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Russian wealth: monthly literary, scientific and political magazine.-St. Petersburg, 1879-1918.-Title: 1879-1905, 1906, May-1914 No. 1-9, 1918 No. 1/3-4/6-Russian wealth;1906 No. 1 - modern notes;1906 No. 1 (March) - 2 (April) - modernity;1914 No. 1 (November) - 1917 No. 2/3 - Russian notes (on cover 1917 No. 2/3 - Russian notes (Russian wealth));1917 No. 4/5-11/12 - Russian wealth (Russian notes).Resumed in Moscow in 1991 under the previous name.Place of publication: 1879-1914 No. 9 (September)-St. Petersburg;1914 No. 1 (November) - 1918 - Petrograd.Editors (differently): V. G. Korolenko, N. K. Mikhailovsky, V. S. Elpatievsky, S. V. Korolenko, L. I. Borozdich, A. F. Rodionov and others.Publishers: 1879 - D. M. Rybakov;1880-1882, August - S. N. Bazhina;1883-1891 - L. E. Obolensky;1892, No. 1-10 - E. Garshin;1892, No. 11 - 1894, No. 6 - 1895, No. 4 - N. Mikhailovskaya and O. Popov;1895, No. 6 - 1897, No. 3 - N. V. Mikhailovskaya and V. G. Korolenko;1897, No. 4 - 1904, No. 1 - V. Korolenko and N.K. Mikhailovsky;1904, No. 2 - 1906, No. 1, 1906, No. 5 (May) - 1914, No. 9, 1917, No. 4/5 - 1918, No. 4/6 - V. G. Korolenko;1906, No. 1 (March)/No. 2 - V. A. Myakotin;1914, No. 1 (November) - 1917, No. 1/2/3 - N. S. Rusanov..I. Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich (1853-1921).II.Mikhailovsky, Nikolai Konstantinovich (sociologist; 1842-1904) .1.Domestic serial and ongoing publications (collection).2. Russian language (collection).3. The people (collection).4. Public thought-Russia-2nd floor.19 - 1st floor.20th centuries.-- Periodicals.5. Russian literature - 19 - 20 centuries.-- Periodicals.6. Socio-political magazines-Russia.7. Literary magazines - Russia.BBK 63.3 (2) 5-72y52BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52y52Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: SPbGUKI1885, No. 9 (Sept.): Summer.lit.and scientific.Journal.- Type of.V.V.Komarova, 1885. -208 p.: table .. -Contents: genius and insanity / [so -out] James Sulli.Behind the ideal: (novel) / [Op.] M.I.Krasova.Poem / [Op.] N. Shchedrov.Subbing: (story) / Haiote.Kotu Murlyka: poem / ego, [et al.].- Bibliogr.In the tuning.Note.And in the text..Electronic copy source: PB
Publisher | Тип. В.В. Комарова |