The case on the issue of the release of funds for the maintenance of the average agricultural technical school in Art.Grigopolis...

Identifier abc226951cea484d845a227160c8b629
Title The case on the issue of the release of funds for the maintenance of the average agricultural technical school in Art.Grigopolis Kuban region.July 14 - October 14, 1914
Dates 1914

Машинописный текст, с рукописными пометами

Оригинальный заголовок дела: Григориполисское Кубанской области среднее сельскохозяйственное училище. О предоставлении учащимся прав

Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number D.1011
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series 1905-1917 years.
Extent 12 листов
Fonds The Council of Ministers (1905-1917)
Display format