On the allocation of the amount for the maintenance of children of the highlanders in the Stavropol and Yekaterinodar gymnasiums...

On the allocation of the amount for the maintenance of children of the highlanders in the Stavropol and Yekaterinodar gymnasiums.Here, about the transfer to the disposal of the governor of the Caucasian and commander in chief of the Caucasian army, the amounts of the amounts released from the treasury for the departure and education of minor highlanders in military educational institutions.N. May 12, 1855 - K. October 21, 1859 - 1855. -88 l .. - (Caucasian committee. (1833-1882). Inventory No. 8 (1855).).-Film..Electronic copy source: RGIAOriginal storage location: RGIA f.1268 op.8 1855 d.150

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