevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 209. The case of the dismissal of the honorary officer of the Borzensky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia GS Tarnovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 21. The case about the consideration of the submission of the visiting of the Kiev educational institutions Count A.S. Rzhevousky about improving the structure of educational institutions |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 210. The case of the appointment of a student of the Volyn Theological Seminary VS. Alexandrovich as a teacher in the Mizochi school of Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 211. The case of the liberation of universities from the management of gymnasiums and colleges and the approval of the management staff of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 212. The case of visiting Nikolai I educational institutions in Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 213. Instruction for the inspector of students of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 214. The case of a donation by the honorary caretaker of the Bronnitsy Uyezd School of the Moscow Gubernia DP. Shelaputin collection of minerals for Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 215. The case of considering the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district for the construction of a building for the library and collections of the University of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 216. The case of the appointment of professors and teachers of the Kiev University N. Golubkov, E. Hoffmann, N.D. Ivanisheva, I.N. Neykirha, II. Stavrovsky, A.N. Tikhomandritsky, V.F. Fedorova and G.A. Tsvetkova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 217. The case of establishing the supervision of the university adjunct O.V. Korzhenevsky, in connection with the discovery in Volochiskaya customs of letters about the Polish work "Niebjska komedia", published in Paris, attributed to Korzhenevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 218. The case of the dismissal of the rector of Kiev University, Professor MA. Maximovich and the appointment in his place of Professor VF. Tsycha |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 219. The case of the dismissal of the lecturer of the Kiev University II. Mikulski |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 22. The case of holding the first issue of students of the Kiev Gymnasium with the title of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 220. The case about the examination of the petition of the professor of theology of the Catholic confession of the Kiev University Yu. Khodykevich, on allowing him to be called an honorary prelate (honorary chamberlain of the court) |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 221. The case of the dismissal of the cashier of the Kiev University O.O. Kruchkovsky, on the examination of his widow's petition, about the pardoning of their son AO. Kruchkovsky, arrested for participating in the excitement of students at Kiev University in April 1857 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 222. The case of the appointment of a pension to the doctor of the University of Kiev AI. Majewski |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 223. The case of granting a grant for the construction of a house to the tenant belonging to the Kiev University of the village of Malevichu Palace, in connection with the damage caused to him by a fire caused by arson |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 224. The case of the rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district, the release of the village of Grabovka belonging to the University of Kiev from the Volyn province from the payment of a collection for zemstvo duties of landlord estates |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 225. The case of the transfer of the printing house and the marching church of the General Staff of the First Army to the jurisdiction of the University of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 226. The case of the banning of the former lecturer of the Nezhin High School N.Ya. Landrazhinu serve in the educational department, in connection with his link to Totma Vologda province for "harmful to youth influence and bad behavior" |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 227. The case of examining the gymnasiums, boarding schools and district schools of the Kiev, Volyn and Podolsk provinces by the Kyiv Trustee |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 228. The case of the appointment of accountants in the directorate of the schools of the Kiev, Chernigov and Volyn provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 229. The case of the dismissal of the director of the colleges of the Kiev province GA. Petrova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 23. The case of the establishment of a county school in the town of Nemirova Podolsk province belonging to the counts Pototsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 230. The case of the transfer of physical and chemical instruments, geometric instruments and minerals from the abolished Dombrovitsky PR monastery to the 1st and 2nd Kiev gymnasiums in the Rivne Uyezd of the Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 231. The case of the approval of the honorary guardian of the 1st and 2nd Kiev gymnasiums Colonel V.V. Montresor, on his dismissal and the confirmation in his place of the retired ensign KA. Marshitsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 232. The case of the death of the teacher of the Kiev Gymnasium F. Gumburgh |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 233. The case of expelling from the school land surveyors at the Kiev gymnasium pupil KI. Bagrinovsky for his poems of anti-government content and his return to police supervision |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 234. The case of the refusal to issue a certificate of graduation from the Kiev Gymnasium F.Ya. Myshkovsky, in connection with his non-confirmation of the title of student |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 235. The cases of admitting baron von Delvig at the expense of invalid capital to a noble boarding school at the Kiev gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 236. The case of the approval by honorary trustees of gymnasiums: Zhitomirskaya - V.F. Podgorodensky and Klevanskaya Volyn province - M.G. Prushinsky, and the rejection of the candidatures of Prince KK. Yablonovsky, involved in the uprising in Poland in 1831 and KA. Piotrovskog |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 237. The case of the refusal to vacate the landowner A.S. Komara from the contribution of money in favor of Volyn lyceum according to his father's will |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 238. The case of investigating the circumstances of the felling of 31 trees, by order of Professor VG. Besser, in the Kremenets Botanical Garden, which belongs to the Spiritual and School Department |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 239. The case of the approval by honorary trustees of gymnasiums: Vinnytska - S.P. Yushnevsky and Kamenets-Podolsky - Staff-Captain-Captain A.S. Komar, and rejection of the candidacy of IF. Drzhevetskogo, suspected in connection with the Poles who emigrated after the uprising of 1831 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 24. The case of the recovery of funds donated to the maintenance of the Kanevsky district school of the Kyiv province from the city of Kanev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 240. The case of the examination by the trustee of the Kiev district of the educational institutions of the Chernigov province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 241. The case of awarding the Order of the Director of the Schools of the Chernigov Gubernia PS. Levitsky and caretaker of the Kiev Uezd School VT. Kozachinskiy for 35 years of service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 242. The case of allocating funds from the city revenues of Chernigov Gubernia for the maintenance of the gymnasium, county and parish schools and for the construction of buildings |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 243. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Novgorod-Seversk gymnasium of the Chernigov province KE Drops |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 244. The case of the approval of the honorary guardian of the Novgorod-Seversk gymnasium of the Chernigov province, Colonel V.N. Ladomirsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 245. Cases of the dismissal of the inspector of the Novgorod-Seversk gymnasium of the Chernigov gubernia |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 246. The case of the approval of the honorary guardian of the Chernigov Gymnasium A.G. Miloradovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 247. The case of the construction of a Catholic chapel at the Kanev Uyezd School of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 248. The case of the death of the teacher of the Kanev Uyezd School of the Kiev province AI. Negrebetsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 249. The case of opening a county school in the town of Ostrog Volyn gubernia and hiring for it at home |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 25. The project of management of schools in the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 250. The case of the opening of a district school in the town of Teofilpole Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 251. The case on the rejection of the petition of the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod, the appointment of two teachers of the Russian language to the district schools of the Podolsky province, provided one of them is selected as a teacher of the Orthodox confession |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 252. The case of the dismissal of the inspector of the Gorodnicky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Province, I.R. Krokovskogo and the rejection of the application for a pension to the widow of the inspector of the Zhytomyr Uyezd School I. Krukovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 253. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Nezhinsky Uyezd School of the Chernigov province F.I. Vujahievich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 254. Foundation | 733. The Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Public Education (1803-1917) | Inventory | Op. 69. Affairs of the Department of Public Education for the Kiev Academic District for 1804-1844 | Case < btag> RGIA. F. 733 Op. 69 D. 254 The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Nezhinsky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia NA. Pleasures. December 29, 1835 - January 6, 1836 | | The identifier | d54b54d2-c436-4be9-83fa-a5a36e6a3685 | Text Language | rus | Title | The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Nezhinsky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia NA. Pleasures. December 29, 1835 - January 6, 1836 | Dates | December 29, 1835 - January 6, 1836 | Volume | 8 liters | Level | Case | < trtag> Record creation organization | RGIA | Storage Digest | RGIA. 733/69/254 | Note | Case Orig. the title of the case: The case on presentation of the trustee of the Kiev academic district, on the appointment of a lifelong pensioner to the supervisor of the Nezhinsky Uyezd School for the titular counselor Otrada. December 29, 1835 | | |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 255. The matter of appointing a salary to Orthodox clerics who held the posts of the teachers of the law schools of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 256. Report of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the transfer of the parish school from the town of Litovizh to the town of Ostrog, Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 257. The case of recovery from the estate of the landowner of the Volyn province of Lutsk district D. Chatsky's fundus and arrears for the maintenance of the Berezniki parish school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 258. The case of stopping the collection of tithes from the estates of the University of Kiev in favor of the Kremenets Roman Catholic Church and the Franciscan monastery, in connection with the abolition of the monastery and the transformation of the church into an Orthodox |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 259. The case of finding information about the land that belonged to the landlords Aslanovich in the city of Zhytomyr and transferred to the school noodle |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 26. The case of establishing the order of distribution of educational subjects in the Kiev Gymnasium and the Uyezd School with her |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 260. Registers of cases in the Kiev educational district, transferred from the 2nd to the 1st Department of the National Education Department for 1812-1835 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 261. The case of the appointment of F.I. Luce, temporarily, the trustee of the Kiev district, in connection with the trip EF. von Bradke for treatment in Odessa |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 262. The case of the recovery of faceless money from the Kiev University from the confiscated estate of Count F. Pociei, who participated in the Polish Uprising |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 263. The case of the liberation of the poetic village of Rudka, the Volyn province, from the annual contribution in favor of Kiev University under the will of the landowner V. Novoshinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 264. The case of the restructuring of spare shops in the estate of Volyn province, owned by the University of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 265. The case of the approval of the rector of the University of Kiev, Professor VF. Tsycha and vice-rector - Professor SO. Bogorodsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 266. The case of the death of a fencing master at the Kiev University F.I. Lekaya |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 267. The matter of appointing an archivist to the Kiev University for managing the archive and, simultaneously, translating documents in Polish |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 268. The case of the opening, temporarily, at the Kiev University of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, about increasing the salaries of professors of theology and church superiors |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 269. The case on the rejection of the petition of the Kiev University board about the order for the university exemplary measures and weights, due to a lack of funds for the maintenance of the university |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 27. The case of the rejection of the complaint of the peasants of the village of Zholobov Kremenets district of the Volyn province to increase the corvee and to capture their land as the director of the Volyn lyceum A.O.Yarkovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 270. The case on the approval of the statute and the state of the Nezhin Lyceum, the definition of teachers in it and the dismissal of the director of the Lyceum GP. Macedonian, the appointment instead of him J. Ya. Zimomovsky and the appropriation of NA. Kushelev-Bezborodke the title of honorary guardian Nezhinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 271. The case of a fire in the Nizhyn Lyceum and the repair of its building |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 272. The case on the examination of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district, the reduction in the number of state-registered pupils in the Nezhin Lyceum, due to the lack of amounts released for the maintenance of pupils |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 273. The case of the confirmation of the title of candidate Nezhinsky Lyceum NF. Nemirovich-Danchenko |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 274. The case of assigning a class rank student Nezhinsky Lyceum DV. Mirkovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 275. The case of the examination of the guardian of the Kiev educational district of secondary and lower educational institutions of the district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 276. The case of awarding officers for the long service of teachers and employees of the Kiev academic district (with information on the passage of service) |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 277. Certificates, certificates, lists and other documents about education, service, noble origin and other teachers and employees of the Kiev academic district, submitted by the Ministry of Public Education to the Department of Heraldry, in connection with |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 278. The case of the definition of doctors in the gymnasium and district schools of the Kiev district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 279. The case of the presentation of the right to receive the rank of the 14th grade to the pupils who graduated from the gymnasium of the Kiev academic district, depending on the academic performance of the Greek language and Russian literature |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 28. Petition of the Marshal of the nobility of the Kiev province on the county of county schools to the Volyn lyceum and the Podolsk high school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 280. The case of allowing students of the 1st Kiev Gymnasium to study Russian literature beyond the gymnasium program |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 281. The case of an increase in the fee for the upkeep of the boarding school pupils at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium and the cancellation of the opening of the 3rd Noble Boarding School at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium, due to the insufficient number of candidates |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 282. The case of the transfer of the 1st Kiev Gymnasium donated by the college registrar Girilevich fundus on the upbringing of 4 orphans |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 283. The case of a reception on the petition of the State Secretary of the Kingdom of Poland Count Grabovsky to the 2nd Noble boarding school at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium V. and A. Pavlicinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 284. The case of the appointment of graduating school surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium K. Vitsinsky, A. Drzhevetskogo, A. Minkevich and A. Yurkevich land surveyors in Ekaterinoslav, Kostroma, Kursk and Orel province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 285. Affairs about the dismissal of the teacher of the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium I.N. Pilyankevich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 286. The case of getting information about the members of the former Volyn Fundushevy Commission, in connection with the debt to the school fundus of the deceased Kievan voevoda I. Stempkovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 287. The case of recovery from the landowner of the village of Luke Meleškovska Sinnitsky uyezd V. Zagursky (Zagorowski) in favor of the Volyn lyceum donated to them money |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 288. The case of the division of the four lower classes of the Zhytomyr grammar school in the Volyn province into branches, the appointment of teachers in them, and the allocation of funds for hiring a building for parallel classes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 289. The case of the examination of the petition of the censor MG. Black about the appointment of the inspector of the gymnasium or the inspector of the schools, in connection with the difficult material situation and the losses incurred by him as a result of his dismissal from the post of the teacher of the Zhytomir Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 29. Case on the statement of the state of Kiev gymnasium and the Makhnovsky district school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 290. The case of the division of the 3 junior classes of the Klevan gymnasium of the Volyn province into two branches, in connection with the large number of pupils in classes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 291. The case of the transfer of the Lutsk gymnasium, which was temporarily in the town of Klevani in the city of Rivne, Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 292. The case of the division of the 3 junior classes of the Vinnytsia gymnasium of the Podolsky province into two branches, due to the large number of students in classes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 293. The case of permission to the honorary guardian of the Vinnytsia grammar school of the Podolsky province SP Yushnevsky to be an official of special assignments under the Podolsky civil governor |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 294. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Vinnytsia gymnasium of the Podolsk province IO Yagiello |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 295. The case of the division of the 3 junior classes of the Kamenets-Podolsk gymnasium into two branches due to the large number of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 296. The case of awarding the rank of former prefect of Podolsky Gymnasium MI. Rich, according to his title of Master of Philosophy |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 297. The case of recovery from the director of the Kamenets-Podolsky gymnasium Teleshev money for the unauthorized sale of iron belonging to the gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 298. The case of the return of the landowner Podilsky province K. Starzhinsky money paid Podolsk gymnasium landowner I. Lipinsky from the estate of Kalus, assigned to I. Lipinsky, K. Starzhinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 299. Cases of dismissal of the director of the schools of Chernihiv province PS Levitsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 3. The case of the transfer for the Kiev gymnasium of a land plot in Kiev, called Klov, and the building on it |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 30. The case of authorizing the teaching of political science and natural law in the Gymnasium of the higher sciences of Prince Bezborodko in the city of Nizhyn, suspended temporarily, in connection with the disturbances at the University of Vilna |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 300. The case of dividing the 3 junior classes of the Chernigov Gymnasium into 2 branches, due to the large number of students in classes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 301. Instructions to directors of colleges of Poltava and Chernigov provinces on supervision of pupils of the orders of the public charity of the House of Education of the Poor, run by Poltava and Chernigov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 302. The case of the establishment of the county noble school in Zlotopol Chigirinsky county of the Kiev province, the noble guest house and the parish school with him, on the transformation of the 4th grade of the Zlatopolsky nobility school and an increase in the content fee |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 303. Cases of opening in Kiev 2nd county noble school, the 2nd noble guest house and educational institution for young children |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 304. The case of the death of the teacher of the Kaniv Uyezd School of the Kiev Gubernia Ya.N. Panenko |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 305. Cases of awarding the teacher Novograd-Volyn noble school F.A. Polyanovsky rank, corresponding to the title of candidate |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 306. The case of dividing the 2 junior classes of the Nemirovsky Uyezd School of the Podolsky Province into 2 branches, due to the large number of students in the classrooms |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 307. The case of the refusal to establish a district gentry school in the town of Yampol, Podolsky province, in connection with the alleged general transformation of educational institutions in the Volyn, Kiev and Podolsk provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 308. The case of the dismissal of the inspector of the Glukhov Uyezd School of the Chernigov province VI. The Kazan |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 309. The case of the death of the law-giver of the Kozelets Uyezd School of the Chernigov province SI. Radchenko |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 310. The case of the death of the teacher of the Nezhinsky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia I.M. Fontina |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 311. The case of the opening of the district school in Novgorod-Seversk Chernihiv province and the donation of the nobility of the Novgorodsevere district funds for the maintenance of needy students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 312. The case of the dismissal of the teacher Vasilkovsky parish school of the Kiev province N.P. Nesterovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 313. The case of bringing to the Department of the State Treasury information on the capital of 12 thousand zł, donated in 1731 by Archbishop Vyzhitsky in favor of the Lublin Sisters of Mercy Hospital and provided with various property, including the estate |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 314. The case of assigning a civil rank to the staff of the Chancellery of the Trustee of the Kiev Academic District to Staff Captain P.P. Karmanova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 315. The case of the appointment of Colonel А.К. as assistant to the guardian of the Kiev training district. Ginzel |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 316. The case of awarding the officials of professors, teachers and employees of the Kiev educational district (with information about the passage of the service) |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 317. The case of the delivery of information about estates in the western provinces, belonging to educational institutions and, in general, the Ministry of Education |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 318. The case on the preparation and consideration of the draft permanent charter and the state of Kiev University and to leaving the Action of the Charter and the State University approved in 1833 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 319. The case of a donation to the Kiev Herbarium University by the former Honorary Warden of the Kiev Uezd School, Baron de Chaudoir, and the specification of the procedure for awarding philanthropists of lower schools |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 32. The case of correcting errors that found themselves in the approved charter and the state of Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of the Supreme Sciences |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 320. The case of awarding orders of professors of the Kiev University MA. Maksimovich, K.A. Nevolina, O.M. Novitsky and gratitude to the professors S.O. Bogorodsky, S.V. Ornatsky, I.M. Skvortsov, G.A. Tsvetkov and other officials of the Kiev training center |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 321. The case of dismissing professors of Kiev University I.K.Ablamovich, V.G.Bescause, S.F.Zenovich, F.I.Mehovich and M.Yu.Yakubovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 322. The case of the dismissal of Professor of Kiev University SS. Vizhevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 323. The case of the inspector of students of Kiev University of Colonel F. F.Gingling |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 324. The case of preserving the pension for military service to the assistant inspector of students of the Kiev University Gudima, in addition to the salaries he receives |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 325. The case on the rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district about the transfer of the professor of the Kazan University P.Ya. Kornukha-Trotsky at the Department of Botany at Kiev University and transferred instead of him to the professor of the Moscow Medico-Surgical Academy I |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 326. The case of the dismissal of Professor of Kiev University KA. Moiseyev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 327. The case of the service of Professor and the Rector of Kiev University K.A.Nevolina |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 328. The case of the appointment of Staff Captain S.V. Sakhanovsky assistant inspector of students of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 329. The case of confirming the noble origin of the employees of the Chancellery of the Kiev University I.-P.-F. Fisher and A.-F.-A. Lelyakovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 33. The case of the rejection of the petition by the committee of the Main Board of the Schools of the petition of the director of the Nezhin High School of Sciences I.S. Eagle on changing the teaching of languages in this gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 330. The case of the recovery of the arrears of the Kiev University from the confiscated estate Sevrukov of the Volyn province, which belonged to the former general of the Polish troops V. Kolyshko, participant of the Polish uprising of 1831 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 331. The case of recovering from the absent-minded absence of the priest of the city of Kremenets of the Volyn province of I. Verdelet, involved in the uprising in Poland in 1831, arrears in hiring a house belonging to the Volyn lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 332. Representation of the trustee of the Kiev Academic District on the sale of the estate of the landowner of the Volyn province of the county of Vladimir I. Roniker for the debt to the Volyn lyceum, transferred to the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 333. The case of the release of funds from the cashier's office of the University of Kiev to the Roman Catholic clergy for the obligation of the former Volyn Lyceum to keep the almshouse and hospital with the abolished Kremenetsky Roman Catholic Franciscan monastery |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 334. The case of making measures to strengthen the observation of students of the Kiev University: On the allocation of additional funds for the content of the inspector of students and peders and hiring at home for those who need students in order to enhance observation over them |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 335. The case of the arrest of students of Kiev University of P. Bogdanovich, S. Rutkovsky, S. Schedovsky and others for the distribution of writings of A. Mitskevich, S. Goschinsky and other anti-governmental content, on the returns to the soldiers of Bogdanovich and Buyalsky- |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 336. Instruction on the distribution of classes of students of the Department of Philosophy of the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 337. Draft regulations on practical training for students of the Faculty of Law of Kyiv University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 338. The case of the introduction of examinations under the law of God's Roman Catholic confession for those wishing to enter Kiev University and belonging to this confession |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 339. The case of clarifying the decree of the Senate of January 23, 1837, abolished the compulsory service of state-student students of Kiev University and kazennokoshtnyh pupils at boarding schools exclusively in the provinces: Kiev, Volyn and Podolsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 34. The case of the rejection by the Academic Committee of the Main Board of the Schools of the petition of the director of the Nezhin High School of Sciences I.S. Eagle on changing the teaching of languages in this gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 340. The case of permission to admit to the University of Kiev, without exams, graduated from Nezhin Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 341. The case of submitting lists of students from the Kiev and Dorpat universities, which originated from the taxation class and did not submit dismissal certificates from societies |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 342. The matter of appointing sentries to the University of Kiev: to the cashier and the cabinet of mines |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 343. The case of the death of Professor Nezhinsky Lyceum NF Solovyov and granting benefits to his family |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 344. The case of clarifying the rules for appointing natives of the western provinces from the nobility who graduated from educational institutions with the right to a class rank |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 345. The case of permission to perform one-year examinations in graduation classes of gymnasiums of the Kiev academic district before the holidays |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 346. The case on the appointment of pensions to teachers of gymnasiums and county schools of the Kiev educational district S.E.ADIASEVICH, V.T.Kozachinsky, G.P.Macedonian and P.N.Shimovo, with leaving in service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 347. Instruction for doctors at gymnasiums and district schools of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 348. The case of appointing a warder to the hospital for pupils of educational institutions in the city of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 349. The case of the recovery of the public order from the landowner Zhurovsky by the Kiev order, issued to him in debt on the security of the estate in the Uman district of the Kiev province from the gymnasium capital |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 35. The case of investigating the circumstances of the sale by residents of the village of Zholobovo, called Salts, Earth and houses belonging to the Volyn Lyceum, and about the establishment in the village of Jolobov of the Pite |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 350. The case of the death of the teacher of the law of the 1st Kiev Gymnasium of the priest E.G. Ilyinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 351. The case of the appointment of graduating school surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium N. Leontief and A. Pomyana surveyors in Smolensk Province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 352. The case of dividing the four junior classes of the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium into 2 branches, due to the large number of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 353. The case of increasing the number of warders at the Volyn and the 2nd Kiev gymnasiums, in connection with the increase in the number of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 354. The case of the death of a teacher at the Volyn Gymnasium Rostotsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 355. The case of the refusal to release Count I. Plater from the contribution of money donated to him in favor of the former Kremenets Gymnasium of Volhynia Gubernia |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 356. Report of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the demolition of a bijouche church occupied by the pharmacy in Zhytomyr of the Volyn province, in connection with its extreme dilapidation |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 357. The case of recovery of the debt of the former Volyn Education Commission by the Lutsky Roman Catholic Chapter from the incomes of the Beezuite estates Oknin in the Kremenets Uyezd, Lyscha and Botin of the Lutsk district and the Kremenetsky law of the Volyn province for the performance of spiritual duties |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 358. The case of investigating denunciations teacher N.V. Batalin and the owner of the boarding house M.I. Bogatky on the director of the Vinnitsa grammar school, G.M. Fawitsky with accusation of embezzlement of his school property and violation of the rules on the administrative part |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 359. Cases of investigation of the denominations of teacher N.V.Batalina and the maintenance of the Pension M.I.Cathrooons on the director Vinnitsa Gymnasium Podolsk Province GMFovitsksky with the accusation of him in violation of the rules on the economic and administrative parts: about the dismissal of Fovitsko |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 36. Report of Professor V.S.Comedysky about the visit of the School of Slobodsko-Ukrainian and Kiev Directors conducted by the School of School and the draft management of the School of Kyiv province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 360. The case of the institution of the gymnasium in the city of Nemirovy Podolskaya province, instead of the existing county noble school: on the opening of the county noble school in the town of Bogopol Baltsky County of Podolsk province, belonging to the count B.S.Potoksky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 361. The case of the death of the teacher of the Novgorod-Seversk High School of the Chernigov Gubernia S.Ya. Lenkovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 362. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Chernigov Gymnasium Ya.K. Vuargarda |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 363. Cases on the examination of the petition of the teacher of the Chernigov Gymnasium I.Ya. Kalinovsky about his dismissal, and his death |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 364. The case of rejection of the petition of the honorary superintendent of the Mokhnovsky district gentry school of the Kiev province KO Mazaraki on the introduction of teaching Latin in the fourth grade of the school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 365. The case of dismissing the teacher of the Makhnovsky county noble school of Kiev province MDDobkiewicz |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 366. The case of buying a house for the Radomysl county noble school of Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 367. The case of the appointment of a pension, by the highest order, the widow of the keeper of the Zhytomyr Uyezd School Krukovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 368. The case of the approval by the honorary superintendent of the Lutsk uyezd noble school of the Volhynia gubernia of the candidate of law of the Vilnius University of the landowner P. Prushinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 369. The case of the transfer of the county noble school from Novgorod-Volynsk in the town of Polonnos Volyn province, owned by the landlord of the graph F.A.Valvsky, in connection with the lack of in Novgorod Volynsk, premises for the school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 37. The case of building a Novgorod-Seversk gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 370. The case of the death of the teacher Teofilpolskogo uyezd noble school Volyn province MI. Yelyashevich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 371. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of Medzhibozh uyezd noble school of the Podolsky province F.I. Skimborovic |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 372. The case on the consideration of the petition of the foremen of the Jewish society of the city of Mogilyov of the Podolsky province on permission to invite from abroad Jewish teachers for the education of children in the established district school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 373. The case of the death of the teacher of the Mlinsk Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia AA. Fedchenkova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 374. The case of the statement of rules for parish schools of the Kiev educational district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 375. The case of recovering money from the abolished Dorogostaisky Carmelite monastery in favor of the parish school in the town of Mlynov, Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 376. Case on the allocation of funds for the maintenance of parish schools of Poltava and Chernihiv province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 377. The case of approval in the service of the training part F. Zaichenko, expelled from the Cossack ranks and appointed by the teacher of the Puzikov parish school of the Poltava province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 378. Cases on the dismissal of the guardian of the Kiev educational district E.F.Von Bridk, appointing him by a member of the Chief Board of School, appointing to his place S.I.Davydov, dismissal by the assistant guardian of Colonel A.K.Ginzel and appointment in his place V.I.Carlgof |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 379. The case of recovery from the assistant trustee of the Kiev Academic District AK. Ginzel debt to the military department |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 38. The case of the transformation of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest science |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 380. The case about the examination by the trustee of the Kiev academic district of the University of Kiev, the institution of state students and educational institutions at the first Kiev gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 381. The case of rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district, the appropriation of funds for the purchase of instruments and instruments for the physical cabinet of the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 382. The case of buying a collection of minerals for the University of Kiev from the St. Petersburg pharmacist Kemmerer |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 383. The case of rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district for the purchase of a herbarium for the University of Kiev from Professor VG. Bessera |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 384. The case of the establishment of lithography at Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 385. The case of permission to include in the staff of Kiev University the post of mechanic, laboratory assistant, translator and archivist |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 386. The case of approval of the cost estimate for the rental and maintenance of buildings of the University of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 387. The case of changing the order of serving a recruiting duty by peasants belonging to Kyiv University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 388. The case of handling the costs of sending money to the Kyiv University from the estates of the abolished Novovishnevetsky Monastery of the Volyn Gubernia to the income from this estate |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 389. The case of the appointment of the bachelor of the Kiev Theological Academy P. Avsenev as a teacher of philosophy at the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 39. The case of the release of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of Higher Sciences every year of all income from capital of 50 thousand rubles, donated by Prince AV Bezborodko for the maintenance in the gymnasium of 3 children of officers |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 390. The case of issuing an annual salary salary to the inspector of students of Kiev University Colonel F.F. Gingling and assistant inspector of students major SI. Shishkin, instead of rewarding their rank |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 391. The case of removing the reprimand from the professor of theology of the Kiev University canon I.P. Golovinsky, declared by the Roman Catholic consistory for failure to comply with the decree of the Roman Catholic collegium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 392. The case of the mission of Professor of Kiev University E.K. Hoffmann in Kiev, Kherson province, in Odessa and Crimea for geographic observations |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 393. The case of the dismissal of professor of Kiev University SF. Zenovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 394. The case of the appointment to the University of Kiev graduated from the Main Pedagogical Institute N.D. Ivanisheva as a teacher at the Department of Encyclopedia of Rights and Institutions of the Russian Empire |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 395. The case of confirming the noble origin of clerical ministers of the Kiev University P.I. Jordanian and I. Podsendkovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 396. The case of the dismissal of the doctor of Kiev University A.I. Majewski |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 397. The case of rejection of the representation of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the approval of additional rules for students of the University of Kiev, in connection with the closure of the university |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 398. The case of permission to admission to Kiev University, without exams, graduated from the 1 st Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 399. The case of the transfer of students of the Kiev University I. Brzhovsky, I. Varavsky, G. Volodkovich, A. Rosolovsky, A. Stanislavsky, E. Zilli, D. Yachevsky for participating in a secret society and for distributing works of anti-government content in Kazan |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 4. The case of a donation by the Kiev Provincial Marshal 4000 rubles for the repair of the Klovska House, transferred to the Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 40. Case on the allocation of funds to build houses for teachers and employees of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of the Higher Science |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 400. The case of the order, on the highest order, about the provision of assistance to the local authorities by the training districts, in connection with the escape of the student of the Kiev University V. Gordon, who took part in the unrest of students of the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 401. The case of permission to introduce the book "Brief outline of the history of the Old Testament Church" as a guide for teaching in the educational institutions of the Kiev region, published by Professor I.M. Skvortsov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 402. Correspondence of trustees of the Kiev and Dorpat educational districts on petitions of university teachers, their admission to the protection of public theses for the academic degrees of doctor and master |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 403. The case of the death of Professor Nezhinsky lyceum K.G. Kupfer |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 404. The case of permission to appoint teachers of dance and music to the boarding school at the Nezhin Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 405. The case of the examination by the Kyiv Trustee of some gymnasiums and boarding houses of the Kiev district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 406. The case of the examination by the trustee of the Kyiv training district of part of gymnasiums and district schools and the announcement of gratitude on behalf of the Minister of Education to the director of the Klevansk gymnasium of the Volyn province I.G.Kulzhinsky and others |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 407. The case on rejection of the petition of the guardian of the Kiev academic district to allow corporal punishment to be applied to the pupils of the four senior classes of gymnasiums |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 408. The case of awarding teachers and employees of the Kiev educational district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 409. The case about the approval by the honorary guardian of the 1 st and 2 nd Kiev gymnasium of the retired ensign KA. Marshitsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 41. The case about the consideration of the draft of the provincial marshal of the Podolsky nobility about the establishment of the agronomy and veterinary institutes at the Vinnytsia gymnasium of the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 410. The case of the transformation of the 1st Kiev Gymnasium, the establishment of a half-board at it and the closure of it in connection with the establishment of a student's apartment |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 411. The case of the division of the four junior classes of the 1 st Kiev Gymnasium into 2 branches in connection with the increase in the number of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 412. The case of the rejection of the petition of the former trustee of the Kiev academic district IF. von Bradke about the introduction of the teaching of universal history in the 1st Kiev grammar school in French, according to the conclusion of the trustee of the district of S.D. Davydov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 413. The case on the rejection of the petition of the acting overseer of the 1st Noble Boarding School at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium A.S. Zhergo on the appointment of a pension for the wound he received during the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1831, due to the prescription of his |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 414. The case of admitting 12 pupils, from noblemen, to the school of surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium at the expense of city incomes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 415. The case of the appointment of graduating school surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium P. Bergel, N. Nesterovich, A. Scholz, and other county surveyors in Western Siberia, in the Kostroma and Novgorod provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 416. The case of the approval by honorary trustees of gymnasiums: Zhitomirskaya - V.F. Podgorodensk and Klevanskaya Volyn province - A.S. Kamensky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 417. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Klevan gymnasium of the Volyn province O.O. Mudejsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 418. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Klevan gymnasium of the Volyn province DA. Yakutovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 419. The case of the approval by honorary trustees of gymnasiums: Vinnytska - S.P. Yushnevsky and Nemirovskaya Podolsky province - Count B.S. Pototsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 42. The case of the appointment of pupils of the school of surveyors at Volyn lycee Y. Petrashkevich, I. Tochinsky and P. Dobrovolsky surveyors in the Arkhangelsk gubernia |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 420. The case of announcing a reprimand to the inspector of the Kamenets-Podolsk gymnasium Voshchinin for the severe punishment of the students of the grammar school of G. Fedkovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 421. The case of approval by the honorary trustee of the Kamenetz-Podolsky gymnasium of the Kamenetsky district leader of the nobility A.K.RUSSANOVSKY |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 422. The case of authorization is not considered an obstacle to receiving awards to the supervisor of the Kamenets-Podolsky gymnasium, MA. Yavorsky, who was under arrest in 1828 for a dishonorable act |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 423. The case of the examination by the trustee of the Kiev educational district of educational institutions in the Chernigov province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 424. The case of using the school sums of the Chernigov Gubernia for the construction of buildings, the abandonment of buildings belonging to the school department under the authority of the governor-general and the return of the money to the latter by the directorate of the schools of the Chernigov Gubernia, was spent |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 425. The case of the division of the three lower classes of the Novgorod-Seversk High School of Chernigov Gubernia into two branches, in connection with the large number of pupils in classes and the hiring of a home for parallel classes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 426. The case of the appointment of a pension to the teacher of the Novgorod-Seversk High School of the Chernigov Gubernia SK. Kirillov, with his leaving in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 427. The case of the dismissal of the director of the Novgorod-Seversk High School of the Chernigov Gubernia IF. Timkovsky and the appointment of Batarovsky in his place |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 428. The case of the approval of honorary trustees gymnasiums: Chernigov - AG. Miloradovich and Novgorod-Seversky Chernihiv province - Colonel V.N. Ladomirsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 429. The case of the establishment of a noble boarding house at the Chernihiv gymnasium, about donating money and books by different persons in favor of the boarding house, on the release of funds for the maintenance of pupils |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 429. The case of building a building for the noble boarding house at the Chernihiv gymnasium and the donation of funds for its maintenance |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 43. The case of building buildings for county school and gymnasium in Kamenets-Podolsk |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 430. The case of the approval of projects of the buildings of the district gentry schools in the Belorussian and Kiev educational districts |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 431. The matter of allocating funds for hiring a home for the Radomyslsky district gentry school of the province of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 432. The case about the consideration of the complaint of the authorized landlord V. Chatsky for the misuse of the hazelnut donated by Chatsky for the maintenance of the Brusilov parish school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 433. The case of the death of the inspector of the Zlatopol district uyezd school of the Chigirinsky county of the Kiev province AA. Cullivoda |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 434. The case on the rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the establishment of a district gentry school in Zhytomyr of the Volyn province, in connection with the expected transformation of the provincial grammar school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 435. The case of dismissal of caretaker School of Chernihiv Gubernia A.A.Bozhko, p.p.Shmakov and A.V.Narrow-Ravsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 436. The case of the appointment of a pensioner to the inspector of the Borzensky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia MI. Prigar with leaving him in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 437. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Glukhov Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia GK Kuzhelevich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 438. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of law of the Nezhinsky Uyezd School, Protopriest E.F. Bordonos |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 439. The case of the dismissal of the inspector of the Novozybkovsky district school of the Chernigov province PP. Ponarevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 44. The case of building a building for Kamenets-Podolsk gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 440. The case about the consideration of the complaint of the landowners' attorney of the Volyn gubernia Counts of Khodkevichy to improper collection of money from the estate donated by Count A. Khodkevich to the maintenance of Dorogostaisky parish school of Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 441. The case of considering the complaint of the landowner H.B. Myaskovsky for improper recovery from his estate in the Volyn province to establish a parish school in the town of Milyatin in the same province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 442. The case of bringing cases to the Senate seeking the attorneys of the former Volyn Education Commission of the Fundus from the owners of the Gusyatinsky suburb, who went abroad |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 443. The case of bringing to the Senate an investigative case for the recovery of 20 thousand zlotys from the villages of Batoga and Mikhailovtsy of the Podolsky province, owned by the heirs of Count Schensky-Potocki |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 444. The case of the closure of the Kiev University and the translation of students, the natives of the Western provinces and the kingdom of Polish to other universities, due to the universities of university students and educational institutions |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 445. The case of the opening of the New Kiev University, about the translation of professors, teachers and employees of Polish origin to the educational institutions of the provinces with the prevailing Russian population and back, on the transfer of gymnasiums from the townships in the provincial cities, about listed |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 446. The case of the establishment in Kiev University of the Department of History and Literature of the Slavic dialects |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 447. The case of changing teaching subjects at the departments of the Faculty of Law of Kyiv University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 448. The case of a rise for the University of Candidates for the Department of Architecture, Zoology, Design Geometry, Physics, Physical Geography and Chemistry |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 449. The case of the preservation of the teacher of drawing and painting at the Kiev University B.F. Klembovsky's previous salary salary, which he had in the Volyn lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 45. The case of delivering information about the use of funds donated by the graphs F. and Oizarov to the establishment of a surgical school and hospital in Volyn Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 450. The case of the placement in the office of St. Vladimir University corpses of ugly children born by the wife of a Cossack village in the village of Sluchevki in the Chernigov province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 451. The case of awarding professors of teachers and employees of the Kiev educational district by the ranks for long service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 452. The case of granting a vacation to a professor of theology of the Roman Catholic confession canon IS. Golovinsky for the pilgrimage to Jerusalem |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 453. The case of the approval of Professor K.A. Nevolin rector of St. Vladimir University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 454. The case of confirming the noble origin of the employee of the Chancellery of Kiev University M. Dobrovolsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 455. The case of clarifying the official rights of a doctor at the Kiev University, F.O. Dolner |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 456. The case of the consideration by the Department of the Herald of documents on the noble origin of the employee of the Chancellery of M.Sovinsky University of Kiev and their recognition as insufficient for its approval in that title |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 457. The case of the service inspector of students of Kiev University of Colonel M.K.Sichugova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 458. The case on the rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the permission to admit to Kiev University pupils, Russian by birth, who did not complete the full course of the gymnasium and about permission to admit K. Galyatkin, P. Kukhlesha and F. |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 459. The case of the decision to admit students of the Kiev University, natives of the western provinces V. Yurkevich and A. Třeciak to the Forest and Land Survey Institute, and about the death of the latter |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 46. The case about the examination of the petition of the board of the University of Vilnius to increase the salary to the regent of the fundus convivitis at the Volyn lyceum of Osolinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 460. The case of the confirmation of the rank of 1st-year student of the Kiev University S. Popovsky, dismissed in connection with the closure of the university, but had the right to rank, in connection with the successful completion of the Vinnitsa Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 461. The case of Senate examination of the petition of a peasant from the village of Mlynovets belonging to the Kiev University, I. Sochinsky on his release from serfdom |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 462. The case of the distribution of the rights of teachers of gymnasiums to supernumerary teachers of Nizhyn Lyceum VS Veshenevsky, G.P. Macedonian and F.F. Shulgovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 463. The case of awarding the rank of teacher Nezhinsky lyceum F.F. Shulgovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 464. The case of an examination by the assistant trustee of the Kiev educational district of the Middle and lower educational institutions of the district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 465. Rules for teachers, supervisors and students in the gymnasiums of the Kiev Academic District |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 466. Rules for testing persons wishing to obtain the title of teachers in the gymnasiums and colleges of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 467. The case of the awarding of gold and silver medals graduating with honors from the gymnasium of Kiev, Podolsky and Volyn provinces, regardless of nationality and the right to receive a class rank |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 468. The case of permission to issue certificates with the right to rank 14 classes, as an exception, to students who graduated from the gymnasium in a shortened period, and to prohibit the transfer of students through the class for the future |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 469. The case of a donation of 50 thousand rubles by the landowner A.Ya. Sovetskim in favor of educational institutions of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 47. The case of the investigation of the complaint of the landowner of the village of Luke Melhelekovsky KMZagore with the accusation of the Volyn Hazelnushova Commission in the wrong recovery from the estate in favor of Volyn Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 470. The case of dismissing the director of schools of the Kiev province N.I.Milashevich on the inability to control the gymnasium and appointment of the University of University of S.O.Bogorodsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 471. The case of the approval of the teacher of geodesy and drawing in the school of surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium of Captain I. Monakhov and the appointment of a pension to the widow of the former teacher of the same school, AI. Savitsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 472. The case of the appointment of graduate school surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium: I. Wenger, I. Yehovsky, S. Prevlotsky and I. Tetzlav by county surveyors to Novgorod and Olonets gubernias and about the abandonment of a kazennokoshtnogo pupil G. Konetskog |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 473. Extract from a note of the former military governor of the city of Zhytomyr and Volynsky civil governor about the state of educational institutions of the Volyn province, about the desirability of appointing teachers of Russian origin |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 474. The case of the dismissal of the director of schools in the Volyn province OM. Rab-Bokshtanin, in connection with the recognition of him, as a Pole, inappropriate to the post in the province with the predominance of the Polish population and the transfer to his place of the director of the schools Chernigov gu |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 475. The case of the appointment of a pension to a former teacher of the Volyn Gymnasium, I.O. Maltsuzhinsky and the removal from him of foreclosures for books that were not available when he handed over the library to him |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 476. The case on the rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev Academic District on awarding the honorary guardian of the Volyn gymnasium VF Podgorodensky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 477. The case of the exclusion of Vasnevich, E. Fedorovich and Kuklinsky from the Volyn gymnasium for finding the play "Insurgents of 1833" (in Polish), about the definition of the first two for military service, about the transfer of Kuklinsky to a boarding school at the Vologda Gymnasium and |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 478. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Vinnitsa gymnasium of the Podolsky province MS. Grzesiecki |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 479. The case of the dismissal of the teacher Vinnytsia gymnasium Podolsky province FM. Girardot, accused of drawing up a "moral catechism" of anti-monarchical content (in French), about closing the boarding house that his wife kept, and about banning the names |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 48. The case of the refusal of the landowner K. Malinovsky to return the controversial estate "Small Volkovarok", which is in the possession of the Volyn Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 480. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Vinnytsia gymnasium of the Podolsky province LM. Mengletu |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 481. The case of awarding a silver medal teacher Vinnitsa gymnasium A.D. Petrova for saving a drowning man |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 482. The case of permission is not considered an obstacle to receiving the awards of a severe reprimand received by the teacher of the Kamenets-Podolsk gymnasium GV. Svirsky for his participation in the secret society at the Vinnitsa gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 483. The case of the appointment of a pension to the teacher of the Kamenets-Podilsky grammar school, Protopriest S.G. Gogotsky with leaving him in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 484. The case of the appointment of a pension to the teacher of the Poltava Gymnasium, Archpriest D.M. Splitstesseru with leaving him in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 485. Cases on the appointment of a pension to a former teacher of the Chernigov Gymnasium KN. Mangosu |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 486. Correspondence with the trustee of the Kiev educational district on the procedure for assigning tertional salaries to teachers of parish schools transferred to district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 487. The case of sending an honorary superintendent of the Zlatopol district uyezd college of the Kiev province of Staff Captain P.F. Lopukhin to Odessa, as a member of the Kiev province of the committee to draw up instructions on improving trade routes going to Odessa |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 488. The case of the approval in the rank of superintendent of the Kyiv Pechersk district nobility school F.S. Butovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 489. The case of the return to the soldiers, the Kavkazsky Corps, the former tutor of the Zlatopol county-level gentry school of the Kiev province, Popelya, for having found during his search prohibited works of anti-government content and for teaching the Polish language |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 49. The case of resolving the dispute on the establishment of boundaries between the foil Dunaev belonging to the Volyn Lyceum, and the adjacent estates of the Count Tarnow |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 490. The case of increasing the salary of the teacher of drawing at the Makhnovsky district gentry school of the Kiev province of T. Briel |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 491. The case on the examination of the petition of the residents of Novograd-Volynsk about the transfer of the district gentry school from the town of Polonny to Novograd-Volynsk |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 492. The case of the death of the superintendent of the Novograd-Volyn county gentry school of S. Vizersky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 493. The case of the suicide of the teacher of the Ostrog County Ugol nobility school of the Volyn province of K. Rosenstein |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 494. The case of rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district for the transfer of the Ostrog uyezd nobility school to the place Klevan of the Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 495. Cases about the appointment of a pension to the former supervisor of the Theofilpol district gentry school of the Volyn province DA. Kulchitsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 496. The case about the consideration of the request of creditors Countess Rzhevuska on the transfer of the county gentry school from the town of Teofilpole to Staro-Konstantinov of the Volyn province to the house donated by Rzhevuska |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 497. The case about the examination of the petition of Protopriest Ya. Tukalevsky about the appointment of him again as a scribe to the Mirgorod Uyezd School of the Poltava province, after being dismissed for informing the superintendent of this school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 498. The case of the death of the teacher of the Poltava Uyezd School Ye.V. Speransky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 499. Cases on the construction of a house for the Khorolsky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 5. Certificates issued by the Chernihiv Court of Court on the absence of disputes, claims and prohibitions on the estate of Count I.A.Bezbogyz donated to him for the maintenance of the gymnasium in the non -western of the Chernihiv province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 50. The case of extradition, it is zoomed, the Cash to the peasants of the Assignments of Dunaev, Zholobov, Mlynovtsy, and others belonging to the Volyn Lyceum, and on the release of them from paying money in connection with the crown, cumulative, the cholera's epidemic and the uprising in Poland |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 500. The case of habeas data on donated cornet C. Lashkevich 200 thousand rubles for the education of children in need of nobles Bronitskaya, Mglinskiye and Starodub county Chernigov province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 501. The case of the sale of the house of the Glukhov Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia in connection with its extreme dilapidation |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 502. The case of the dismissal of the honorary guard of the Nezhinsky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia P. Klobukov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 503. The case of the granting of a manual to the teacher of the Chernigov Uyezd School M.P. Slutsky, in connection with his illness |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 504. The case of denial of permission to open a parish school in the city of Berdichev in the Kiev province, in connection with the refusal of the Berdichev Jewish community to donate funds for the maintenance of the school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 505. The case of the donation of the Roman Catholic priest I. Tsvejkovsky money in favor of the Boguslavsky Parish School of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 506. The case of communication to Prince MS. Vorontsov on the absence in the Department of Public Education of information about permission to open the Lancaster School in 1823 or in 1824 on his estate in the village of Gorodishche Cherkassy Uyezd in the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 507. The case of a donation by merchant I. Kozhevnikov at home for the Kremenchug parish school of the Poltava province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 508. The matter of allocating funds for the maintenance of the Berezinsky parish school in the Chernigov province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 509. The case, according to the decree of the Senate, about the delivery of information on the case of the release of the peasants' estate of Rudny Volyn province, which belonged to the landlords Stetsky, Chernyakhovsky and Zakhariashevich, and then became part of the general edu |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 51. The case of appointing a pupil of the school of surveyors at the Volyn lycee V. Dehler district land surveyor in Bessarabia gubernia |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 510. Decree of the Government Senate on the refusal to return the debt from the estate belonging to the Novovishnevetsky Carmelite Monastery, and on the abolition of the latter, transferred to the Ministry of State Property |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 511. Correspondence with the Minister of State Property on recovering arrears from the fundus estate Surazh Key of Volhynia Gubernia |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 512. The case on the rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the approval of the new management staff of the Kiev academic district and the appointment of the collegiate secretary of Rushkovsky as an officer of special assignments under the trustee |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 513. Case on the approval of the Charter and the State of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 514. The case of inspection by the Minister of Education of the people of SS. Uvarov educational institutions in Kiev, on the adoption of measures to restrict the admission of children of lower classes in higher education institutions and to increase the lessons of dancing and fencing at the University of Kiev with the goal of "outside |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 515. The case of visiting Nicholas I Kiev University, the strengthening of dance classes, fencing and gymnastics, in order to eliminate the lack of "outdoor education" of some students of the university, seen by Nicholas I, and the secret offer will limit |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 516. Case on the establishment of the Medical Faculty and Institute at the Kiev University and on the allocation of funds to inject them from the economic sums of the Vilen Medical Surgical Academy |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 517. The case of the opening at the Kiev University of public courses in engineering science, agriculture, practical mechanics, technical chemistry and technology, and extradition to professors E.K. Gofman, N.A. Dyachenko and E.O. Meretsu remuneration for reading public lectures |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 518. The case of the division of the subjects of the second department of the Philosophy Faculty of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 519. The case of the appointment of Lieutenant-General A. Afremov, assistant inspector of Kiev University students, about keeping him and the inspector's assistant PA. Maslovsky military ranks and Afremov's dismissal |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 52. The case of a revision by a member of the Chief Board of School E.B.Aercase of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences, due to the signal 3 of separation of his own imperial majesty of the office on the liberation of students and the "harmful" teaching of natural law;About OT |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 520. The case of the affirmation of the adjunct of the Kiev University, L.K. Döllen is a professor at the Department of Roman Literature and Antiquities and the dismissal of the teacher of this department. Grinevich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 521. The matter of increasing the salary to the doctor of the Kiev University, F.O. To Dolner from the sums intended for a surgical institution at the former Volyn Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 522. The case of permission to the executing position of extraordinary professor of Kyiv University V.F.Dombrovsky passing exams for a master's degree at Moscow University, in connection with the preferential, allegedly, attitude to it of the faculty during exam |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 523. The appointment of a doctor of medicine VA. Karavaeva professor of surgery at the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 524. The case of the dismissal of Professor of Kiev University MA. Maximovich, the appointment of a pension and the permission to appoint him temporarily a professor at the Department of Russian Literature |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 525. The case of permission to associate at the Department of Zoology at the University of Kiev AF. Middendorf caught birds and animals at any time of year |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 526. The case of the appointment of the Livonian mongrel L. Falberg as a mechanic at the University of Kiev; on his expulsion from the state of taxation and on his approval in the service for the training part |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 527. The case about the examination of petitions filed in the name of Nicholas I, during his visit to Kiev, including B. Yachevskaya, about the permission of her son, Dionysius, expelled from the University of Kiev for taking part in a secret society in Kazan University, return by windows |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 528. The case of permission for admission to Kiev University of persons who have not completed a gymnasium or who have not studied at all and who passed exams upon admission to the university, including Count I. Kholonevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 529. The matter of clarifying the conditions for admission to Kyiv University of the son of retired staff captain Butsevich-Victor |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 53. Appendix "A".Outfits of the Outgoing Paper Office E.B.Asherkas, mainly prescriptions to professors and teachers about the delivery of various information |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 530. The case of the introduction of tuition fees from students and students of Kyiv University and students of the Nezhinsky Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 531. Estimates of the arrival and consumption of funds for the maintenance of buildings employed by St. Vladimir University in 1841 and 1842 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 532. The case of the transfer of estates belonging to the Kiev University in the Kremenets Uyezd of the Volyn province to the Ministry of State Property |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 533. The case of a vacation, by the highest order, from the state treasury of sums of money to the Ministry of Public Education in exchange for the estates belonging to the University of Kiev and transferred to the Ministry of State Property, and about recovery of arrears, |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 534. The case of the liberation of the estates of Mlodawa and Xavierovka from the recovery of the fundus arrears for the Knyagininsky Key of the Volyn province in favor of the University of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 535. The case of the refusal to release the landowner of the Volyn province Count K. Mnishkh from paying money donated by his father in favor of the former Volyn gymnasium and then transferred to the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 536. The case on the rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the release of the peasants of the Kremenets Uyezd of the Volyn province, belonging to the University of Kiev, from the delivery of bread to rural spare shops, instead of repaying a monetary loan |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 537. The case of establishing the order of the search for "deceased" peasants of the Kremenetska Beezuite Law, belonging to the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 538. The case of the exclusion of the peasant Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province P. Ulasuk during the work of his guard at the office of the trustee of the Kiev academic district, |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 539. The case of the installation of the iconostasis in the church belonging to the Kiev University of the village of Dunaev of Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 54. Appendix "B" 1. The case of investigating the production and conduct of teaching the natural law by Professor N.G.Belousov.There are documents 1824-1828 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 540. The case of the release of firewood from the forests belonging to the University of St. Vladimir, for heating the Basilian monastery in the city of Kremenets, Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 541. The case of the release of S. Shtemberg from the further lease of a plot of land with a brick factory, near the village of Grabovki, Volhynia province, owned by the University of St. Vladimir |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 542. The case on the rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district for the establishment in the district of a pedagogical educational institution for the training of teachers of secondary and lower schools, in connection with the establishment at the Main Pedagogical Institute of a special office for |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 543. The case of the dismissal of the acting professor Nezhinsky lyceum A.L. Andrzejewski |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 544. The case of the dismissal of Professor Nezhinsky lyceum I.N. Skalsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 545. The case of the examination of the trustee of the Kiev academic district and his assistant to secondary and lower educational institutions of the Kiev district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 546. The case of awarding the teachers and employees of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 547. The case on the examination of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev district on the establishment of 4 classrooms of gymnasiums and 5 classy district gentry schools, and the revision of the states of educational institutions of the Kiev district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 548. The case of introducing the teaching of Russian history in the Kiev academic district: in gymnasiums from grade 4, and in district gentry schools from the 3rd |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 549. The case of establishing an order of assessment of students' knowledge in the examinations |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 55. Appendix "B" 2. The case of investigation of the setting and conducting of the teaching of natural law by Professor N.G. Belousov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 550. The case of the delivery of a note to the trustee of the Kiev Training District, Lieutenant General D.G. Bibikova on the need to explain the history teachers the reasons for the separation of the Western Church from the Eastern |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 551. The case of rejecting the petition of the Kyiv Trustee to change the distribution in the teaching of the sacred and church history and the law of the God in the gymnasiums |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 552. Correspondence with the trustees of the Kiev and Belorussian educational districts about the extension of the right to receive the rank of the 14th grade only to the non-Russian pupils who graduated from the gymnasium with excellent marks in Russian literature |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 553. Case on the appropriation of funds for the purchase of teaching aids for gymnasiums and county schools of the Kiev district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 554. The case of retaining a pension and uniform to retired officers appointed by supervisors for students in common apartments in the Kiev, Volyn and Podolsk provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 555. Cases about the use of amounts collected from students for teaching in gymnasiums and district schools, for the issuance of apartment money to teachers, increasing their salaries for other needs |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 556. The case of the approval of the inspector of the schools of the Kiev training ocgurg, retired Major MV. Yuzefovich and renaming him into collegiate assessors |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 557. The case of the appointment of graduating school surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium A. Verzhbitsky, N. Zimmerberg and I. Shmigolsky by county surveyors in the Kazan, Kursk and Chernigov gubernias |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 558. The case of the appointment, in excess of staff, senior teachers of the Greek language in the 2 nd Kiev and Poltava gymnasiums |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 559. The case of the payment of salaries to the teacher of the French language of the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium A.O. Caselli in two positions, due to the difficulty in finding teachers of French in the western provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 56. Appendix "C". The case of investigating the relationship and conduct of professors K.V. Shapalinsky, F.O. Zinger, I.Ya. Landrazhena and N.G. Belousova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 560. The case of allocating funds for benefits to needy pupils of gymnasiums: Zhytomyr and Rivne Volyn province, Vinnytsia, Kamenets-Podolsky and Nemirovskaya Podolsky province, in connection with the dropout of students after the arrangement of common apartments |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 561. The case of the appointment of special inspectors in the gymnasium: Rivne province of Volhynia, and Vinnytsia and Nemirovskaya of the Podolsky province in order to strengthen supervision over students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 562. The case on consideration of the complaint of the economist O.O. Gershtentsweig at the director of the Volyn province guberniya, B.I. Fisher with the accusation of his failure to comply with the contract for the maintenance of common student apartments of the Zhytomir gymnasium and in the detention of documents and property of Gershtentsvwe |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 563. The case of the confirmation of the rank of inspector of the Volyn gymnasium E.Ya. Zimovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 564. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Rivne gymnasium of Volyn province N.I. Smolyanov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 565. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Rivne Gymnasium of the Volhynia Gubernia I.M. Turovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 566. The case of allowing Roman Catholic teachers of the Vinnytsia, Kamenets and Nemyrivsky gymnasiums of the Podolsky province to be the confessors of the disciples |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 567. The case of authorization is not considered an obstacle to the receipt of awards by the teacher G.K. Baranovsky, dismissed from the Vinnitsa gymnasium, in connection with the disclosure of the secret society of the students of this gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 568. The case of permission is not considered an obstacle to receiving awards by the teacher ID. Korsak, dismissed from the Vinnytsia gymnasium Podolsk province, in connection with the disclosure of the secret general students of this gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 569. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Vinnytsia gymnasium of the Podolsk province IK Ordyntsu |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 57. Appendix "D". Report of the director of the gymnasium D.E. Yasnovsky on false evidence in the case of Professor NG. Belousova pupils of Kukolnik, Rodzianko and Zmiyeva |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 570. The case of permission is not considered an obstacle to receiving awards by the teacher Ya.O. Ferron, dismissed from the Vinnitsa gymnasium in connection with the disclosure of the secret conspiracy of students of this gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 571. The case of the appointment of a pension to a former teacher of the Kamenets-Podolsky Gymnasium, M.S. Ivanovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 572. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Kamenets-Podolsk gymnasium, F.I. Narashevich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 573. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Nemirovskaya Gymnasium of the Podolsky province SS. To Veshnevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 574. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former director of the Nemirovsky gymnasium of the Podolsky province IA. Miladovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 575. The case of granting allowances to teachers and employees of the Poltava Directorate of Schools in connection with the crop failure in 1839 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 576. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of Poltava Gymnasium A.P. Griboedova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 577. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Poltava Gymnasium, O.P. Chevalier |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 578. Cases on the appointment of a pension to the acting director of Chernihiv schools Ya.P. Rostovtsev and leaving him in the service. April 2, 1840 - March 15, 1846 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 579. Cases about the establishment of a feldsher school in Kiev, about the invitation of university adjuncts to teach in it and about the refusal to admit the pupils of the feldsher school to hearing lectures at the university because of fear of "harmful" influence of the latter on students, in connection with |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 58. Appendix "E". The case of investigating the brutal behavior of students Rodzianko and Gintovt |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 580. Extract from the report of the military governor of the city of Kremenets about the inspection of the Podolsky province, the insufficient number of district and parish schools in the province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 581. Questions for testing people wishing to be teachers in the district schools of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 582. The case of the grant of a grant to the former teacher of Makhnovsky Uyezd Nobility School of the Kiev province T.K. Brilju |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 583. The case of the rejection of the petition of the residents of the city of Kremenets of the Volyn province, the establishment of a district gentry school, due to the fact that in a new project of a network of educational institutions in the Volyn, Kiev and Podolsk provinces, Kremenets did not intend to take |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 584. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Nemyriv county gentry school of the Podolsky province, F.M. Bulgarovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 585. The case of the appointment of a pension to a former watchmaker of the Constantinograd Uyezd School of the Podolsky province SN. Kramarev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 586. The case of the death of the teacher of the Constantinople German School of the Poltava Province I.Kh. Neumann |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 587. The case of the death of the caretaker of Mirgorod Uyezd School of Poltava province TG Krasovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 588. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Priluki Uyezd School of the Poltava Province Lange-Pozdeeva |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 589. The case of the appointment of a pension to the children of the deceased keeper of the Kozelets Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia AF. Grigorovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 59. Appendix "F". The case of investigating the distribution among students of freedom-loving poems, including A.S. Pushkin and K.F. Ryleev, and rumors of a near revolution |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 590. The case of the appointment of a pension to the widow of the former keeper of the Konotop Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia AA. Bozhko |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 591. The case of clarifying the rules for the exemption of officials from educational institutions from taxes and other duties and on the exemption from taxes of the guard of the Konotop Uyezd Chernigov province of the college N. Kichi |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 592. The case of the sale of the house of the Krolevets Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia and the transfer of part of his land to the city |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 593. The case of the donation of the landowner of the Chernigov province N. Borozdnoy house for Novozybkovsky district school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 594. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former watchmaker of the Pogarsky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia A.V. Ostrozhenko |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 595. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Sosnitsa Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia DP. Predimsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 596. The case of the opening of a parish school in the outskirts of Kiev Kurenivka |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 597. The case of the opening of a parish school in the town of Staraya Ushytsia in the Podolsky province and the appropriation of funds for its maintenance |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 598. The case of the donation of funds by the landowner of the Proskurovsky Uyezd Podolsky province A. Orlovsky in favor of the parish school in the town of Yarmolincah |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 599. Report of the curator of the educational district on the opening of the parish school in the village of Kovalevka Mirgorodsky district of Poltava province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 6. The case of approving and betraying to the Minister of Internal Affairs the petition of the director of the schools of the Kiev province on the appropriation of funds for the construction and maintenance of 2 parochial schools in Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 60. Appendix "G".The case of a general examination of the state of gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 600. Report of the trustee of the educational district on the opening of the parish school in the village of Petrovtsi in Mirgorod Uyezd, Poltava province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 601. Report of the trustee of the educational district on the opening of the parish Lancaster School in the village of Petrovsky Kozeletsk district of the Chernigov province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 602. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Nezhinsky Parish School of the Chernigov Gubernia PI. Filipchenko |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 603. The case of the delivery by the owners of documents for the ownership of the poisuite estates Kuzheleva, Kuzhelevka and Sinyakivtsi Podolsk province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 604. The case of getting information about the cases, transferred by the Volyn Fundushevoy Commission, about the amounts of the depository for 1828 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 605. The case of allowing the central and local auditing commissions of the western provinces to give the children of the natives of these provinces, seeking approval in the noble origin, certificates of the right to enter the educational institutions of the Ministry of the people |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 606. The case of the acquisition by the Observatory of the University of Doublets from the Library of the Main Observatory |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 607. The case of donating the herbarium to the university as the acting professor of the Nizhyn Lyceum, A.L. Andrzejewski |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 608. The case of transfer to the office of Kiev University corpse of an ugly child born in the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 609. The case of awarding the rank of professors, teachers and employees of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 61. Appendix "H". The case of investigating rumors about the anti-monarchical statements of Professor NG. Belousova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 610. The case of permission to travel abroad to the university professor VA. Karavaev for scientific purposes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 611. The case of the appointment of Dr. NI. Kozlov professor of anatomy and healer SK. Bugensky Assistant to the Prospector of Kyiv University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 612. The case of sending a doctor of medicine I.K. Kramarenkov abroad for a scientific purpose and his death in Prague |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 613. The case of the transfer to Kiev University of the laboratory assistant of the Vilna Medical-Surgical Academy PS. Mayevsky, his dismissal and the appointment of a pension and the retention of the second laboratory assistant I. Samarova before the approval of the permanent charter and the staff of the university |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 614. The case of the transfer of the conservator of the zoological office of the Wiener Medical and Surgical Academy Schusterus to the University of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 615. The case of sending the doctor of medicine F. Tsytsurin abroad for a scientific purpose |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 616. The case of clarifying the order of admission to the Kiev University of Jews - natives of the Kingdom of Poland, the admission to the university graduating from the 2 nd Warsaw High School Jews DG. Lubelsky and Ya.O. Rappaport and their exclusion before the decision in the Senate on the issue of admission of Jews in |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 617. The case of investigating the reasons that prompted the students of Kiev University FA. Ventskovsky, D. Pilchikov and P.E. Chuykevich to write letters to the students of Helsingfors and Derpt Universities and to establish an observation of the authors of the letters |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 618. The case of finding out the service rights of a former student of the Kiev University, Nev- rovsky, incorrectly credited by Volynsky provincial government to the second category of civil officials, although he was not subject to investigation about the unrest in the Western provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 619. The case of the recovery of a monetary arrearage from the Mezhirechsky Estate by the Kiev University from the estate of Volyn province, owned by the assistant to General L.I., Stetskiy and confiscated for Stetsky's participation in the 1831 uprising |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 62. Appendix "I". The case of investigating rumors about the critical statements of Professor F.O. Singer about "relics" |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 620. The case of the acceptance of Russian citizenship by the lecturer of the Nezhin Lyceum II. Lembach and about his dismissal |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 621. The case of the approval of the honorary guardian of the Kiev gymnasium KA. Marshitsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 622. The case of admission, by the highest order, to the noble boarding school at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium A. Bendzinsky, sent to Kursk under the supervision of the police for participating in the secret societies of the western provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 623. The case of allowing the increase in the number of supervisors behind pupils in the konvikte at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium, on the basis of rules for the nobility boarding schools |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 624. The case of the appointment of graduate school surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium N. Drozdovsky, D. Filonovich and I. Yanchevsky by county land surveyors in Vilna, Vitebsk province and in Lutsk of Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 625. The case of the death of the priest of the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium of the priest A.Ya. Sinitsyn |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 626. The case of the dismissal of the law teacher of the Roman Catholic confession of the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium, priest G.V. Steygville |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 627. The case of the establishment of a gymnasium in the place White Church of the Kiev province, owned by Count Branitsky, instead of abolished Vinnitsa gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 628. The case of the approval of honorary trustees gymnasiums: Volyn - VF Bozhidar-Podgorodensky and Rovenskaya - V.D. Porchinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 629. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Volyn gymnasium, G.K. Baranovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 63. Appendix "K". The case on charge of Professor I.Ya. Landrazhena in the distribution among the students of the books of Voltaire, Helvetius, Montesquieu and others |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 630. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Rivne Gymnasium Volyn province FM. Pavlovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 631. Reports of the Assistant Trustee of the Kiev Academic District and the Director of the Rivne Gymnasium, on the punishment of the pupil of the Rivne Gymnasium of the Volyn province of Antonovich for insulting the teacher of the French language Grass, expelling him from the gymnasium, |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 632. Cases on the approval by honorary trustees of gymnasiums: Kamenets-Podolsky - S.P. Yushnevsky, Vinnytsia - VK. Zdzehovsky and Nemirovskaya - Count B.S. Pototsky and the donation Pototsky home for general student apartments Nemirovskaya gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 633. Cases about the dismissal of the law teacher Vinnytsia gymnasium Podolsk province genderness AI. Koprovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 634. Cases of the dismissal of the teacher of the Vinnitsa gymnasium of the Podolsky province AA. Prenna |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 635. The case on the petition of the director of the Nemirovskaya Gymnasium of the Podolsky province to divide the 4 th grade of the gymnasium into 2 branches, due to the large number of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 636. The case of the death of the inspector of the Nemirovskaya Gymnasium of the Podolsky province of V. Orda |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 637. The case of granting overseas leave to the honorary trustee of the Nemirovsky gymnasium of the Podolsky province Count B.S. Potocki |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 638. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Nemirovskaya gymnasium of the Podolsky province VF Semenovskiy for non-appearance from vacation on time |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 639. The case of the exclusion from the Nemirovsky gymnasium of the Podolsky province G. Opatsky for the storage of prohibited Polish poems |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 64. Appendix "L". The letter of the boarder N. Kukolnik with mysterious hints and the obligations of the professors K.V. Shapolinsky, I.Ya. Landrazhena, F.O. Singer and N.G. Belousov does not join secret societies |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 640. The case of the death of the inspector of the Poltava Gymnasium, I.G. Butkova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 641. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Poltava Gymnasium A.Ya. Zborzewski |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 642. The case of the approval by the honorary guardian of the Poltava Gymnasium Chamberlain I.V. Kapnist |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 643. The case of inspection by the inspector of state colleges of the Kiev ocurge of educational institutions of the Chernigov province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 644. The case of an examination by employees of the Department of Public Education P. Dovgolevsky of the Novgorod School of the Chernigov Gubernia and the Uyezd School with her |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 645. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Novgorodsevskaya Gymnasium Domoradzsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 646. The case of the release of money for the acquisition of physical and mathematical tools for the Chernigov gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 647. The case of the confirmation of the rank of supervisor of the Chernigov Gymnasium, M.N. Khodorovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 648. The case of the destruction by fire of Makhnovsky of the district gentry school of the Kiev province, the hiring of a home for the school and the granting of benefits to teachers affected by the fire |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 649. The case of the death of the teacher of the Lutsk uyezd school of the Volyn province O.S. Zhikhovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 65. Appendix "M". The case on charges of Professor Shapolinsky Professor PI. Nikolsky in forgery |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 650. The case of clarifying the official rights of the son of the teacher of the Lutsk Uyezd School Volyn province F.K. Curler, who serves in the Kamchatka Jaeger Regiment EF. Curler |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 651. The case of the death of the teacher of Ostrogsky Uyezd Nobility School of Volhynia Gubernia KG Collegi |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 652. The case of the death of the teacher of the Ostrogsky district nobility school of the Volyn province N.I. Krachkovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 653. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Theofilpol Uyezd School of the nobility I.K. Chubovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 654. The case of the transfer of the castle in Mendzhiborz, occupied by the county and parish schools, to the military department and the transfer of the schools to the place Black Island of the Podolsky province, belonging to Count Przedzetsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 655. The case of the dismissal of the Honorary Custodian of the Gadyachsky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province, Lieutenant Colonel P. Masyukov, in connection with the investigation into the case of the removal of his 18-year-old daughter, the landowner Veletsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 656. The case of the donation of funds by the nobility of the Mllinsky district of the Chernigov province in favor of the Mlinsky district school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 657. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Novgorodsever Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia Ya.Ya. Ignatyev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 658. The case of the dismissal of the inspector of the Novgorodsever Uyezd School NI. Campioni |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 659. The case of the death of the teacher of the Ostersky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia IG Vorobyeva |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 66. Appendix "N".The case of investigating the accusations by Professor N.G.Belous's inspector Pension K.A.Moiseeva in the unsatisfactory supervision of the guesthouse |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 660. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Pogarsky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia A.O. Bubleyev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 661. The case of the approval of the honorary caretaker of the Pogarsky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia AN. Khanenko and about his dismissal |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 662. The case of the donation of a stone house for the Surazh Uyezd School by the landowner of the Chernigov Gubernia G. Esimontovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 663. The case of the death of the law teacher of the Surazh district school of the Chernigov province E.S.Vyshnyavsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 664. The case of the dismissal of teachers of parish schools: Mizochsky - I.N. Parzhnitskogo and Klevanskogo of Volyn province - F.M. Rodzevicha |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 665. The case of the extermination by fire of the parish school in the town of Teofilpole of Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 666. The case of the issuance of a monetary reward to the Mlinsk Parish School of the Chernigov Gubernia for a land plot that has moved to the city in connection with its expansion |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 667. The case of recovering money from the estate of the landowner. Mayevsky Mogilev district of the Podolsky province, donated by him for the maintenance of one pupil of the former Volyn lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 668. The case of clarifying the order of the placement of school amounts made up of donations to state credit establishments |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 669. The case of recovery from the Volyn State Treasury of state property arrears from the poesuit estates of the Kremenets legal and Grabovka villages, which were under the jurisdiction of the school fundus |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 67. Appendix "O" 1. The case of investigating the charges of Professor MV. Bilevich of the professor N.G. Velouiseva in causing various offenses and the unauthorized absence of Professor K.A. Moiseyev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 670. The case on the complaint of the collegiate assessor Wilyamovsky against the decision of the Senate in the case of the theatrical sum of 150 thousand zlotys secured in the part of the village of Morozov, which occurred between the votchina of the village of Tchaikovsky and the attorney of the educational fadushs |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 671. The case of the resettlement of the peasants of the Mikulintsy estate of the Podolsky province of the abolished Roman Catholic monastery to the state Gorbrvets estate and the sale of the lands of the Mikulinets estate from public auction |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 672. Cases about the trip of the trustee of the Kiev district, on affairs of service, to Petersburg and about the transfer of the administration of the district, temporarily, the rector of the Kiev University K.A. To Nevolin |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 673. Correspondence with the trustees of the study districts and the Ministry of Finance on the initiated by the trustee of the Kiev academic district the question of dividing the course of applied chemistry for 2 years in public lectures at universities |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 674. The case of confirming the prohibition to confer the title of extraordinary professors to persons who do not have a doctorate from the faculty to which the department belongs |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 675. The case of clarifying the right of a syndicate in the council of Kyiv University under the 1842 charter |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 676. Cases on the acquisition for Kiev University of fire-fighting tools and delivery of a collection of fossils compiled by the Mining Institute |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 677. The case of the approval of the state of the printing house of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 678. The matter of the vacation of the University of the Awakened Vladimir from the Kyiv uyezd Treasury with the income from private donations secured on estates |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 679. The case of the trip of architect A.F. Shchedrin to inspect the buildings of the university with an observatory, cadet corps, gymnasiums - Novgorodsever, Podolsky and Poltava and the building of the Mogilev noble boarding house |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 68. Annex "O" 2. The case of investigating the charges of Professor MV. Bilevich of the professor N.G. Velouiseva in causing various offenses and the unauthorized absence of Professor K.A. Moiseyev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 680. The case of sending young scientists abroad to prepare for the professorship and replace them with vacant chairs of the University of Kiev, upon return from a business trip |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 681. The matter of extradition, in kind, of money for travel expenses returning from abroad. Vernadsky, I.M. Vigoure, N.I. Pilyankevich, A.S. Rovigovich and P. Tutkovski, who was sent for a scientific purpose, and replaced them with vacant chairs of the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 682. The case of the appointment of the professor of theology of the Kiev University canon I.P. Golovinsky rector of the Roman Catholic Theological Academy in St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 683. The case of considering the application for a pension to the former director of the Bessarabian Academy of Education and former professor of the Richelieu Lyceum IF. Grinevich, dismissed in 1831 for the discovery of a mess in the financial statements |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 684. The case of the rejection of the candidacy of the teacher of the Warsaw Gymnasium A. Kukharsky for the position of professor at the Department of History and Literature of the Slavic Adverbs of the University of Kiev, in connection with the information received about Kucharsky's involvement in the Polish uprising |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 685. The case of the refusal to grant a pension to Assistant Chief Architect V.A. Leonov, in connection with the demotion of his August 9, 1826 from captains to rank and file |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 686. The case of the approval of E.E. Mirama in the post of professor of physiology and K.F. Kessler - professor of zoology |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 687. Cases about the appointment of Dr. LF Segeet staff pharmacist of the University of Kiev and on approving him in the rank of a scientist pharmacist |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 688. The case of allowing the separation of final exams for students of the University of Kiev for two terms, in the form of experience, for 4 years |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 689. The case of permission to admit to Kiev University without examinations graduating from high school with honors |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 69. Appendix "P". Documents transmitted by E.B. Aderkas Adjutant General A.Kh. Benckendorff, mainly denunciations of the "harmful" direction of teaching Professor NG. Belousov and other professors and about the anti-government attitudes of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 690. The case of clarifying the procedure for admission of students at the University of Kiev and the prohibition to attend lectures to employees who do not have a class rank |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 691. The matter of clarifying: on what conditions can pharmacists be allowed to listen to lectures at the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 692. The case of keeping the Kiev University's debt from the landowners of the Kovel County of the Volhynia province of Vilgovy and Podgorodenskaya from a loan issued on the security of the village of Golobov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 693. The case of the recovery of a debt by the University of Kiev from Countess S.O. Starzhenskaya from a loan granted to her on the security of the Khrolin and Novichi estate of the Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 694. The case of the recovery of Kiev University debt from landowner E.T. Elovitsky of the loan, issued to him on bail of the village Voskodov Rovensky district of the Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 695. The case of awarding the teachers and employees of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 696. The case of rejection of the petition of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on granting the rights of active service to dentists of noble boarding schools and other educational institutions of the Kiev district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 697. The case for the introduction of a new form of certificates for graduating from the gymnasium and noble boarding houses, indicating the right to rank 14 class when entering the civil service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 698. The case of the introduction in the Kiev educational institutions, as a guide, of the book "Brief outline of the history of the New Testament church", compiled by Archpriest N.M. Skvortsov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 699. The matter of granting a vacation abroad to the doctor of the Kiev Gymnasium E. Brzezinski to accompany General Kaisarov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 7. The case of the opening in Kiev of a national school in the provincial, district and parish schools and the appointment of teachers: N. Nesterovsky, I. Zvansky, N. Grekov and S. Vannovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 70. Report on the state of the Nezhin High School for 1830 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 700. The case of the appointment of graduating school surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium N. Velikova, S. Glyadikovsky, N. Kedrov, I. Kostyr, G. Shchurevsky and R. Yurkovsky by county surveyors |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 701. The case of the transfer from the 3rd Petersburg Gymnasium to the 1st Kyiv Sons of the Kyiv Postmaster Vishnevsky-Alexander and Vasily |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 702. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium I.Ya. Krasnokutsk |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 703. The case on the examination of the petition of the former teacher of the 2 nd Kiev Gymnasium AA. Sheneva on the change in the certificate of the reasons for his dismissal from office, in connection with his desire to serve in one of the educational institutions of the Kiev district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 704. Report of the trustee of the Kiev educational obscura about examination by the professor of the Kiev University V.F. Dombrovsky Volyn grammar school, Zhytomyr parish school, as well as Lutsk and Ostrog uyezd nobility schools |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 705. The matter of granting the allowance to the inspector of the Volyn gymnasium V.Ya. Kovalevsky and the supervisors P.P. Kunashevsky and Lempe, affected by the fire |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 706. The case of the dismissal of the director of colleges in the Volyn gubernia, B.I. Fischer, who failed to cope with his post, about transferring him to the post of director of the Svisloch Gymnasium of the Grodno Province and the appointment of his staff lieutenant N.M. Trachimovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 707. The attitude of the 3rd branch of his own Imperial Majesty's office about the satisfactory state of Vinnytsia, Kamenets and Nemirovskaya gymnasiums and the Mendziborz uyezd school of the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 708. The case of the dismissal of the teacher Vinnytsia gymnasium Podolsk province AD. Petrova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 709. The case of sending the honorary trustee of the Nemirovsky gymnasium of the Podolsky province Count B.S. Pototsky for 1 year in Warsaw and extending his overseas leave |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 71. The case of the passage of the Pansyner of the Volyn Lyceum I.K.Kanevsky, who graduated from the Academy of Arts, in Italy, delivering copies of his work from Rafael's painting and vacation money for its content |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 710. The case of the addition of arrears in favor of the Podolsk gymnasium with the estate of the landowner of the Volyn province I. Sabansky, in connection with the confiscation of the estate for the participation of the owner in the Polish uprising and the transfer of the estate to the Military Department |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 711. The case of dividing the 4th grade of Poltava Gymnasium into 2 branches, due to the large number of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 712. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Poltava Gymnasium Ya.A. Bereznitsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 713. Affairs about the appointment of a pension to the teacher of the Poltava gymnasium, О.F. Michal and leaving him in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 714. Cases of the dismissal of the inspector of the Poltava Gymnasium N.N. Popova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 715. The case of the approval by honorary trustees of gymnasiums: Novgorodgorodskaya - VN. Ladomirsky and Chernigov - M.O. Sudienko, and the last library for the gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 716. The case of the death of the former physician of the Chernigov gymnasium of the staff-doctor I.T. Skibinskiy |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 717. The case of the addition of debt, collected from the heirs of the teacher A. Glinsky for books that were not in the library of the Chernigov Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 718. The case of the destruction of the obligations of the Roman Catholic clergy to donate funds from estates to the maintenance of district and parish schools in the Kiev, Volyn and Podolsk provinces, in connection with the transfer of estates, after the abolition of monasteries, in the Ministry |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 719. The case of releasing the teacher Kanevsky uyezd noble school Milchevsky from zemstvo duties, in connection with his presence in the civil service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 72. Report on the state of the Nezhin High School of Sciences for 1831 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 720. The case of the appointment of a pension to the inspector of the Makhnovsky district gentry school of the Kiev province EA. Slavatinsky, and about his dismissal |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 721. The case about the approval of the teachers' titles: the former Zhytomyr closed county school of the Volyn province - A.M. Shemerdetskogo, Kanevsky uyezd noble school - S.M. Gerbko, 2nd Kiev Gymnasium - A.A. Potapovich, A.M. Rafalsky, A.S. Rogovych, |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 722. The case of the dismissal of the superintendent of the Lutsk district gentry school of the Volyn province I.P. Glebowski |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 723. The case of the dismissal of the superintendent of the Lutsk school of nobility in the Volyn province F. Lyubitsyn |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 724. Regimental Infirmary with services. Location plan; plans, facades of buildings. Copies.
1841 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 725. The case of a temporary rejection of the project to transform the county schools of the Poltava and Chernigov provinces, in connection with the recognition of the inappropriate conversion of the district schools in the two provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 726. The case of hiring a home for the Zolotonoshsky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 727. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Lokhvitsa Uyezd School of Poltava province GI. Lobasov |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 728. Foundation | 733. The Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Public Education (1803-1917) | Inventory | Op. 69. Affairs of the Department of Public Education for the Kiev Academic District for 1804-1844 | Case < btag> RGIA. F. 733 Op. 69 D. 728 The case of the dismissal of the Honorary Custodian of the Lokhvitsa Uyezd School of the Poltava Province II. Man'ko. March 16, 1842 - June 30, 1843 | | The identifier | b198f2aa-2b35-4957-ba8a-b6059efa862e | Text Language | rus | Title | The case of the dismissal of the Honorary Custodian of the Lokhvitsa Uyezd School of the Poltava Province II. Man'ko. March 16, 1842 - June 30, 1843 | Dates | March 16, 1842 - June 30, 1843 | Volume | 25L. | Level | Case | < trtag> Record creation organization | RGIA | Storage Digest | RGIA. 733/69/728 | Note | Case Orig. headline: The case of dismissal from the service of the honorary superintendent of the Lokhvitsa Uyezd School of the collegiate counselor Manko, with the production of state councilors. March 16, 1842 - June 30, 1843 | | |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 729. The case of the appointment of a pension to the inspector of the Pereyaslavsky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province, K.V. Zrazhevsky, with leave in the service, and about his dismissal |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 73. The case of the establishment in Kiev of the county school on the Podol and the purchase for him at home |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 730. The case of awarding the Order of the Honored Caretaker of the Pereyaslavsky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province NA. Ivanenko |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 731. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Khorolsky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province, A.N. Enikutsova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 732. The case of granting a monetary reward to the teachers of the Borznensky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia I.E. Gaevsky and A.A. Lelyakovskiy for self-denying behavior during a fire in the city of Borzne |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 733. Cases on the construction of a building for the Mlinskoy Uyezd School of the Chernigov province, in connection with the extreme dilapidation of the old building |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 734. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the law of the Ostersky Uyezd School of the Chernigov province, Archpriest A.N. The corn |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 735. The case about the appointment of a pension to the inspector of the Starodub Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia, N.I. Leschov, and leaving him in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 736. The case of the refusal of Count G.A. Rzhishchevsky to release him from the contribution to the Volyn Directorate of the Schools of Money, donated by his father-in-law, Prince I. Chartorysky, in favor of the Oleksinetsk Parish School of Volhynia Gubernia |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 737. The case of the recovery of the Volyn directorate money donated by the priest F. Zaersky and Prince A. Radziwill in the 17th century for the maintenance of the theological seminary and parish school in the town of Olyka in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 738. The case of the surrender of the land of the Volochisk parish school Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia in rent to the Countess of Moshinskaya |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 739. The matter of collecting from the Roman Catholic clergy funds for the maintenance of the parish schools of the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 74. The case of the establishment of the Kiev academic district and the appointment of a trustee of his E.F. von Bradke |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 740. Report of the guardian of the Kyiv district on the opening of the parish school in Brigadirovka village of Khorol county of Poltava province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 741. Cases about the opening of a parish school in Gradizhsk, Poltava province, and the appropriation of funds from urban incomes for its maintenance |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 742. Report of the trustee of the Kiev district on the opening of the parish school in the village of Dunikovka in the Zolotonoshsky district of the Poltava province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 743. The case of keeping the Krivinsky parish school of debt from Prince M. Yablonovsky of a loan granted to him on the security of estates in Novograd-Volynsky and Ostrogsky districts of the Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 744. The case of finding out the fate of the funds donated by the former Lyubar Dominican monastery of the Volyn province to the teaching aids for the convict who was at the monastery |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 745. Review of the teaching of sciences at the Kiev University in the 1842-1843 academic year |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 746. The case of dividing the final exams at the medical faculty of the University of Kiev for two terms |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 747. Report of the trustee of the Kiev Academic District on the visit of Nicholas I Kiev University and other educational institutions of the city of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 748. The case of the release of funds for the purchase of tools, appliances, utensils and another for the physiological cabinet and the office of comparative anatomy of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 749. The case of the establishment of a pharmacy at the Kiev University and the allocation of funds for the establishment of a pharmacy |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 75. The case of the opening of the competition for the compilation of plans and facades of the building of the Kiev University and about the community of Professor V.I.Beretti in Kiev to compile the estimate for the construction of a university building |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 750. The case of the approval of Professor V.F. Fedorov rector of Kyiv University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 751. The case of the refusal to admit to the Cadet Corps the sons of the architect of the Kiev University V.I. Barretti, Constantine and Nicholas, in connection with the new rules on the admission of young children in the cadet corps and on the enrollment of daughters by his candidates to one of the institutes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 752. The case of granting a grant to the syndicate of the Kiev University Kamensky for treatment |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 753. The case of the grant of a grant to the Adjunct of Kiev University N.T. Scabbard for treatment |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 754. The case of the approval of the doctor of medicine OG. Tsilcherta ordinary professor for the vacant chair of theoretical surgery at Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 755. The case of the dismissal of an employee of the construction committee of the Kiev University, Lieutenant-Colonel A.Ya. cabin boy |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 756. The case of the dismissal from the military service of the printer of the Kiev University Printing Institute non-commissioned officer G. Gavrilov and leaving him in the service in the printing house |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 757. The case of clarifying the procedure for appointing students who graduated from the Law Institute at the University of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 758. The case of permission to admit to Kiev University Count A. Melin, who did not study at the gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 759. The case of clarifying the rights of the Government of the Kingdom of Poland and Kiev University on the amount donated by Archbishop Wyzhicki and landowner U. Blendovsky in favor of the Lublin Sisters of Mercy Hospital |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 76. The case of the education of the Construction Committee for the construction of the building of the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 760. The case of resolving a dispute between the University of Kiev and the parish church of the village of Zholobov in the province of Volyn for the right to own land |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 761. The case of the collection of a debt by the landowner S.A. Grabianki in the issuance of loans to him on security of estates in the Proskurovsky district of the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 762. The case of the recovery of Kiev University debt from the landowner KA. Grabianki in the issuance of loans to him on security of estates in the Proskurovsky district of the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 763. The case for considering the application of the tenant of the village of Dunaev, belonging to the University of Kiev, E. Bonchkovsky on recovering money from the peasants of this village for food, issued to them in connection with a crop failure, and on offsetting the money paid for excise |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 764. The case of the recovery of a debt by the University of Kiev from the heirs of the landowner F.S. Mankovsky when extradition on the security of the estate in the Baltic district of the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 765. The case of recovery of the Kiev University arrears from the landowner K. Manugevich for non-payment to the university of interest from the amount donated by Count A. Khodkevich, in connection with the transfer of part of Khodkevich's estates into the possession of Manugevich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 766. The matter of granting the opinion of the Minister of Public Education in the case of the recovery of money from the estate of the landowner L. Trzezesky in the Makhnovsky district of the Kiev province by the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 767. The case of clarifying the rights of the University of Kiev and Podolsk High School for the donations of the monks of the Order of Dominicans and Trinitarians in favor of these schools |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 768. The case of recovering the debt of the Kiev University from the landowner A.V. Yaroshinsky from the loan, given to him on the security of estates in the Yampol district of the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 769. The case of making silver and gold medals at the Mint and delivering them to the director of the Nezhin Lyceum and the Chernigov Gymnasium for rewarding pupils who successfully graduated from the Lyceum and Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 77. The case of building the buildings of the Kiev University, about the commission of architect V.I.Beretti observation for the construction and appointment of P.I.Sparrow Assistant architect |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 770. The Case of Expanding the Church in the Building of the Nezhin Lyceum |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 771. The case of transforming the educational institutions of the Kiev academic district into closed educational institutions, the construction of buildings for them, the closure of the Kanivsky district gentry school of the Kiev province and its reopening, in connection with the residents' petition |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 772. The matter of allocating funds for the acquisition of physical and mathematical instruments and tools for study rooms of gymnasiums of the Kiev Academic District |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 773. The case of the drafting of Professor NG. Ustryalov educational book of Russian history for secondary schools |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 774. Correspondence with the Minister of Justice concerning the assumption of the Governor-General D.G. Bibikov on the expulsion from the state of taxation of persons from the former gentry who graduated from high school with honors |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 775. The case of the approval in the ranks of teachers and employees of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 776. The case of the release of funds for the purchase of books and images for the Orthodox Church of the 1 st Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 777. The case of the appointment by county surveyors of state-registered pupils of the school of surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium V. Danilevsky, I. Consentsius, A. Khavlovsky and F. Ochosalsky in the Kiev, Vilnius, Poltava and Grodno provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 778. The case of bringing the provisions or statute of the school of surveyors to the Megalovaya Corps at the 1 st Kiev Gymnasium and taking measures to improve the preparation of surveyors for the Land Survey Corps |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 779. The case of admittance to the noble boarding school at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium of the son of Colonel Tchaikovsky - Valerian, at the expense of the treasury |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 78. The case of building buildings of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 780. The case of a donation by the collegiate adviser Lobko-Lobanovsky for the education of children from the Lobko-Lobanovsky family, and in connection with this, the son of his sister, the nobleman N. Gamaleyeva-Prokofia, to the noble boarding school at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 781. The case of building a building for the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium and the revision of the building project for the 1st Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 782. The case of the appointment of a pension to the teacher of the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium, V. M. Lisovsky, with his leaving in the service, and his dismissal; on the dismissal of the lecturer of the Nezhin Lyceum A.O. Kazelli, the teacher of the Gorodnicky Uyezd School, S.V. Shchedrinsky and the employee of the office of the trusteeship |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 783. Report of the trustee of the Kiev district on the inspection of some educational institutions in the Volyn and Podolsk provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 784. The case of delivering the conclusion on the note of the lieutenant colonel of the corps of the Greensfeld Gendarmerie on reducing the number of students in the Zhytomyr grammar school of the Volyn province, in connection with an increase in the fee for their maintenance |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 785. The case on the examination of the complaint of the doctor of the St. Petersburg Chamber of State Property V.V. Nesporkevich for violating the director of the schools of Volyn province, B.I. Fisher contract for hiring Neshporkevich's houses in Zhitomir under common student's apartments |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 786. The case about the approval of PO. Avramova director of the Rivne Gymnasium Volyn province, the appointment of a pension, with the leave in service, and his dismissal |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 787. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Rivne gymnasium of the Volyn province O.E. Breuer |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 788. Report of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the examination of Vinnitsa and Nemyrivsk gymnasiums in the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 789. Cases about the dismissal of the law teacher of the Kamenets-Podolsk high school, Protopriest SG. Gogotsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 79. The case of the trip of architect A.F. Shchedrin for the examination of buildings of the University of Kiev and rewarding members of the construction committee: V.I. Beretti, I.I. Lenoir, P.S. Mironova, G.I. Utina and P.G. Chizhevsky for the construction of buildings |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 790. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Nemirovskaya gymnasium of the Podolsky province MG. Erofeeva |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 791. The case of recovering from the confiscated estate of Count A. Potocki the debt of the former French troops I. Khodzkevich, donated by Countess Bořetzky in favor of the Podolsk gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 792. The case of approval in the rank of teacher of Poltava Gymnasium M.I. Mazanova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 793. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of Poltava Gymnasium I.B. Sobkevich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 794. The case of the appointment of R. Razinkin as a fencing master in the Poltava Noble Boarding School |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 795. The case of a donation by the supervisor of the Nemirovsky gymnasium Podolsk province P. Chepega for the maintenance of needy students Poltava gymnasium 10 thousand rubles |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 796. The case about the consideration of a note by the honorary guardian of the Chernigov Gymnasium, M.I. Sudienko on the desirability of limiting the number of teachers of Polish origin in the educational institutions of the Chernigov and Poltava provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 797. The case of the appointment of a pension to the teacher of the Novgorodsever high school of the Chernigov Gubernia GI. Ivanovsky and leaving him in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 798. The case of the establishment of general student apartments at the Chernigov Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 799. The case of clarifying the reason for the dismissal of the teacher of the Kanevsky district school of the Kiev province of Tatarkin, in connection with his petition for a change in his certificate |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 8. The case of the refusal to satisfy the request of the residents of Kiev to restore the main folk school in Podol and the release of funds for the maintenance of educational institutions in the city of Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 80. The case of building the buildings of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 800. The case of granting a allowance to the teacher of Makhnovsky Uyezd Nobility School of the Kiev Gubernia Pierozhinsky, who suffered from a fire |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 801. The case of the closure of the Makhnovsky Uyezd School of the Kiev Gubernia, in connection with the fire in his building, the payment of salaries to teachers who remained behind the staff, and the sale of the land belonging to the school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 802. The case of the delivery from the 2nd Department of State Property of the former Volynskaia about school fadushas of the commission on the execution of the spiritual will of the doctor of medicine I. Patsevich, who donated funds for the upbringing of the needy pupil |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 803. The case of the Minister of Education's delivery of the conclusion on the proposal of the Podolsky civilian governor to increase the number of district and parish schools in the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 804. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Medzhybozh uyezd noble school of the Podolsky province Kh.I. Fisher |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 805. The case of the dismissal of the lawmaker of the Medzhybozh uyezd noble school of the Podolsky province, the priest K.F. Yachinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 806. The case of finding information about the donation in 1804 by the priest of the Sperlinsky farm for the former Nemyriv school of the Podolsky province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 807. The case of the dismissal of the superintendent of the Zenkovsky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province Ya.I. Optovtsova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 808. The case of the dismissal of the inspector of the Constantinograd Uyezd School of the Poltava province KI. Fateeva |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 809. The case of appointing a pension to the keeper of the Kremenchug Uyezd School of the Poltava Province SA. Prokofiev, leaving him in the service and dismissal of him |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 81. The case of building a university in Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 810. The case of authorizing the introduction of the teaching of Latin, German and French languages and algebra in the Lokhvitsa Uyezd School of the Poltava province, in the form of experience, for 3 years |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 811. The case of the dismissal of the law teacher of the Lokhvitsa Uyezd School of the Poltava Province, Protopriest P.F. Fedenko-Oblomiyeva |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 812. The case of the introduction of the teaching of Latin, German and French in the Poltava Uyezd School, in the form of experience, and the termination of teaching them |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 813. The case of appointing a teacher of drawing Ganziera supernumerary teacher of the German language in Poltava Uyezd School |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 814. The case of appointing an honorary guard of the Romensk district school of the Poltava province of Staff Captain VS, the War and conferring on him a civil rank |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 815. Cases about the appointment of a pension to the former inspector of the Romensk district school of the Poltava province DA. To Kuzmitsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 816. The case of the dismissal of the law teacher of the Alexandrovsky Greek Nezhinsky school of the Chernigov province, Protopriest I.I. Chernyakhovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 817. The case of permission to introduce the teaching of Latin, German and French in the Pogarsk district school of the Chernigov province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 818. The case of permission to introduce the teaching of Latin, German and French languages and algebra in the Starodub Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 819. The case of the release of funds from poezuitskikh incomes for the maintenance of the Belotserkovsky parish school of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 82. The case of building university buildings in Kiev |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 820. The case of rejecting the complaint of the former teacher of the Toportorsky parish school of the Volyn province A.I.You Borovsky for non -payment of a salary for him |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 821. The case of recovery from the heirs of the landlord M. Sobansky money donated to him in favor of the Obodov Parish School of the Podolsky province and for the maintenance of four needy students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 822. Report of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the opening of a parish school in the village of Talalaevka in the Romensky district of the Poltava province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 823. The case of the expulsion from the philistine class of the teacher of Romensky parish school of Poltava province II. Pisarevsky and about his approval in the service for the training part |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 824. Reports of the trustee of the Kiev Academic District on the opening of a parish school in the village of Sheptaky of the Novgorodsever district of the Chernigov province and dividing it into two classes, due to the large number of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 825. The case of the delivery of general statements about the fundus of educational institutions of the Belorussian and Kiev districts, the release of funds from income from former spiritual estates for the maintenance of needy pupils, the reduction in the number of pupils of the fundus of princes Vishnevetsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 826. The case of the trip of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on official business in Petersburg and the desire to examine him in Moscow city hospital, connected with the hospital of the medical-surgical academy |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 827. The case of dividing the first department of the Philosophy Faculty of Kiev University into two categories, in connection with the large volume of academic subjects |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 828. The case about the consideration of the note of the Kiev Governor-General on the unsatisfactory state of teaching at the Department of Russian Literature and Slavonic dialects and the necessity of replacing this department, in connection with the illness of Acting Professor N. |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 829. The case of clarifying the official rights of persons sent abroad for scientific purposes |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 83. The case of building the buildings of Kiev University, about repairing them and the Botanical Garden, about hiring a house for anatomical theater |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 830. The case of permission to travel to the post of adjunct A.P. Walter in the Western Gubernia, for the purpose of investigating the disease of the colt |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 831. The case of the appointment of a pension to the doctor of the Kiev University, F.O. To Dolner and leaving him in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 832. The case of the grant of a grant to the acting professor of the Kiev University, V.F. Dąbrowski for treatment |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 833. The case of the mission of Professor of Kiev University N.I. Kozlov abroad, with a scientific purpose |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 834. The case of the approval of the candidate of the Kiev University N. Kostyrya in the Master's degree and in the rank of adjunct on the Department of Russian Literature |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 835. The case of the introduction of the post of superintendent at the clinical institutes of Kyiv University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 836. The case of the refusal to permit the philistine J. Pirusov to arrange a belvedere clock on the building of the University of Kiev, in connection with the lack of available funds |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 837. The case of the recovery of the Kiev University debt from the landowner NL. Vrochinsky when giving him a loan secured by an estate in Novogradvolyn county |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 838. The case of the recovery of the Kiev University debt from the landowner NL. Vrochinsky when giving him a loan secured by an estate in Novogradvolyn county |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 839. Cases about the recovery of Kiev University debt from the landowner F. Rachinsky, with the issuance of a loan to her on the security of estates in the Vladimir district of the Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 84. The case of building the buildings of Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 840. The case of the sale of the estate of the landlord M. Yasinsky in the Volyn province for failure to pay a debt to the Kiev University |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 841. The case of a check by a professor at the Kiev University AN. Fedotov-Chekhov state of the educational part in the Nezhin Lyceum and about the introduction of the teaching of theology in the program of the university |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 842. The case of the appointment of a pension to the acting inspector of the Nizhyn Lyceum and the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium, P.N. Hieros and leaving him in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 843. The case of the approval in the ranks of teachers and employees of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 844. The case of the approval in the ranks of teachers and employees of the Kiev academic district |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 845. Cases on awarding the orders of honorary trustees of gymnasiums: Kiev - K.A. Marshitsky, Volyn - BF Podgorodenskogo, Rovenskoy - V.D. Porchinsky and Kamenets-Podolsky - S.P. Yushnevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 846. The case of the approval of honorary trustees gymnasiums: Volyn - VF Podgorodensky and Rivne - V.D. Porchinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 847. The case about the approval of the honorary guardian of the Kamenets-Podolsky grammar school, S.P. Yushnevsky honorary caretaker Teofilpolskogo uyezd noble school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 848. The case of the approval of the honorary guardian of the Kiev gymnasium DA. Zlotnitsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 849. The case of the appointment of the Austrian AI. Geymana supernumerary teacher of the 1st Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 85. The case of the transfer of the Volyn Lyceum to Kiev, the consideration of the draft statute and the state of the Kiev Lyceum, the accession to the lyceum of the University of Law |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 850. The case of the death of the teacher of the 1st Kiev Gymnasium A.S. Svitushkova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 851. The case of taking measures to improve the teaching in the school of surveyors at the 1st Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 852. The case of the establishment of a Roman Catholic chapel at the 1 st Kiev Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 853. The case of the appointment of a supernumerary teacher of the French language in the Volhynia Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 854. The case about the examination by the trustee of the Kiev academic district of the Zhytomir gymnasium, as well as the Zhytomyr and Kiev exemplary boarding schools |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 855. The case of the approval of honorary trustees gymnasiums: Vinnytsia - A. Russanovski, Kamenets-Podilsky - KA. Grabianki, Nemirovskaya - B.S. Pototsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 856. The case of the appointment of a pension to the teacher of the Kamenets-Podolsky Gymnasium, M.М. Duren and leaving him in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 857. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Kamenets-Podolsk high school IG Styczynski |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 858. The case of granting benefits to the family of the former teacher of the Nemirova Gymnasium Podolsky province priest S.N. Lyaskovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 859. The case of the examination by the acting assistant of the guardian of the Kiev district of the educational institutions of Poltava and Chernigov gubernias |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 86. The case of the transfer of estates belonging to the Volyn lyceum, and then transferred to the ownership of the University of Kiev, the Ministry of Finance and the establishment of order management of these estates |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 860. The case of permission to teach the Greek language to students of the Poltava gymnasium, wishing to study it |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 861. The case of dividing the 5th grade of Poltava Gymnasium into two branches, due to the large number of students |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 862. The matter of allocating funds for the maintenance of parallel classes in the Poltava Gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 863. The case of the donation of the overseer for volunteers from the Poltava Gymnasium by Captain V. Kureleg money in favor of the Poltava Gymnasium and about challenging the validity of Kurilega's will by his sister |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 864. The case of the approval of the Honorary Trustee of the Poltava Gymnasium E.G. Brazol |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 865. The case of the dismissal of the director of colleges in Poltava province, S.V. Kapnist, in connection with his transfer to the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and about his death |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 866. The case of appointing a home teacher F.I. Shlihtinga supernumerary teacher Poltava gymnasium |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 867. The case of permission to increase the number of self-hosted boarders in the Poltava noble guesthouse |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 868. The case of the construction of a building for the common apartment of the students of the Novgorodsever high school of the Chernigov province and the opening of this apartment |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 869. The case of the approval of honorary trustees gymnasiums: Chernigov - MO. Sudienko, Novgorodseverskoy - V.N. Ladomirsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 87. The statement of private donations in favor of Volyn lyceum and educational institutions with it |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 870. The case of granting a manual to the teacher of the Chernigov Gymnasium KS. Klimovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 871. The case of the appointment of a pension teacher Chernigov Gymnasium PI. Mokievsky, with his leaving the service, and about his dismissal |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 872. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former inspector of the Chernigov Gymnasium Sbitnevu |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 873. The case of permission to appoint a mathematics tutor in Chernigov noble boarding house |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 874. The case of the grant of allowances to the widow of the former teacher of the Kievopechersky uyezd noble school A.Ya. Haase |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 875. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Makhnovsky uyezd noble school of the Kiev province, A.F. Pirotezhinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 876. The case of the appointment of a pension to the former teacher of the Novogradvolynsky Uyezd Noble School of the Kiev province PN. To Dragnevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 877. The case of the transfer, at the direction of the Third Section of his own Imperial Majesty's office, the teacher of the Novogradgradsky district nobility school F.Kh. Polyanovsky to the Constantinople uyezd school of the Poltava province, about his dismissal and |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 878. The case on the examination of the petition of the former teacher of the Ostrogsky Uyezd School of the Volyn Gubernia IV. Vasilevsky on issuing him a revised certificate indicating the place of service and excluding the mention of dismissal by order of the training administration |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 879. The case of rejection of the complaint of the landowner FA. Valevsky to an improper recovery of the arrears from his estate, in the town of Polonnoye in the Volyn province, in favor of the Polonsky Uyezd School |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 88. The case of collecting Volyn lyceum debt from the owner of the printing house N. Glixberg for hiring a lyceum house for a printing house and a bookshop and for books sold to him |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 880. The case of the granting of a manual to the teacher of the Theofilpol county gentry school of the Volyn province A. Kolenka for treatment |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 881. The case of the dismissal of the superintendent of the Teofillopol uyezd noble school of the Volyn province, S.D. Tarasevich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 882. The case of granting a grant to the former teacher of the Chernoostrovsky district nobiliary school of the Podolsky province, Archpriest Ya. Khmelevsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 883. The case of the appointment of a pension to the inspector of the Gadyachsky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province, M.M. Makarovsky, with his leaving in the service |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 884. The case of the grant of a grant to the widow of the former teacher of the Zolotonoshsky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province, MS. Tarnovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 885. The case of permission to introduce the teaching of German, Latin, French in the Kobelyaksky Uyezd School of the Poltava province, in the form of experience, for three years and the cessation of their teaching in 1848 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 886. The case of the appointment of F. Kraft an extra-standard teacher in the Kobelyaksky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 887. The case of the appointment of a pension to the widow of the former teacher of the Kobelyaksky Uyezd School of the Poltava Province IS Taboran |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 888. The case of awarding honorary keeper of the Kobelyaksky Uyezd School of the Poltava province to the captain A.V. Magdenko civic rank |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 889. The case of permission to introduce the teaching of German, Latin and French in the Kremenchug Uyezd School of the Poltava Province and the appointment of supernumerary teachers for their teaching |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 89. The case of the assignment of class officials to pupils who graduated from the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest higher science |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 890. The case of the dismissal of the teacher of the Lokhvitsa Uyezd School of the Poltava province IG Filimonova |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 891. The case of awarding the honorary guard of the Mirgorod Uyezd School of the Poltava Province to Lieutenant Colonel A.V. Kapnistu civic rank |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 892. The case of the dismissal of the law teacher of the Poltava Uyezd School of the priest GV. Slotinsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 893. The case of permission to introduce the teaching of Latin, German and French in the Khorol Uyezd School of the Poltava Province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 894. The case of the addition of the former heir of the Kozelets Uyezd School of the Chernigov Golionko province to the recovery of the amount left from the funds allocated for the reconstruction of the building of this school |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 895. The case of permission to introduce the teaching of German, Latin and French languages, and algebra in the Krolevets county school of the Chernigov province, in the form of experience, for 3 years and the cessation of the teaching of languages in 1848 |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 896. The case of permission to introduce the teaching of German, Latin and French languages, and algebra in the Mlinsky uezd school of the Chernigov province, in the form of experience, for 3 years |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 897. The case of conferring the honorary officer of the Nezhinsky Uyezd School of the Chernigov Gubernia staffing officer V. Tumansky of the civil rank |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 898. The case of the death of the teacher Novozybkovsky district school Chernigov province PI. Makhnovich |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 899. The case of the grant of a grant to the former teacher of the Gorokhov parish school of the Volyn province I.V. Tchaikovsky |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 9. The Statute of the Kiev Gymnasium, the description of the celebration of its delivery to the gymnasium and the texts of the speeches delivered at the same time |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 90. The case on consideration of the petition of the acting trustee of the Kharkov Academic District on the removal of the interference of clerics in the appointment, transfer and dismissal of the teachers of the Kiev province gubernia, kept by the clergy for the secular youth |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 900. Report of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the opening of the parish school in the town of Korce, Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 901. Report of the guardian of the Kiev educational district on the condition of the hazelnut of the Turian parochial school of the Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 902. Report of the trustee of the Kiev academic district on the opening of the parish school in Gorodishche town of Lokhvitsky district of Poltava province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 903. Report of the curator of the educational district on the opening of the parish school in the town of Seredina Buda of the Chernigov province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 904. The case of the establishment, under the Kiev military governor, of a provisional commission for the analysis of ancient acts in the archives of the presence sites and monasteries of the Kiev, Podolsky and Volyn provinces |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 905. Inventory of Affairs of the Department of Public Education in the Kiev Academic District |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 906. Inventory of Affairs of the Department of Public Education in the Kiev Academic District |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 907. Inventory of Affairs of the Department of Public Education in the Kiev Academic District |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 908. The thesis of the teacher of the Zhytomir Gymnasium I. Shumsky "Comparison between different bases of the differential calculus" |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 91. The case of the opening of the parish schools in the Kiev academic district to the account of incomes from the estates of the abolished monasteries and the presentation of the register of parish schools and their fundus in the Volyn province and the Institute of the deaf in the town of Romanov Goretsky Uyezd Moh |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 92. The case of finding out the state of the puzzle of the Olyk School of Dubensky County and the Pyritalsky Parishtsky school of Vladimir-Volyn district of Volyn province |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 93. The case of delivering information about the construction of buildings for schools in Poltava and Chernihiv provinces and on the revision of the reports of the former Poltava Construction Expedition |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 94. The case of the rejection of the project to transfer to the Orthodox clergy the building of the church in Kamenets-Podolsk, in connection with the decision to build an Orthodox cathedral in another place of the city |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 95. Case on the establishment of the Board of the Kiev educational district and the appointment of I.P.Kozachinsky and teacher A.G.Petrov officials of special assignments when guardian |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 96. The case of the prohibition, by the highest order, to provide overseas holidays to the natives of the Volyn, Kiev and Podolsk provinces, until a new high order |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 97. A brief instruction for management in describing the poesuit estates, instructing the administrator of the poetic estate or the estate pledged for the loan from the school fundus, the circular proposals of the minister of public education by the civilian gubernatorial |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 98. The case of the transfer from the Volyn Fundushevsky Commission of cases belonging to the hazards of educational institutions of the Volyn, Kiev and Podolsk province to the Board of the Kiev educational district and on the consideration of the petition of the Jewish Kremenetsky Society |
РГИА. 733 / 69 / 99. The case of the examination of the guardian of educational institutions of the Kiev district |